P. 30
Wednesday 9 august 2017 PEOPLE & ARTS
MSNBC surges as home for
President Trump opponents
By DAVID BAUDER competition for scoops was understandable given
AP Television Writer between The New York the administration’s biting
NEW YORK (AP) — For the Times, Washington Post and attacks on the network, but
first month since CNN’s other outlets, gives MSNBC Spicer is likely to be more
Larry King owned cable a fresh helping of outrage skilled than Lord.
news in October 2001, the every night for Trump critics While Trump has ripped
most popular personality in eager to lap it up. CNN relentlessly, MSNBC
In this Friday, Nov. 6, 2015, file photo, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow prime-time doesn’t work for “They’re not interested has gotten off easily — with
speaks during a Democratic presidential candidate forum at Fox News Channel. Rachel in someone looking to the prominent exception
Winthrop University in Rock Hill, S.C.
Maddow of MSNBC is the be impartial,” said Rick of “Morning Joe” hosts Joe
new champ. Kaplan, former president Scarborough and Mika
Her network achieved of both MSNBC and CNN. Brzezinski.
other milestones in July, “They want the same kind It’s hard to tell whether
including its closest finish to of red meat that a lot of those attacks have
Fox since 2000 and largest conservatives wanted from undermined CNN with
margin of victory over CNN Fox 10 years ago.” potential viewers, or if most
ever. The numbers illustrate Griffin believes a key to people receptive to them
a surge in popularity at MSNBC’s success is that its would be watching Fox,
MSNBC, where politics hosts aren’t just spouting anyway.
has become prime-time talking points, that their Maddow’s ratings victory
entertainment. Like late- programs contain solid comes with one asterisk:
night comic Stephen reporting. Maddow’s ability she no longer has Fox’s Bill
Colbert can attest, having to make connections and O’Reilly to compete with.
President Donald Trump as tell stories is beloved by fans O’Reilly’s ouster in April
a regular punching bag is who want to get absorbed after harassment charges,
great for business. by the issues, even if they coupled with Megyn Kelly’s
“I thought there would be can be frustratingly slow for departure for NBC, leaves
a lot of interest in news,” the non-believers. Sean Hannity as the one
said MSNBC President Phil “People want depth,” he constant in Fox’s prime-
Griffin. “I had no idea this said. “This is a complicated time lineup. The network’s
would happen.” time.” 2.36 million viewers in July
It’s especially noteworthy CNN believes that MSNBC’s compares to 3.82 million in
because the year after an success doesn’t come at its February.
election traditionally signals expense. Fox’s revamped lineup may
a slump in cable news The network is on pace to not be as appealing. Fox’s
ratings. During prime-time have its second-highest hosts also strongly back a
weekday hours in July, Fox prime-time viewership president who has been
News averaged 2.36 million since 2008 and best ever buffeted with bad news
viewers — still more than in full-day ratings, Nielsen and is supported by one-
any other cable network, said. third of the public. Time
news or entertainment. CNN also is comfortably will reveal the determining
MSNBC was at 2.13 million profitable, with more factor in the network’s loss
and CNN at 961,000, advertising revenue at this of strength.
according to the Nielsen point in the year than ever MSNBC recently moved
company. before, the network said. to shore up a weak spot
A wider view illustrates Essentially, MSNBC’s surge is in its lineup, replacing
how things have changed. fueled by newbies, people Greta Van Susteren with Ari
Earlier this year, Fox who weren’t regular cable Melber at 6 p.m. ET.
routinely had more viewers news viewers. So the The weekend — a mix
than MSNBC and CNN question remains of why of live and long-form
combined. these people are primarily programming — is
Those two networks going to MSNBC instead of another test. Will MSNBC’s
frequently duke it out CNN. leaders spend the money
for second place; last CNN’s prime time is panel- necessary for more live
November CNN averaged based, with a stream of news programming on
1.83 million viewers to people talking about Saturday and Sunday to
MSNBC’s 1.64 million, the news. Unlike MSNBC, make the network more
Nielsen said. MSNBC took CNN regularly includes competitive then?
over second earlier this year Trump supporters in the Griffin, who has been
and the gap continues to mix and some of those with MSNBC since its 1996
widen. — think Jeffrey Lord — launch, understands the
MSNBC’s Maddow, Chris infuriate the president’s relentlessly cyclical nature
Hayes and Lawrence opponents. CNN’s of his business enough to
O’Donnell follow Trump immediate announcement enjoy this run.
with a critical eye each that it wasn’t interested “As someone who has
evening. The rapid pace in outgoing White House been here, loves this place,
of new developments, press secretary Sean believes in it,” he said, “I’ve
often aided by the fierce Spicer as a contributor never seen it like this.”q