P. 28

Wednesday 9 august 2017 SCIENCE

            What’s a total solar eclipse and why this one is so unusual

            By MARCIA DUNN                                                                                                      in 1970, a total solar eclipse
            AP Aerospace Writer                                                                                                 skirted  the  Atlantic  coast-
            Eds:    With    BC-US-SCI-                                                                                          line from Florida to Virginia.
            Eclipse.  A  version  of  this                                                                                      Totality — or total darkness
            glance  moved  previously.                                                                                          — exceeded three minutes
            With AP Photos. AP Video.                                                                                           in  1970,  longer  than  the
            CAPE    CANAVERAL,     Fla.                                                                                         one coming up.
            (AP)  —  Total  solar  eclipses                                                                                     The  country’s  last  total  so-
            occur every year or two or                                                                                          lar  eclipse  stretching  from
            three,  often  in  the  middle                                                                                      coast to coast, on June 8,
            of  nowhere  like  the  South                                                                                       1918  ,  came  in  over  Ore-
            Pacific or Antarctic.                                                                                               gon  and  Washington,  and
            What  makes  the  Aug.  21                                                                                          made a beeline for Florida.
            eclipse  so  special  is  that  it
            will  cut  diagonally  across                                                                                       WHEN’S THE NEXT ONE?
            the entire United States.                                                                                           If  you  miss  the  Aug.  21
            The  path  of  totality  —                                                                                          eclipse  —  or  get  bitten  by
            where day briefly becomes                                                                                           the  eclipse  bug  —  you’ll
            night  —  will  pass  over  Or-                                                                                     have to wait seven years to
            egon,  continuing  through                                                                                          see another one in the con-
            the  heartland  all  the  way                                                                                       tinental U.S.
            to Charleston, South Caroli-                                                                                        The  very  next  total  solar
            na. Those on the outskirts —                                                                                        eclipse will be in 2019 , but
            well  into  Canada,  Central                                                                                        you’ll  have  to  be  below
            America and even the top     In this Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2017 file photo, Emmalyn Johnson, 3, tries on her free pair of eclipse   the  equator  for  a  glimpse.
            of South America — will be   glasses at Mauney Memorial Library in Kings Mountain, N.C. Glasses are being given away at the   We’re talking the South Pa-
            treated to a partial eclipse.  library for free while supplies last ahead of the big event on Aug. 21.              cific, and Chile and Argen-
            The  last  time  a  total  solar  full  treatment.  In  this  case,  center, the longer the dark-  souri.           tina.  It’s  pretty  much  the
            eclipse  swept  the  whole  the total eclipse will last up  ness. Totality will cross from                          same  in  2020.  For  the  U.S.,
            width  of  the  U.S.  was  in  to  2  minutes  and  40-plus  Oregon  into  Idaho,  Wyo-  LAST TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSES  the next total solar eclipse
            1918.                        seconds in places.           ming,  Nebraska,  Kansas,  IN U.S.?                       will occur on April 8, 2024 .
            No  tickets  are  required  for  A partial eclipse will be vis-  Missouri,  Illinois,  Kentucky,  Hawaii experienced a total  The line of totality will cross
            this Monday show, just spe-  ible  along  the  periphery.  Tennessee,  Georgia,  North  solar eclipse in 1991. But the  from Texas, up through the
            cial  eclipse  glasses  so  you  Clouds  could  always  spoil  Carolina and, finally, South  U.S.  mainland  hasn’t  seen  Midwest,  almost  directly
            don’t ruin your eyes.        the view, so eclipse watch-  Carolina.                    a  total  solar  eclipse  since  over  Indianapolis,  Cleve-
            Some eclipse tidbits :       ers need to be ready to split  It will also pass over tiny sliv-  1979,  when  it  swooped  land and Buffalo, New York,
                                         for  somewhere  with  clear  ers of Montana and Iowa.     across  Oregon,  Washing-    up over New England and
            WHAT’S  A  TOTAL  SOLAR  skies, if necessary.             The eclipse will last longest  ton  state,  Idaho,  Montana  out  over  Maine  and  New
            ECLIPSE?                                                  near  Carbondale,  Illinois:  and  North  Dakota,  then  Brunswick, Canada.q
            When the moon passes be-     WHAT’S THE PATH ON AUG.  two  minutes  and  44  sec-      into  Canada.  Before  that,
            tween  Earth  and  the  sun,  21?                         onds.
            and  scores  a  bull’s-eye  by  The path of totality will be-  The  biggest  cities  in  the
            completely blotting out the  gin  near  Lincoln  City,  Or-  path   include   Nashville;
            sunlight,  that’s  a  total  so-  egon, as the lunar shadow  Columbia  and  Charleston,
            lar eclipse .                makes its way into the U.S.  South  Carolina;  Salem,  Or-
            The moon casts a shadow  This  path  will  be  60  to  70  egon;  Casper,  Wyoming;
            on our planet. Dead center  miles  wide  (97  to  113  kilo-  and just partially  within, St.
            is where sky gazers get the  meters);  the  closer  to  the  Louis and Kansas City, Mis-
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