P. 31

PEOPLE & ARTS                         Wednesday 9 august 2017

              Model’s reps say her ordeal was real despite shoe shopping

            By COLLEEN BARRY and JILL  Ayling’s account of a star-    to  extort  money  and  falsi-
            LAWLESS                      tling ordeal have garnered  fying  documents,  pending
            Associated Press             international  media  atten-  an indictment.
            MILAN  (AP)  —  A  model  tion since details about the  Police said they are looking
            who  claimed  she  was  kid-  case  emerged  over  the  for as many as four accom-
            napped  in  Italy  and  held  weekend.                    plices.
            captive  in  a  remote  farm-  Police  released  a  dra-  Both Ayling’s Italian lawyer
            house  was  spotted  shop-   matic    narrative   about  and  the  talent  agent  who
            ping with her alleged cap-   how  the  woman  was  al-    sent her to Italy lashed out
            tor  during  the  time  she  legedly lured to Milan with  Tuesday  at  skeptics  who
            said  she  was  being  held,  the  promise  of  a  model-  have  expressed  doubts
            according  to  court  docu-  ing job, then drugged at a  about her story.
            ments  obtained  Tuesday  supposed  photographer’s  The lawyer and agent said
            by The Associated Press.     studio  on  July  11,  zipped  the incredible details have
            Chloe  Ayling  initially  told  inside  a  canvas  bag  and  borne  out  under  prosecu-  In this image made from video taken on Sunday, Aug. 6, 2017,
            Milan  police  she  was  held  transported to a farmhouse  torial   and   investigatory   model Chloe Ayling speaks with the media outside of her house
            for  six  days,  at  times  with  near Turin.             scrutiny.                    in Surrey, England.
            her hands and feet cuffed  The  young  woman  said  “I  can  assure  everybody                                                  Associated Press
            to a dresser, until one of her  when  she  regained  con-  that  it  was  real  and  very
            kidnappers released her at  sciousness in the trunk of a  frightening  for  all  con-  called a “glamour model,”  demand for $300,000.
            the  British  consulate  in  Mi-  station  wagon,  her  jeans  cerned,” agent Phil Green   specializing in scantily clad  Ayling  told  police  she  first
            lan on July 17.              and sneakers were missing  of the Supermodel Agency       or topless photo shoots. She  met  Herba,  a  30-year-old
            But  on  the  second  day  of  and  she  was  wearing  just  said.                     has appeared in British tab-  Polish national, briefly when
            questioning,     detectives  her pink body suit and gray  The   lawyer,   Francesco    loids  and  worked  around  she was brought to Paris for
            presented  the  20-year-old  socks. She said she was told  Pesce,  said  his  client  had   Europe.                 another  modeling  job,  to
            with  a  statement  from  a  later she had been photo-    been    threatened    with   She  told  Italian  police  she  promote motorcycles, ear-
            saleswoman  who  said  she  graphed  so  she  could  be  death  throughout  the  or-   does  about  four  photo  lier this year and he came
            sold  shoes  to  the  model  auctioned  off  online,  ac-  deal  and  decided  it  was   sessions  a  month,  often  to pay her cab fare at the
            and  the  main  suspect  in  cording to her deposition.   better  to  cooperate  with   abroad,  and  had  just  re-  airport.
            her abduction the day be-    Milan  police,  citing  Ay-  Herba.                       turned  from  Dubai  when  After his arrest in Milan, Her-
            fore Ayling turned up at the  ling’s  description  of  the  “She  did  testify  that  she   the  Milan  job  was  sched-  ba told police that he can-
            consulate.                   events, said her kidnappers  went  with  her  captor  to   uled.                       celled  the  Paris  job  when
            In  tears,  the  young  wom-  also  informed  her  she  had  buy shoes and buy grocer-  Green said the Milan photo  he realized that a group of
            an  told  investigators  she  been captured by a crimi-   ies,  and  this  does  appear   shoot  seemed  legitimate.  three  Romanians  affiliated
            couldn’t  give  a  “reason-  nal  group  called  “Black  to be strange. I understand   The person who made the  with  the  alleged  criminal
            able  explanation”  for  why  Death” and that she would  this and I will continue to re-  booking  had  “a  website,  group  intended  to  kidnap
            she had omitted the shop-    be held for ransom or sold  spond  to  this,”  Pesce  said.   previous pictures, details of  Ayling,  his  official  state-
            ping trip, but said she con-  on  the  clandestine  “dark  “She  was  told  by  this  man   his  studio,  details  of  what  ment says.
            sidered  the  man  who  ac-  web.”                        that there were many peo-    the shoot was going to be,  He said he called the mod-
            companied  her  the  best  The  main  suspect,  Lukasz  ple of this ‘Black Death’ or-  times, locations, fee — ev-  el’s  hotel,  pretending  to
            chance  of  gaining  free-   Pawel  Herba,  freed  her  at  ganization around her, and   erything,” he said.        be the photographer hired
            dom.                         the  British  Consulate  in  Mi-  even if she tried to flee, she   But  the  day  after  Ayling  to  work  with  her,  to  say
            The  arrest  of  a  suspect  in  lan.  He  has  been  arrested  was going to die.”     was  due  to  return,  Green  his  equipment  had  been
            the alleged abduction and  on  charges  of  kidnapping  Ayling  is  what  in  Britain  is   says he received a ransom  stolen.q

