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WORLD NEWSTuesday 5 April 2016

Azerbaijan says 3 killed in fighting with separatist region

AVET DEMOURIAN                  In this grab taken from Associated Press Television footage made available on Monday, April 4,                                 Anxiety over the new out-
Associated Press                2016, Armenian soldiers pass a Grad missile launcher on Sunday, April 3, 2016, in the village of                               burst of fighting was high
YEREVAN, Armenia (AP)           Mardakert, in the separatist region forces of Nagorno-Karabakh.                                                                in diplomatic circles. Rus-
— Fighting raged Mon-                                                                                                                                          sian Foreign Minister Sergey
day around Nagorno-                                                                                                      (Associated Press Television via AP)  Lavrov and U.S. Secretary
Karabakh, with Azerbaijan                                                                                                                                      of State John Kerry spoke
saying it lost three of its     more than 300 Azerbaijani       gorno-Karabakh under the       International efforts to set-                                   on the phone Monday and
troops in the separatist re-    soldiers had been killed        control of local ethnic Ar-    tle the conflict, fueled by                                     called for both sides to stop
gion while inflicting heavy     since the conflict flared up    menian forces and the Ar-      long-simmering tensions                                         fighting, a Russian foreign
casualties on Armenian          on Saturday.                    menian military. Armenian      between Christian Arme-                                         ministry statement said.
forces and the Armenian         The outbreak of hostilities is  forces also occupy several     nians and mostly Muslim                                         They also condemned
president warning that the      the worst since a war that      areas outside Karabakh         Azeris, have brought no re-                                     “outside players” for try-
hostilities could slide into a  ended in 1994, leaving Na-      proper.                        sults.                                                          ing to heat up the conflict,
full-scale war.                                                                                                                                                the statement said without
The Azerbaijani Defense                                                                                                                                        specifying.
Ministry said Armenian                                                                                                                                         The Karabakh military said
forces continued shelling                                                                                                                                      Monday 20 of its service-
Azerbaijani military posi-                                                                                                                                     men have been killed since
tions and front-line villages                                                                                                                                  Saturday, another 72 have
despite a cease-fire that                                                                                                                                      been wounded and seven
Azerbaijan unilaterally de-                                                                                                                                    of its tanks have been de-
clared Sunday.                                                                                                                                                 stroyed. The Armenian de-
The ministry said that up to                                                                                                                                   fense ministry later report-
170 Armenian troops were                                                                                                                                       ed that five “volunteers”
“neutralized” and 12 Ar-                                                                                                                                       had been killed by an
menian armored vehicles                                                                                                                                        Azerbaijani drone strike on
have been destroyed Mon-                                                                                                                                       a bus. None of the claims
day. Armenian Defense                                                                                                                                          could be independently
Ministry spokesman Artsrun                                                                                                                                     verified.
Ovannisian dismissed the                                                                                                                                       Ovannisian, the Armenian
claim as a product of the                                                                                                                                      Defense Ministry spokes-
Azerbaijani military’s “wild                                                                                                                                   man, said Monday that
imagination.”                                                                                                                                                  Karabakh militia advanced
The Nagorno-Karabakh                                                                                                                                           overnight, “liberating new
military in turn claimed that                                                                                                                                  positions.” He also claimed
                                                                                                                                                               that Armenian artillery hit
Indian Kashmir gets first woman chief minister                                                                                                                 Azerbaijani units as they
                                                                                                                                                               were moving to the front
AIJAZ HUSSAIN                   lock over forming the state     Minister Narendra Modi last    claimed by India’s archen-                                      line. Self-proclaimed offi-
Associated Press                government.                     month but details of her       emy, Pakistan.                                                  cials in Karabakh said fight-
SRINAGAR,  India  (AP) —        The chief minister’s post       agreement with the BJP re-     The PDP emerged as the                                          ing intensified in the morn-
The leader of a pro-India       had fallen vacant after         main unclear.                  single-largest party with                                       ing in the southeast and
party on Monday became          Mufti’s father and PDP          The Peoples’ Democratic        28 seats in the region’s                                        northeast with the Azerbai-
the first woman to become       founder Mufti Mohammed          Party’s coalition govern-      87-strong state legislature,                                    jani troops using Grad mul-
the chief minister of Indian-   Sayeed died in January.         ment with the BJP came         while the BJP won 25 seats                                      tiple rocket launchers.
controlled Kashmir follow-      Since then, Mufti was reluc-    about after prolonged ne-      — all in Hindu-dominated                                        Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minis-
ing the death of her father,    tant to continue her party’s    gotiations, as no single par-  districts.                                                      try blamed Armenian forc-
the region’s top elected        coalition with the Hindu        ty won a majority needed       The two parties hold dia-                                       es for shelling residential
leader.                         nationalist BJP without an      to form a government in        metrically opposite views                                       areas despite a unilateral
Mehbooba Mufti took the         assurance from its leaders      the state during elections in  on several issues, such as                                      cease-fire announced by
oath of office after her        that they would take “con-      2014.                          a law that protects Indian                                      Baku, warning that “Arme-
Peoples’ Democratic Party       fidence building” steps to      The alliance marked the first  military personnel from                                         nia will bear the blame for
and  India’s  ruling Bharati-   improve the restive Hima-       time the rightwing BJP held    criminal prosecution in the                                     possible counterattacks
ya Janata Party ended a         layan region. Mufti held a      a leadership position in the   violence-wracked Himala-                                        and retaliatory measures
nearly three-month dead-        meeting with  India’s  Prime    Muslim-majority region also    yan region.                                                     by Azerbaijan’s armed
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