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WORLD NEWSTuesday 5 April 2016

EU begins shipping migrants in Greece back to Turkey 

Migrants get on a ferry at the port of Mytilini in the Greek island of Lesbos, Monday, April 4, 2016,                          over the operation.            EU-Turkey agreement is the
during the first day of the implementation of the deal between EU and Turkey. Under the deal,                                  “The returns underway this     only way to deter people
migrants arriving illegally in Greece will be returned to Turkey if they do not apply for asylum or if                         morning in the Aegean are      from heading to Greece
they make an asylum claim that is rejected.                                                                                    the symbolic start of the      from the nearby Turkish
                                                                                                                               potential disastrous undo-     coast — a brief but perilous
                                                                                               (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)  ing of Europe’s commit-        trip that has cost many lives
                                                                                                                               ment to protecting refu-       — and to stop what was an
E. BECATOROS                   As dawn broke, buses filled     nations — 191 men and                                           gees,” said Amnesty Inter-     almost uncontrolled flow
D. SOGUEL                      with migrants left under        11 women — were sent                                            national’s deputy director     of hundreds of thousands
Associated Press               heavy security from a de-       back. They included 130                                         for Europe, Gauri van Gulik.   of people heading into
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A        tention center on the island    Pakistanis, 42 Afghans, 10                                      “Urgent key questions are:     Europe’s prosperous heart-
controversial European         of Lesbos headed to the         Iranians, five Congolese,                                       What process is everyone       land.
Union plan to stem the flow    port for the short boat ride    four Sri Lankans, three Ban-                                    going through and what         Under the deal, those who
of refugees began Mon-         to the Turkish port of Dikili.  gladeshis, three from India,                                    will become of them after      arrived on or after March
day with the deportation of    More were ferried across        and one each from Iraq,                                         their return?”                 20 will be sent back to Tur-
more than 200 people from      from the island of Chios,       Somalia and Ivory Coast,                                        Judith Sunderland, acting      key unless they qualify for
Greek islands to Turkey, de-   where riot police clashed       as well as two Syrians who                                      deputy Europe director at      asylum. For every Syrian
spite concerns over human      hours earlier with demon-       Greek authorities said had                                      Human Rights Watch, said       returned, Europe will take
rights and criticism that Eu-  strators protesting the ex-     asked to be sent back.                                          trying to close the Aegean     a Syrian to be resettled in
rope was turning its back      pulsions.                       Human rights groups ex-                                         migration route by shipping    an EU country.
on refugees.                   In all, 202 people from 11      pressed deep concern                                            people “back to uncertain      Despite the deal, hundreds
                                                                                                                               fates in Turkey” will only     have persisted in making
                                                                                                                               make them seek poten-          the Aegean crossing, al-
                                                                                                                               tially more dangerous and      though the numbers are far
                                                                                                                               expensive ways to reach        lower than the thousands
                                                                                                                               the  EU. “This whole deal      who had earlier arrived
                                                                                                                               involves throwing human        daily. On Monday, Greek
                                                                                                                               beings down legal loop-        authorities said they had
                                                                                                                               holes,” she said. “Turkey      registered 339 new arrivals
                                                                                                                               is not a safe country, and     over the past 24 hours.
                                                                                                                               rights on paper are not the    Even Turkish President
                                                                                                                               same as rights in practice.”   Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
                                                                                                                               “It is completely disingenu-   whose country signed up
                                                                                                                               ous to say that the EU-Tur-    to the deal in return for
                                                                                                                               key deal is about saving       an  EU  pledge of 3 billion
                                                                                                                               lives,” Sunderland add-        euros to handle the refu-
                                                                                                                               ed. “Conducting serious        gee crisis, lashed out at
                                                                                                                               search-and-rescue opera-       Europe for turning its back
                                                                                                                               tions at sea, doing large-     refugees and restricting the
                                                                                                                               scale, unconditional reset-    numbers they will accept.
                                                                                                                               tlement, creating legal mi-    “Did we turn Syrians back?
                                                                                                                               gration pathways — these       No, we didn’t, but they
                                                                                                                               policies would save lives.”    did,” he said of  EU  coun-
                                                                                                                               European officials insist the  tries.

Wave of suicide attacks kill at least 29 people across Iraq 

SINAN SALAHEDDIN               self up inside a restaurant     200 miles (320 kilometers)                                      smoke billowed from the        Another suicide car bomb-
Associated Press               that is frequented by Shiite    southeast of Baghdad                                            area. The attack also dam-     er hit a headquarters of
BAGHDAD (AP) — Militants       paramilitary militia fighters,  At around the same time,                                        aged up to 30 cars.            paramilitary troops in the
unleashed a wave of sui-       killing at least 14 people.     a suicide car bomber set                                        Basra is located about 340     town of Mishahda, 20 miles
cide attacks across Iraq on    Another 27 people were          off his explosives-laden ve-                                    miles (550 kilometers) south-  (30 kilometers) north of
Monday, killing at least 29    wounded in the attack on        hicle in a commercial area                                      east of Baghdad.               Baghdad, killing four troops
people and wounding doz-       the well-known restaurant,      in the oil-rich city of Basra,                                  Earlier in the day, a suicide  and wounding 10 others.
ens, officials said.           which is located on the         killing at least five people                                    bomber rammed his car          Medical officials confirmed
The deadliest attack took      main highway that links the     and wounding 10 others,                                         into a security checkpoint     the causality figures. All of-
place in the southern prov-    capital, Baghdad, with the      another police officer said.                                    in the capital’s northeast-    ficials spoke on condition
ince of Dhi Qar (also known    southern provinces, a po-       Pieces of flesh and debris                                      ern suburb of Sadr al-Qa-      of anonymity as they were
as Nasiriyah) when a sui-      lice officer said.              littered the bloodstained                                       nat, killing six troops and    not authorized to release
cide bomber blew him-          Dhi Qar is located about        pavement as thick black                                         wounding 13 others.            information.
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