Page 15 - Aruba Today
P. 15

                                                                                                                   Tuesday 5 April 2016

All-u-can-eat Dutch Pancake Festival During the Entire Month of April

PALM BEACH - Sumptuous        spring is in the air and that  Thin, golden-brown giant     like ham, cheese, brie, ba-     MooMba Beach and Had-
Dutch pancakes size XXL       life is great.                 pinwheels will be served as  con, apple, pineapple and       icurari next to the Holiday
are jumping up and down       Pancakes are always a          long as you have space for   raisins, and eat as many as     Inn Resort and Café the
in frying pans this month. A  favorite, whether you are      them in your tummy.          you like; just pay $ 12.50 for  Plaza in the downtown Re-
Dutch Pancake Festival is     young, medium young or         You can choose three of      an unlimited amount of XXL      naissance Mall are partici-
celebrating the fact that     not so young anymore.          many choices for toppings    beauties, which come with       pating festival restaurants.
                                                                                          either a cup of coffee or a     The Dutch Pancake Festi-
                                                                                          soft drink.                     val is on until 11 am every
                                                                                          The Dutch All-u-can-eat         day of the week. Enjoy!
                                                                                          Pancake Festival is held        In the picture: Breakfast
                                                                                          during the entire month of      Chef and ‘Pancake Mas-
                                                                                          April, so time enough to try    ter’ Irene Paawiroparoeno
                                                                                          them out.                       of Salt & Pepper Restaurant
                                                                                          Salt & Pepper Restaurant        preparing her pancake
                                                                                          in the Arawak Garden,           specialty.
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