P. 28

              Monday 11 SepteMber 2017

              Winds, fire, floods and quakes: A nutty run of nature

            By SETH BORENSTEIN                                                                                                  the  temperature  hit  106
             AP Science Writer                                                                                                  degrees and at least six
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —                                                                                                 deaths  were  reported
            With four big hurricanes,                                                                                           from the heat wave.
            a  powerful  earthquake                                                                                             WHAT’S     GOING       ON
            and  wildfires,  it  seems                                                                                          HERE? Sometimes there’s
            that nature recently has                                                                                            a  pattern  in  chaos.
            just gone nuts.                                                                                                     Sometimes  there  isn’t.
            Some of these disasters,                                                                                            Looking    for   patterns
            like  Friday’s  earthquake                                                                                          gives us a sense of con-
            in  Mexico,  are  natural.                                                                                          trol, even if we don’t re-
            Others may end up hav-                                                                                              ally  have  it,  said  Scott
            ing a mix of natural and                                                                                            Lilienfeld,  a  psychology
            man-made  ingredients                                                                                               professor  at  Emory  Uni-
            after  scientists  examine                                                                                          versity  in  Atlanta.  “The
            them.  We  also  always                                                                                             human mind is a pattern-
            tend to look for patterns                                                                                           seeking organ,’” he said.
            and  order  in  chaos,                                                                                              “That’s  how  our  minds
            even  when  they  aren’t                                                                                            work.”It can take weeks
            there, psychologists say.                                                                                           or months for scientists to
            “Nature’s  gone  crazy,”     Soldiers remove debris from a partly collapsed municipal building after an earthquake in Juchi-  determine  whether  an
            mused      Jeff   Masters,   tan, Oaxaca state, Mexico, Friday, Sept. 8, 2017.                                      extreme  weather  event
            meteorology       director   to  have  back-to-back  as energy as about half  that deep in the past 40              was  worsened  by  man-
            at  the  private  service    storms  of  that  strength,  a  normal  six-month  hur-   years, he said.              made  climate  change.
            Weather  Underground.        Masters  said.  And  then  ricane season.                 WILDFIRES                    But  scientists  have  long
            “Welcome to the future.      there  is  Hurricane  Katia,  EARTHQUAKE                  On  Friday,  82  wildfires   predicted that the stron-
            Extreme weather like this    just a shade under major  As  Mexico  was  brac-          were burning in the Unit-    gest  hurricanes  will  get
            is going to be occurring     hurricane  status,  due  to  ing for Katia off the Gulf  ed States involving near-     stronger  and  wetter,  fu-
            simultaneously  more  of-    hit Mexico’s Gulf coast.     coast,  one  of  the  stron-  ly 1.5 million acres in nine   eled  by  warmer  ocean
            ten  because  of  global     The  last  couple  of  years  gest  earthquakes  in  the  states in the West. So far   water. And some say the
            warming.”                    were  quiet  for  Atlan-     country’s  history  hit  late  this year, more than 8 mil-  recent  global  increase
            A  look  at  a  rough  few   tic   hurricanes,   which  Thursday  off  its  Pacific  lion  acres  have  burned,     in  powerful  hurricanes
            weeks in North America:      makes  this  year  seem  coast,  near  the  Guate-        only  behind  2015  and      fits perfectly with global
            HURRICANE QUARTET            even  worse,  said  Colo-    mala  border.  The  mag-     2012.  One  fire  at  the    warming.While  warming
            Hurricane Harvey hadn’t      rado State University me-    nitude  8.1  earthquake  Rogue River-Siskiyou Na-         may play a small role, so
            even  fizzled  and  Hous-    teorology  professor  Phil  was  felt  for  more  than  tional  Forest  in  Oregon     does  Twitter  and  Face-
            ton  hadn’t  even  dried     Klotzbach,  a  hurricane  650  miles  (1,000  kilome-     has  burned  more  than      book  in  making  things
            out from record flooding     expert.  He  said  calcu-    ters). The quake shook at  175,000 acres and is only      appear      worse,    said
            before  Hurricane  Irma      lations   that   measure  a  depth  of  43  miles  (69  5  percent  contained  as      Klotzbach.
            formed  and  also  grew      strength  and  duration  kilometers) and a quake  of  Friday,  according  to           “It  just  feels  like,  you
            into a powerful Catego-      show  the  three  current  hitting at that depth with  the  National  Interagen-       know,  it’s  the  apoca-
            ry 4 storm. Right behind     Atlantic storms set a one-   that  strength  is  unusual,  cy Fire Center.             lyptic  end  times,”  he
            Irma, Jose has powered       day record for energy on  according to Cornell Uni-       Drought  and  a  heat        said.  “But  a  lot  of  this
            up  to  a  Category  4       Friday. In just three days,  versity  geophysics  pro-    wave  contributed.  On       stuff  is  getting  atten-
            storm. It is highly unusual,   Irma,  Jose  and  Katia  fessor Geoff Abers. It was  Sept. 1, in normally tem-       tion  because  of  social
            but  not  unprecedented      have produced as much  one of the five largest for  perate  San  Francisco,            media.”q
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