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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 9 august 2017
              Glen Campbell, superstar entertainer of 1960s and ‘70s, dies

            By KRISTIN M. HALL,          in  2005.  Seven  years  later,  showcasing his virtuoso gui-
             Associated Press            he received a Grammy for  tar  chops  that  somehow
            NASHVILLE,  Tenn.  (AP)  —  lifetime achievement.         continued  to  shine  as  his
            Glen  Campbell,  the  af-    His last record was “Adios,”  mind  unraveled.  The  song
            fable  superstar  singer  of  which  came  out  in  June,  “I’m  Not  Gonna  Miss  You”
            “Rhinestone Cowboy” and  and  features  songs  that  won  a  Grammy  for  best
            “Wichita  Lineman”  whose  Campbell  loved  to  sing,  country  song  in  2015  and
            appeal  spanned  country,  but never recorded, includ-    was  nominated  for  an  Os-
            pop,  television  and  mov-  ing tunes made famous by  car for best original song.
            ies, died Tuesday, his family  Bob Dylan, Linda Ronstadt  Campbell’s musical career
            said. He was 81.             and Johnny Cash.             dated  back  to  the  early
            Campbell’s family said the  Campbell  was  among  a  years of rock ‘n roll. He was
            singer  died  Tuesday  morn-  wave of country crossover  part of the house band for
            ing in Nashville and publicist  stars  that  included  Johnny  the  ABC  TV  show  “Shin-
            Sandy  Brokaw  confirmed  Cash,  Roy  Clark  and  Ken-    dig!” and a member of Phil
            the  news.  No  cause  was  ny  Rogers,  and  like  many  Spector’s “Wrecking Crew”
            immediately given. Camp-     of  his  contemporaries,  he  studio  band  that  played
            bell  announced  in  June  enjoyed  success  on  tele-    on hits by the Ronettes, the
            2011 that he had been di-    vision.  Campbell  had  a  Righteous Brothers and the     In this July 27, 2011 photo, musician Glen Campbell poses for a
            agnosed  with  Alzheimer’s  weekly  audience  of  some  Crystals.  He  played  guitar   portrait in Malibu, Calif.
            disease and that it was in its  50  million  people  for  the  on  Frank  Sinatra’s  “Strang-                                  Associated Press
            early stages at that time.   “Glen Campbell Goodtime  ers In the Night,” the Mon-      performer  on  his  own,  an  Cal,  Shannon  and  Ashley;
            In  the  late  1960s  and  well  Hour,” on CBS from 1969 to  kees’ “I’m a Believer” and   appearance on Joey Bish-  and his children from previ-
            into  the  ‘70s,  the  Arkan-  1972.  He  gained  new  fans  Elvis  Presley’s  “Viva  Las   op’s  show  leading  to  his  ous marriages, Debby, Kelli,
            sas  native  seemed  to  be  decades  later  when  the  Vegas.”Born      outside   of   TV  breakthrough.  Tommy  Travis, Kane and Dillon. He
            everywhere,  known  by  his  show,  featuring  his  cheer-  Delight,  Arkansas,  he  was   Smothers  of  the  Smothers  had 10 grandchildren.
            boyish face, wavy hair and  ful  greeting  “Hi  I’m  Glen  just  4  when  he  learned  to   Brothers  saw  the  program  Among  Campbell’s  own
            friendly  tenor.  He  won  five  Campbell,”  was  rerun  on  play guitar. As a teenager,   and  asked  Campbell  if  hits,  “Rhinestone  Cowboy”
            Grammys,  sold  more  than  cable channel CMT.            anxious to escape a life of   he’d like to host a summer-  stood  out  and  became
            45  million  records,  had  12  He  released  more  than  70  farm work and unpaid bills,   time  series,  “The  Summer  his  personal  anthem.  Writ-
            gold  albums  and  75  chart  of  his  own  albums,  and  in  he  moved  to  Albuquer-  Brothers  Smothers  Show.”  ten and recorded by Larry
            hits,  including  No.  1  songs  the 1990s recorded a series  que,  New  Mexico,  to  join   Campbell  shied  from  the  Weiss  in  1974,  “Rhinestone
            with “Rhinestone Cowboy”  of gospel CDs. His 2011 al-     his  uncle’s  band  and  ap-  Smothers Brothers’ political  Cowboy”  received  little
            and “Southern Nights.”       bum  “Ghost  On  the  Can-   pear  on  his  uncle’s  radio   humor,  but  still  accepted  attention  until  Campbell
            His  performance  of  the  vas” included contributions  show.  By  his  early  20s,  he   the offer.                heard  it  on  the  radio  and
            title  song  from  “True  Grit,”  from  Jacob  Dylan,  Rick  had formed his own group,   As  he  would  confide  in  quickly  related  to  the  sto-
            a  1969  release  in  which  Nielsen of Cheap Trick and  the Western Wranglers, and    painful   detail,   Camp-    ry  of  a  veteran  performer
            he played a Texas Ranger  Billy  Corgan  of  Smashing  moved to Los Angeles. He        bell  suffered  for  his  fame  who triumphs over despair
            alongside  Oscar  winner  Pumpkins.                       opened for the Doors and     and  made  others  suffer  and  hardship.  Campbell’s
            John  Wayne,  received  an  The  documentary  “Glen  sang and played bass with         as  well.  He  drank  heavily,  version was a chart topper
            Academy  Award  nomina-      Campbell  ...  I’ll  Be  Me”  the  Beach  Boys  as  a  re-  used  drugs  and  indulged  in 1975.
            tion.  He  twice  won  album  came out in 2014. The film  placement for Brian Wilson.   in  a  turbulent  relationship  “I  thought  it  was  my  au-
            of the year awards from the  about  Campbell’s  2011-12  (In 1966, Campbell played     with  country  singer  Tanya  tobiography  set  to  song,”
            Academy  of  Country  Mu-    farewell  tour  offers  a  poi-  on the Beach Boys’ classic   Tucker  in  the  early  1980s.  he  wrote  20  years  later,  in
            sic and was voted into the  gnant  look  at  his  decline  “Pet Sounds” album.)        He  is  survived  by  his  wife,  his  autobiography,  titled
            Country Music Hall of Fame  from     Alzheimer’s   while  By  the  late  ‘60s,  he  was  a   Kim;  their  three  children,  “Rhinestone Cowboy.”q

