P. 8

              Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017
            Spain gives ultimatum to Catalonia: Back down or be punished

            By CIARAN GILES                                                                                                     tion  between  democratic
            ARITZ PARRA                                                                                                         law and disobedience and
            Associated Press                                                                                                    unlawfulness,”  Rajoy  said,
            MADRID (AP) — Spanish au-                                                                                           throwing  the  ball  back  to
            thorities  gave  Catalonia’s                                                                                        the  Barcelona-based  Cat-
            separatist  leader  five  days                                                                                      alan authorities for the next
            to explain whether his am-                                                                                          move.
            biguous  statement  on  se-                                                                                         If Puigdemont replies before
            cession was a formal dec-                                                                                           Monday  that  he  indeed
            laration  of  independence                                                                                          proclaimed independence
            and  warned  Wednesday                                                                                              with his Tuesday announce-
            that  his  answer  dictated                                                                                         ment, he would have three
            whether  they  would  apply                                                                                         more  days  to  rectify  the
            never-used    constitutional                                                                                        situation,  according  to  a
            powers  to  curtail  the  re-                                                                                       formal  demand  submitted
            gion’s autonomy.                                                                                                    by the central government
            Threatening  to  invoke  a                                                                                          Wednesday.  That  would
            section of the Spanish Con-                                                                                         mean  abandoning  imple-
            stitution  to  assert  control                                                                                      mentation  of  the  declara-
            over  the  country’s  rogue                                                                                         tion Catalan separatist law-
            region,    Prime    Minister                                                                                        makers  signed  establishing
            Mariano  Rajoy  said  Cata-                                                                                         a  new  Catalan  republic,
            lan  president  Carles  Puig-                                                                                       the government said.
            demont’s  response  to  the                                                                                         A  refusal  to  backtrack  or
            central  government’s  ulti-  Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy speaks during a press conference at the Moncloa Palace   providing  no  response  will
                                         in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017. The Spanish Cabinet met in Madrid Wednesday to
            matum would be crucial in    work out its response to an announcement from the head of the wealthy Catalonia region that he   lead  Madrid  to  trigger  Ar-
            deciding  “events  over  the   was proceeding with a declaration of independence, further fueling Spain’s worst political crisis   ticle  155  of  the  Spanish
            coming days.”                in decades.                                                                            Constitution,  which  allows
            Puigdemont     announced                                                                      (AP Photo/Paul White)  central  authorities  to  take
            on Tuesday that he was us-   and  internationally  —  by  order  was  illegal  and  part  can  be  proud  of  the  im-  some or total control of any
            ing the victory in a banned  provoking  another  tough  of  a  strategy  “to  impose  age”  Spain  has  projected  of the country’ 17 regions if
            Oct.  1  referendum  to  pro-  response from Rajoy’s Cab-  independence  that  few  to the rest of the world with  they rebel or don’t comply
            ceed with a declaration of  inet.  Spanish  police  used  want  and  is  good  for  no-  the  referendum.  Lawyers,  with their legal obligations.
            Catalan     independence,  force to try to stop the ref-  body.”                       civil  society  groups  and  The  measure  has  never
            but  proposed  freezing  its  erendum  vote,  producing  The  ensuing  crisis,  he  said,  politicians in Catalonia and  been  invoked  during  the
            implementation  for  a  few  images  that  elicited  sym-  was “one of the most diffi-  elsewhere in Spain have of-  nearly  four  decades  since
            weeks to allow for dialogue  pathy for the separatists.   cult times in our recent his-  fered to mediate between  the  1978  Constitution  re-
            and  mediation  with  the  Speaking  in  the  national  tory.”                         the two sides, but the prime  stored democracy in post-
            government in Madrid.        parliament  in  Madrid  on  Rajoy,  whose  government  minister  rejected  the  of-    dictatorship Spain. The cen-
            His   equivocal    position  Wednesday, Rajoy said the  has been under fire for the  fers.  He  said  he  refused  to  tral  government  “wants  to
            seemed  designed  to  ap-    referendum     Catalonia’s  police  violence,  blamed  engage in dialogue with a  offer  certainty  to  citizens,”
            pease  the  most  fervent  regional  parliament  and  the  Catalan  separatists  for  disobeying  Catalan  gov-     Rajoy  said,  adding  that  it
            separatists, but also to build  Puigdemont’s  government  inciting  recent  street  pro-  ernment.                  was  “necessary  to  return
            support —both in Catalonia  held in violation of a court  tests and said that “nobody  “There is no possible media-  tranquility and calm.” q

            UK finance chief: Worst-case Brexit could ground all flights

            By JILL LAWLESS                                                                        body believes that is where  Hammond  was  answering
            Associated Press                                                                       we  will  get  to.”  He  said  questions  from  lawmak-
            LONDON  (AP)  —  A  worst-                                                             uncertainty  about  Brexit  is  ers,  a  day  after  the  Inter-
            case  Brexit  scenario  could                                                          weighing on the economy,  national  Monetary  Fund
            see  all  air  traffic  between                                                        and  “we  need  to  remove  downgraded its forecast of
            the U.K. and the European                                                              it  as  soon  as  possible  by  U.K.  economic  growth  to
            Union  grounded  the  day                                                              making  progress”  in  talks  1.7  percent  this  year  and
            after  Britain  leaves  the                                                            with  Brussels.  Hammond  1.5  percent  in  2018.  Britain
            bloc  on  March  29,  2019,                                                            said there was a “need for  was the only major econo-
            Britain’s  finance  minister                                                           speed”  from  the  27  other  my not to have its forecast
            said   Wednesday.     Philip                                                           EU nations. “We are being  raised by the IMF.
            Hammond  said  he  consid-                                                             affected  by  uncertainty  A fifth round of negotiations
            ers  that  outcome  highly                                                             around  the  negotiating  is being held this week, with
            unlikely,  but  he  said  there                                                        process  we  are  engaged  talks  bogged  down  in  de-
            must  be  rapid  progress  on                                                          in  at  the  moment,”  Ham-  tails  of  the  divorce  settle-
            divorce  negotiations  to    Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond answers   mond said. “There is plenty  ment, including the amount
            stop  uncertainty  acting  as   questions  at  the  parliamentary  Commons  Treasury  Select   of  anecdotal  evidence  of  money  Britain  owes  the
            a  dampener  on  the  British   Committee in London on Wednesday Oct. 11, 2017. Hammond   that  businesses  and  con-  bloc.  Hammond  said  the
                                         said a worst-case Brexit scenario could see all air traffic between
            economy.  Leaving  the  EU   the U.K. and the European Union grounded the day after Britain   sumers  are  waiting  to  see  government  is  “planning
            means untangling four de-    leaves the bloc on March 29, 2019.                        what the outcome is, or at  for all scenarios including a
            cades  of  laws,  regulations                                              (PA via AP)  least what the direction of  no-deal scenario” in which
            and  agreements  covering  Hammond  said  it’s  con-      and the European Union on  travel  is,  before  firming  up  divorce talks end without a
            everything from food stan-   ceivable  “there  will  be  no  the 30th of March 2019, but  investment  decisions  and  deal on trade, security and
            dards to aviation.           air traffic between the U.K.  I  don’t  seriously  think  any-  consumption   decisions.”  other relations.q
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