            Sinead O’Connor pleads for

            help, says she’s living in motel

            By PATRICK MAIRS             ing,  fighting  —  like  all  the  ...  to  be  brought  home,”
            Associated Press             millions  and  millions  that  I  she said through tears.
            Sinead O’Connor emotion-     know I’m one of — to stay  O’Connor said she was liv-
            ally  pleaded  for  help  from  alive every day,” she said in  ing in a New Jersey Travelo-
            her family and opened up  the video.                      dge  and  later  posted  the
            about  her  mental  illness  in  O’Connor  lamented  what  address of a Travelodge in
            a  Facebook  video  posted  she  described  is  a  lack  of  South Hackensack.
            from  a  New  Jersey  motel  support  from  loved  ones,  South  Hackensack  Police
            she had been living in.      saying  that  “strangers  on  Capt.  Robert  Kaiser  said
            The video is the latest pub-  Facebook”  are  kinder  to  Tuesday  that  officers  con-
            lic  glimpse  of  the  singer’s  her  than  her  own  family.  ducted  a  welfare  check,   In this Oct. 5, 2014 file photo, Irish singer Sinead O’Connor per-
            ongoing struggle with men-   She  asked  her  adult  chil-  but  O’Connor  wasn’t  in   forms during the Italian State RAI TV program “Che Tempo che
            tal health problems.         dren  and  their  fathers  to  her  room  at  the  time.  He   Fa”, in Milan, Italy.
            The  50-year-old  Irish  singer  make an effort to bring her  said  she  is  no  longer  stay-                                  Associated Press
            says in the 12-minute video  home to Ireland.             ing there and police don’t
            posted  Thursday  that  she  “It  should  not  be  accept-  know where she is currently   be  made  on  the  singer’s  O’Connor  has  been  open
            was  staying  alive  for  the  able  to  any  man  who  living. An email sent to her   behalf,  said  the  singer  is  about  her  mental  health
            sake of others, like her psy-  knows  me  and  claims  to  agent  wasn’t  immediately   safe and not suicidal.      problems  over  the  years
            chiatrist, and if it were up to  love  and  care  about  me  returned. A follow-up Face-  “She is surrounded by love  and previously said she was
            her, she’d “be gone.”        that I’m still sitting here after  book  post  on  O’Connor’s   and  receiving  the  best  of  diagnosed with bipolar dis-
            “I’m fighting, fighting, fight-  two years and I’m begging  page late Monday, said to   care,” the post read.       order. q
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