Page 6 - Aruba Today
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U.S. NEWSTuesday 5 April 2016
Man gets 13 years in prison in drugs and dirty bomb case
LARRY NEUMEISTER federal court by Judge der.” In court papers, pros- bia. said he’s never held a gun
Associated Press Naomi Reice Buchwald, ecutors described him as Before the sentence was and had no connections to
NEW YORK (AP) — A Colom- who said he deserved a freelance weapons traf- announced, Cruz Trejos deliver drugs to anyone in
bian man who had a role in more than the mandatory ficker, saying he sought in said he wasn’t anti-Ameri- the United States.
what prosecutors said were minimum of 10 years in pris- 2010 and 2011 to obtain can and talk of weaponry He said he was trying to ar-
efforts to transport drugs on because the allegations enriched uranium so a was bluster. range a drug deal to raise
and help a terror group were more serious than a South America-based ter- “I would like to express to financing for a municipal
obtain weapons to build a typical international drug ror group could build a dirty you how deeply sorry I am business he was starting.
dirty bomb to attack Amer- deal. bomb. for having agreed to par- His lawyer, Guy Oksen-
icans was sentenced Mon- Assistant U.S. Attorney Emil The government said ticipate,” Cruz Trejos said. hendler, called him “a
day to 13 years in prison. J. Bove III said Cruz Trejos the group wanted to at- “Your honor, my conduct bumbler, getting involved
Jhon Jairo Cruz Trejos was was ready to assist in “at- tack U.S. military personnel was wrong.” in something he had no ex-
sentenced in Manhattan tacks of the greatest or- or a U.S. embassy in Colom- The 44-year-old defendant perience in.”
Chicago may pay $4.9M to family of man who died in custody
Percy Coleman, the father of Philip Coleman who died after being in Chicago police custody in son’s family. Chicago has McDonald 16 times, killing
2012, accompanied by family, friends, and legal counsel, speaks at a news conference in Chi- paid about $662 million on him. The lawsuit from Cole-
cago. police misconduct since man’s family was bolstered
2004, including judgments, when the judge presiding
(Nancy Stone/Chicago Tribune via AP) settlements and outside le- over the case found that
gal fees, according to city “brute force” was used
DON BABWIN cial said Monday. ing his mother. He had a fa- records. The payouts, for unnecessarily on Cole-
Associated Press Alderman Roderick Sawyer tal reaction to an anti-psy- everything from petty ha- man and that a supervisor
CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago said Mayor Rahm Emanu- chotic drug, but his family’s rassment to police torture, should have intervened
would pay $4.9 million un- el’s office is recommending federal lawsuit contends have brought more finan- to stop Coleman from be-
der a proposed settlement that City Council members Coleman would still be cial misery to a city already ing dragged away. While
of a lawsuit brought by the approve the proposed alive if he had been taken drowning in billions of dol- the ruling did not pertain
family of a man who died in settlement for Philip Cole- to a hospital instead of jail. lars of pension debt. to how Coleman died, it
police custody after a vid- man’s family and has been The settlement is the latest Sawyer said he was told was widely seen as a mes-
eotaped incident in which briefing them on the deal. example of wrongdoing last week by Emanuel’s of- sage to the city to settle the
officers subdued him with a Coleman, who was black, by police officers result- fice about the proposal case. Sawyer, who chairs
stun gun and dragged him was taken into custody in ing in a huge settlement in the Coleman case and the council’s Black Caucus,
from his jail cell, a city offi- 2012 after allegedly attack- with a victim or the per- the meetings with council said the settlement makes
members in anticipation sense, both because it
of a formal hearing before compensates the family
the council’s finance com- and because it allows the
mittee and the full council city to avoid a trial in which
next week. a jury could watch the vid-
The proposed settlement eo and award the family
follows the release in De- far more than $4.9 million.
cember that shows the Sawyer said he agreed
38-year-old Coleman in with the recommendation
jail. In the video, six officers to settle the lawsuit for $4.9
enter Coleman’s cell, with million — an amount that is
one officer firing a stun gun just shy of the $5 million the
at Coleman before anoth- city agreed to pay the Mc-
er officer drags him from Donald family.
his cell by his handcuffed “I accept the decisions
wrists. of the (city) lawyers that it
The city released the video would be wise to settle this
just days after it was forced case,” Sawyer said.
to release the video of a Sawyer also hopes the of-
white police officer shoot- ficers involved in the Cole-
ing black teenager Laquan man case are disciplined.
Candy theft could mean king-size sentence: 20 years to life
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A plies to people who have raignment last week. Swanson said all the thefts for years over $31 worth of
Louisiana man accused of been convicted of “theft “Isn’t this a little over the were for less than $500 candy,” Swanson said.
stuffing $31 worth of can- of goods” at least twice. top?” Zibilich said. “Twenty worth of items. The last theft Grimes also faces a charge
dy bars into his pockets Grimes has five prior theft years to life for a Snickers of socks and trousers from of drug paraphernalia pos-
faces a possible sentence convictions, making him a bar, or two or three or four.” a Dollar General store got session. He is currently free
of 20 years to life in prison, “quad” offender under the Grimes’ attorneys, Miles him a four-year sentence in on $5,000 bond, court re-
prompting a judge to ques- state’s habitual-offender Swanson and Michael Ken- 2010. cords show. His lawyers say
tion whether the sentence law. Grimes, 34, pleaded nedy, said his prior guilty One of his lawyers said he he has a heroin problem.
was “over the top.” not guilty Thursday, The pleas were for similar shop- could have been charged Grimes also has convictions
Prosecutors chose to New Orleans Advocate lifting attempts, including under a different statute for possession with intent
charge Jacobia Grimes, 34, reported. The possible sen- stealing from a Rite-Aid, than the habitual-offender to sell fake drugs and ob-
under a statute that boosts tence raised questions with Save-A-Center, Blockbuster law. scenity, a crime committed
the alleged candy theft Judge Franz Zibilich, who Video, and Rouses grocery “They’re spending their while he was behind bars,
to a felony. The law ap- was overseeing Grimes’ ar- stores. time to lock someone up the newspaper reported.