P. 10
Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017
Congo vote delayed until 2019, electoral commission says
By SALEH MWANAMILON- grab, accusing President in office until the next elec- dent Corneille Nangaa what (the electoral com-
GO Joseph Kabila of seeking tion. The delay has been cited deadly violence in mission) is saying is just the
Associated Press to extend his rule. There met with sometimes deadly central Congo for the lat- plan of President Kabila,
KINSHASA, Congo (AP) had been indications the protests in the capital, Kin- est delay. He says voter who wants to stay in pow-
— Congo’s long-delayed election would be pushed shasa, and other major cit- registration in the turbulent er,” said Christophe Lutun-
presidential vote cannot back to 2018, but the new ies in the country of more region is expected to last dula, a member of the op-
take place until 2019 de- announcement escalated than 77 million people. until January, and officials position coalition known as
spite a deal with the op- an already tense situation Observers have warned would need 504 days af- the Rassemblement. “We
position that it would occur in the vast Central African that the tensions threaten ter that to prepare for the know the man, his methods
this year, a top election of- nation. both the mineral-rich na- vote. That timeframe push- and his strategies.”
ficial said Wednesday. Kabila’s mandate ended tion and the continent at es the election date back Kabila took power in 2001
The opposition immediate- in December, but a court large. to 2019. after the assassination of his
ly called the move a power has ruled that he can stay Electoral commission presi- “For us it’s very clear that father.q
Kenya says all previous candidates can run in fresh election
forms. he was not authorized to
No candidate aside from speak with reporters.
Kenyatta and Odinga had The Supreme Court last
received even 1 percent month rejected the August
of the vote in August. Odin- election in which Kenyatta
ga’s withdrawal threw East was declared the winner
Africa’s largest economy after Odinga challenged
into confusion as Kenyans the results, saying hack-
wondered how the new ers infiltrated the electoral
vote would go ahead. commission’s computer
Also Wednesday, lawmak- system to manipulate the
ers approved amendments vote. Kenyatta had won 54
to the electoral law pushed percent of the votes. The
by the ruling party and court ordered a new vote
criticized by the opposition within 60 days.
and Western diplomats as Odinga then surprised Ke-
making elections more dif- nyans by withdrawing,
ficult to annul and having saying the new vote risked
fewer safeguards against having the same problems.
fraud. The amendments Kenyatta, who called the
still require Kenyatta’s ap- Supreme Court judges
proval. “crooks” after their ruling,
National Super Alliance (NASA) supporter hold a poster as hundreds demonstrate in Nairobi, Ke- Elsewhere in Nairobi, police has said he does not want
nya, Wednesday Oct. 11, 2017. The protesters are demanding a change of leadership at the used tear gas to disperse changes to the commis-
country’s election commission. The protests took place in the capital Nairobi and the opposition thousands of opposition sion. His Jubilee Party has
stronghold of Kisumu, in western Kenya, as well as in the coastal city of Mombasa. protesters who regrouped instead has used its parlia-
(AP Photo/Sayyid Abdul Azim) outside the election com- mentary majority to push
By TOM ODULA is still considered a candi- The Oct. 26 vote at first was mission’s offices and de- for the changes to the
Associated Press date because he hasn’t limited to President Uh- manded reforms. In the electoral law.
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — All turned in the required with- uru Kenyatta and opposi- opposition stronghold of Diplomats including the
eight candidates for the drawal form. tion leader Raila Odinga, Kisumu city, four people United States ambassador
Kenya presidential election The announcement came whose legal challenge of with gunshot wounds were this month said the pro-
that was annulled can par- hours after a high court de- the August vote led the admitted to hospitals after posed amendments put at
ticipate in the new vote lat- cision to allow candidate Supreme Court to annul it police used live ammuni- risk the election commis-
er this month, the election Ekuru Aukot, who received over “irregularities.” Odin- tion to disperse protesters, sion’s “ability to conduct
commission announced just 27,000 votes of the ga withdrew his candida- a police official said. The a better election” and un-
Wednesday, saying oppo- 15 million cast in August’s ture Tuesday, citing a lack official spoke on condi- necessarily increase politi-
sition leader Raila Odinga election. of election commission re- tion of anonymity because cal tensions. q
Liberia expects provisional election results Thursday
By JON LAYLEH Ebola and civil war. one precinct and will inves- must win more than 50 per- registered to vote through-
CARLEY PETESCH A runoff election was wide- tigate reports of alleged cent of the vote to avoid a out Liberia, established by
Associated Press ly expected with 20 candi- compromised voting.For- second round. Final results the United States in the 19th
MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) — dates vying to replace Ellen mer soccer star George should be known within two century for freed black
Liberia’s provisional elec- Johnson Sirleaf, Africa’s first Weah, Vice President Jo- weeks. A runoff election, slaves.
tion results are expected female president. seph Boakai, former rebel if needed, would come The United States called
Thursday, the election The National Election Com- leader Prince Johnson and two weeks after that an- the election “an impor-
commission said Wednes- mission said local vote former Coca-Cola vice nouncement. tant step toward achiev-
day, as the West African counting had ended after president Alexander Cum- International observers ing Liberia’s first peaceful
nation waits to see who will a largely smooth election. mings were leading in vari- said Tuesday’s vote went transfer of power from one
succeed the Nobel Peace It apologized for delays in ous parts of the country, lo- smoothly despite late starts democratically elected
Prize winner who led the some areas and said it had cal media reported. in some counties. More head of state to another in
country’s recovery from quarantined materials from A presidential candidate than 2.1 million voters had decades.”q