Page 9 - Aruba Today
P. 9

                                                                                                               Tuesday 5 April 2016

Destruction, razed monastery
left behind by IS in Syria town 

ALBERT AJI                    town of Palmyra from IS,      Elite counter terrorism forces escort people fleeing their homes during clashes between Iraqi se-
Associated Press              Syrian troops and their       curity forces and the Islamic State group in Hit, 85 miles (140 kilometers) west of Baghdad, Iraq,
QARYATAIN, Syria (AP)         allies recaptured Qarya-      Monday, April 4, 2016. Families, many with small children and elderly relatives say they walked
— Syrian troops fired their   tain.                         for hours Monday through desert littered with roadside bombs to escape airstrikes and clashes.
guns in celebration amid
smoldering buildings in-        Aided by Russian air-                                                                                                       (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)
side the town of Qarya-       strikes, the advance dealt
tain on Monday, hours af-     yet another setback to IS,    Iraqi forces enter IS-held town of Hit
ter recapturing it from re-   depriving the extremists
treating Islamic State mili-  of a main base in central     SUSANNAH GEORGE                  Iraqi forces began escort-      tory before their assault, in-
tants who had abducted        Syria that could eventu-      HIT, Iraq (AP) — Iraqi forces    ing families out of Hit in the
and terrorized dozens of      ally be used by govern-       have entered the town of         early morning Monday.           structed families not to stray
its Christian residents.      ment forces to launch         Hit, a week after launching      Azha Hadel and her three
An Associated Press crew      attacks on IS-held areas      an operation to retake the       young children walked for       from the tire marks to avoid
was among the first jour-     near the Iraqi border.        western town from Islamic        five hours from her neigh-
nalists to enter the town     Soldiers were visibly         State group fighters, com-       borhood in northern Hit to      explosives. Piles of rocks
and witnessed the de-         buoyed Monday by their        manders at the scene said        the city’s outskirts, where
struction wrought on          successive battlefield vic-   Monday.                          they were loaded into           and scrap metal marked
the once-thriving Chris-      tories.                       Iraq’s elite counterterror-      open trucks by Iraqi secu-
tian community and its        “We will soon liberate all    ism forces, who are leading      rity forces.                    unexploded bombs along
fifth-century monastery,      of Syria from the merce-      the offensive, said they are     “Honestly we have no
which was bulldozed by        naries of the Gulf and Er-    clearing IS fighters from Hit’s  idea where we are going,”       the path.
the extremist group last      dogan,” said one soldier,     northern neighborhoods as        Hadel said, her and her
summer.                       referring to Gulf countries   they push in toward the          children’s faces sunburned      At one turn, the shell of a
Once a cherished pil-         and the Turkish leader        town center.                     from the long day outdoors.
grimage site, much of the     who have been strong          Iraqi and coalition officials    “We want to go anywhere,        burned Humvee was left
St. Elian monastery had       supporters of the rebels      say Hit — which lies along       anywhere that’s safe.” Iraqi
been reduced to a pile        fighting to topple Presi-     the Euphrates river valley in    counterterrorism forces at      by the roadside. The ve-
of stones.                    dent Bashar Assad.            Iraq’s vast Anbar province       the scene said the families
Escorted by the Syr-          Qaryatain lies midway         — is strategically important     were being brought to a         hicle had been hit with an
ian government, the AP        between Palmyra and           as it sits along an IS supply    nearby camp.
crew was allowed to           the capital, Damascus,        line that links the extremist    Behind Hadel, black smoke       IS rocket the night before.
venture only about three      and was once home to          militants in Iraq to those in    rose from Hit as buildings
kilometers (1½ miles) in-     a sizeable Christian pop-     Syria.                           and vehicles hit by airstrikes  The attack killed two Iraqi
side Qaryatain, located       ulation. Before IS took it    Thousands of civilians           burned. Saha, Hadel’s
125 kilometers (75 miles)     over last August, it had      fled Hit as Iraqi troops ad-     12-year-old daughter, put       soldiers and wounded four
northeast of Damascus,        a mixed population of         vanced under cover of            her hands over her ears
because army experts          around 40,000 Sunni Mus-      heavy airstrikes and artil-      and smiled meekly as an         others Sunday night, ac-
were still clearing explo-    lims and Christians, as well  lery fire. Families, many with   explosion rang out in the
sives and mines left by       as thousands of internally    small children and elderly       distance.                       cording to Gen. Abdul
the group.                    displaced people who          relatives, said they had         Hundreds more civilians
Black smoke billowed          had fled from the nearby      walked for hours through         were slowly walking out of      Ghani al-Asadi, the head
from the western side of      city of Homs.                 desert littered with road-       the town by the evening.
town where skirmishes         As it came under militant     side bombs to escape the         Iraqi troops, who had spent     of Iraq’s counterterrorism
continued. Near the cen-      attack, many of the Chris-    violence.                        hours clearing the terri-
tral square, some resi-       tians fled. More than 200                                                                      forces.
dential and government        residents, mostly Chris-
buildings were complete-      tians, were abducted by                                                                        A few meters up the road,
ly destroyed, their top       the extremists, including
floors flattened.             a Syrian priest, the Rev.                                                                      two bodies of IS fighters lay
Others had gaping holes       Jack Murad, who was
where they had taken di-      held by the extremists for                                                                     unburied. They had been
rect artillery hits or were   three months.
pock-marked by gun-           During the eight months                                                                        shot Sunday attempting to
fire. Electricity poles and   that Qaryatain was under
cables were broken and        IS control, some Christians                                                                    carry out a suicide attack
shredded; a snapped           were released and others
tree hung to one side.        were made to sign pledg-                                                                       on the advancing Iraqi
On Sunday, a week after       es to pay a tax imposed
taking back the historic      on non-Muslims. Some                                                                           convoy, according to Iraqi
                              have simply vanished.
                                                                                                                             commanders at the scene.

                                                                                                                             Iraq’s     counterterrorism

                                                                                                                             forces estimate more than

                                                                                                                             20,000 civilians remain

                                                                                                                             trapped inside Hit. The

                                                                                                                             large number of people in

                                                                                                                             such a small area is making

                                                                                                                             it difficult to quickly clear

                                                                                                                             territory with airstrikes, ac-

                                                                                                                             cording to al-Asadi.
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