                  Book Review: Blogger writes about gentrification of NYC

            By TRACEE M. HERBAUGH        neighborhoods,    creating  ers who ushered in a steril-                               can Eagle Outfitters.
            Associated Press             a  gleaming  sky-high  sub-  ized  iteration  of  Gotham                               “...the  city  is  becoming
            “Vanishing  New  York:  How  urb  for  the  1  percent.  “It’s  through  public  policies  fa-                      a  dull  landscape  of  Any-
            a  Great  City  Lost  Its  Soul”  cupcakes,   cronuts   and  voring the wealthy.                                    where, USA, in which New
            (Dey  Street Books), by  Jer-  hundred-dollar  doughnuts  One  example  of  Manhat-                                 York looks less like New York
            emiah Moss                   dipped  in  24-karat  gold  tan’s  suburbanization:  the                               and  more  like  downtown
            If you’ve lived in New York  (yes,  this  exists  —  in  Wil-  number  of  Starbucks  out-                          Denver,  Dallas,  Toledo,”
            City for any period of time,  liamsburg),”  writes  author  posts. The coffee giant has                             Moss writes. “Same towers,
            you’ve likely seen the place  Jeremiah  Moss  in  his  new  307 locations on the island                             same coffee chains, same
            change.                      book, “Vanishing New York:  alone,  one  for  every  5.5                               mega-mall  typefaces  and
            People  move  in  and  out  How  a  Great  City  Lost  its  blocks.                                                 cinnamon-bun      compul-
            of  the  city,  as  if  walking  Soul.”                   In  fact,  walk  down  the                                sions,  buildings  made  of
            through  a  revolving  door.  The  book  is  an  expansion  streets  of  Greenwich  Vil-                            shiny  surfaces  that  face
            Similarly,  restaurants  open  of  his  popular  blog  of  the  lage  or  through  Times                            each other admiring them-
            to  fanfare  only  to  die  a  same  name,  where  Moss  Square  and  you’ll  see  the                              selves  in  their  neighbors’
            short time later.            has  long  chronicled  the  same national retailers that                               empty reflections.”
            But in the last decade or so,  demise of beloved, if gritty,  occupy  shopping  malls   This cover image released by   New  Yorkers  may  find
                                                                                                   Dey Street Books shows “Van-
            the  most  striking  change  New  York  establishments.  all  over  the  country:  Olive   ishing New York: How a Great   the  book  is  a  sad  elegy
            happening  in  Manhattan  In  the  book,  Moss  tells  an  Garden,  Applebee’s  and    City Lost Its Soul” by Jeremiah   to  a  city  that  is  no  longer
            is the “hyper-gentrification”  intriguing  story  that  is  an  Outback  Steak  House;  J.   Moss.                  recognizable.q
            across   formerly   unique  indictment  of  local  lead-  Crew, the Gap and Ameri-                 Associated Press
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