P. 31

                                                                                     PeoPle & Arts Monday 11 SepteMber 2017
                                                                      Def on retirement: “I’m

                                                                      always going to be creating”

                                                                        By  Jonathan  Landrum  Jr.
                                                                      Associated Press
                                                                      ATLANTA (AP) - Hip-hop star
                                                                      Yasiin Bey took the stage at
                                                                      the ONE Musicfest for what
                                                                      appeared  to  be  the  last
                                                                      performance of his career.
                                                                      But the rapper also known
                                                                      as Mos Def said in a back-
                                                                      stage  interview  with  The
                                                                      Associated  Press  on  Satur-
            In this Oct. 15, 2016 file photo, singer Beyonce Knowles attends   day  night,  he’ll  continue
            the Tidal X: 1015 benefit concert in New York.            creating  and  will  return  to
                                                     Associated Press  the  public  spotlight  in  the
            Beyonce sheds                                             future.  He  performed  for

                                                                      more  than  an  hour  at  the
            tears as she visits                                       eighth  annual  ONE  Mu-      In this March 24, 2016 file photo, American actor and musician
                                                                      sicfest  in  Atlanta,  perform-
                                                                      ing  popular  songs  from
                                                                                                   Yasiin  Bey,  also  known  as  Mos  Def,  leaves  the  Bellville
             victims of Harvey                                        “The  New  Danger,”  ‘’UMI   Magistrates’ Court in Bellville, South Africa.
                                                                      Says” to “Black Radio.”
                                                                      “I  enjoyed  it  today,”  he  was  ultimately  allowed  to  per’s lawyer and manager.
                                                                      said. “So if I get a chance  leave but denied re-entry.   Bey  headlined  the  festival
            HOUSTON (AP) — Beyonce  including  from  a  family  of    to  do  it  again  in  another  The   42-year-old   rapper  along with Jill Scott, Migos,
            returned to her hometown  16 that fled to Houston after   way,  I’ll  just  give  it  my  all.  started  his  farewell  con-  Too $hort and Damien Mar-
            of Houston to provide com-   Hurricane  Katrina  and  this   I’m always going to be cre-  certs at the Apollo Theater  ley.
            fort  to  those  affected  by  time  escaped  their  home   ating.  ...  I’m  not  going  to  in  New  York  in  late  2016,  Watching   Bey’s   perfor-
            Hurricane  Harvey,  telling  through a picture window.    disappear  if  I  stop  rap  or  and then was supposed to  mance  was  a  proud  mo-
            them, “This is a celebration  Beyonce  told  them,    “The   doing it in a certain type of  have his final performance  ment, Carter said.
            of survival.”                things that really matter are   way.”                     at  the  John  F  Kennedy  “It still hasn’t sunken in yet,”
            Accompanied       by   her  your  health  and  your  chil-  Bey  announced  his  re-   Center  for  the  Performing  Carter said. “Just watching
            mother  and  former  Des-    dren, and your family and    tirement  from  the  music  Arts  in  Washington,  D.C.  him  onstage  -  his  excite-
            tiny’s  Child  bandmate  Mi-  your life.”                 and  acting  business  after  earlier this year.          ment  and  energy  -  it  just
            chelle  Williams,  Beyonce  Among  the  other  celebri-   getting  into  a  legal  fight  However,  ONE  Musicfest  looks like he would miss this
            visited with evacuees Friday  ties  who  visited  evacuees   in  South  Africa.  He  was  founder  Jason  “J’’  Carter  entirely too much. If it is his
            at  the  St.  John’s  Church,  at  shelters  Friday  were  Ja-  charged  with  trying  to  and  other  festival  organiz-  final  show,  it  was  monu-
            where she grew up singing.  net  Jackson,  comedian       leave the country while us-  ers  helped  convince  Bey  mental. I would not be dis-
            She  wiped  away  tears  as  Kevin Hart and actress Jen-  ing  a  passport  not  recog-  to perform in Atlanta after  appointed  if  it  wasn’t  just
            she listened to their stories,  nifer Garner.q            nized  by  that  country.  He  reaching  out  to  the  rap-  for who he is.” q

            CBS announces                                             Lady Gaga says she’s taking

            all-celebrity edition                                     a ‘rest’ from music after tour

            of ‘Big Brother’                                                                                                    Netflix  documentary  about

                                                                                                                                herself,  “Gaga:  Five  Foot
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  CBS  will  air  in  addition  to  “Big                                                       Two.”  The  film,  playing  at
            has  announced  a  first-ev-  Brother’s”  traditional  sum-                                                         the  Toronto  International
            er  celebrity  edition  of  its  mer run in 2018.                                                                   Film  Festival,  chronicles  her
            longtime reality staple “Big  A  star-studded  edition  of                                                          life,  February’s  Super  Bowl
            Brother.”                    “Big Brother” is new to the                                                            performance and her strug-
            The network hasn’t named  U.S., but has long aired as                                                               gle with chronic pain.
            any of the stars taking part  part of the British version of                                                        Gaga  teared  up  speak-
            in  what  CBS  calls  a  “con-  the show.                                                                           ing  to  reporters  about  her
            centrated  run”  of  a  spe-  Contestants on “Big Broth-                                                            health  issues.  “It’s  hard,”
            cial edition of the show this  er”  live  together  under                                                           she said,  “but it’s liberating
            winter.  No  premiere  date  constant  surveillance  in  a                                                          too.”  “When this tour is over
            was announced.               custom-built  house  and                                                               I  will  take  a  little  downtime
            “Big  Brother”  host  Julie  are eliminated through an                                                              from myself, and then I’ll get
            Chen  will  also  helm  the  eviction  vote.    The  show   Lady  Gaga  appears  during  a  camera  call  before  the  press   back to doing what I love,”
            celebrity  version,  which  premiered in CBS in 2000.q    conference for “Gaga: Five Foot Two” at the Toronto International   she  said.    “I’m  never  not
                                                                      Film Festival, in Toronto on Friday, Sept. 8, 2017.       making music. I’m never not
                                                                                                               Associated Press  creating. I just am excited to
                                                                      TORONTO  (AP)  —  Lady  moment for some healing.”  spend some time reflecting
                                                                      Gaga  says  that  she’s  plan-  The  pop  star  was  at  in  To-  on that past ten years and
                                                                      ning  to  take  a  “rest”  from  ronto on Friday for a pair of  getting excited about what
                                                                      music and “slow down for a  concerts and to premiere a  I want to create next.” q
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