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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 11 SepteMber 2017
            Aaron Sorkin on directing: ‘I had the time of my life’

             By JAKE COYLE               cal, Scott Rudin and I said,
              AP Film Writer             ‘You  know  what,  let’s  just
             TORONTO  (AP)  —  Aaron  give it to David Fincher and
             Sorkin  was  sitting  in  a  res-  once he’s passes, I’ll direct
             taurant   with   producers  it,’” said Sorkin. “I’ve never
             Amy Pascal and Mark Gor-    been so lucky to not direct
             don, ticking off the names  something in my life.”
             of top Hollywood directors  Fate intervened, Sorkin and
             who  might  be  a  good  fit  Fincher created one of the
             for the script Sorkin had just  most  celebrated  films  of
             finished:  “Molly’s  Game,”  the  decade,  and  Sorkin’s
             a  drama  about  the  so-   chance  to  take  the  direc-
             called  “poker  princess”  tor’s  chair  had  to  wait.
             Molly  Bloom.  “When  we  Danny Boyle took the reins
             got  to  the  end,  Mark  and  of  Sorkin’s  next  script,  the
             Amy said, ‘But we think you  Apple  co-founder  biopic
             should direct it,’” Sorkin re-  “Steve Jobs.” But the cards
             called in an interview. “And  came up different for Sorkin
             I grabbed at the chance.”   on  “Molly’s  Game,”  which
             “Molly’s Game” premiered  STX  Entertainment  will  re-
             Friday night at the Toronto  lease  Nov.  22.  The  story  is
             International  Film  Festival  a rich one — full of Sorkin’s
             where  it  was  immediately  whip-smart  dialogue  —
             greeted with rave reviews,  that Sorkin says he became
             awards  forecasts  for  star  obsessed  with  telling.  “At   Director Aaron Sorkin attends a premiere for “Molly’s Game” on day 2 of the Toronto International
             Jessica  Chastain  and  a  some point, you have to fall   Film Festival at the Elgin Theatre on Friday, Sept. 8, 2017, in Toronto.
             general reaction of: Sorkin,  in love,” he said. “With this,                                                                  Associated Press
             director, is a rip-roaring suc-  it was right away.” The film  faced  names  like  Leon-  whose  Olympic  chances  Impressed by Bloom’s intel-
             cess.                       is  partly  based  on  Bloom’s  ardo  DiCaprio,  Tobey  Ma-  were dramatically derailed  lect,  sense  of  humor  and
             He had come close before.   memoir  about  running  a  guire and Ben Affleck were  by an injury. She was later  character, Sorkin could see
             “I was going to direct ‘The  high-stakes poker game in  regulars. Bloom was herself  arrested as part of a larger  Bloom was more interesting
             Social  Network.’  Amy  Pas-  Los  Angeles  where  bold-  a former elite freestyle skier  mafia investigation.     than her tabloid persona.q
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