Page 19 - Aruba Today
P. 19

                                                                                                                          Tuesday 5 April 2016

Biggest Routs                  Continued fromn Page 17

Middlecoff won by seven        3. RAYMOND FLOYD: Floyd       every year dating to 1958.     In this April 13, 1997 file photo, Masters champion Tiger Woods
shots, at the time the larg-   put a 5-wood into his bag     And in the 1965  Masters,      receives his Green Jacket from Nick Faldo at the Augusta Na-
est margin of victory at       for the 1976 Masters, and it  they were tied for the lead    tional Golf Club in Augusta, Ga. Woods won the Masters by 12
the Masters.                   paid off — along with a hot   going into the final two       shots, at the time the largest margin of victory in any major since
4. SEVE BALLESTEROS: Of        putting week.                 rounds.                        the 1899 U.S. Open. 
the five majors he won,        Floyd opened with rounds      The weekend was a run-
Ballesteros was never more     of 65-66 to set the 36-hole   away for the Golden Bear,                                                                          Associated Press
exciting to watch than at      record at 131 that stood      however. Nicklaus shot a
the 1980 Masters. So domi-     until Spieth broke it last    64 in the third round to tie   rest of the week was a dis-  Montgomerie, who shot 74,
nant was the 23-year-old       year. He led by five shots    the course record (set 25      play never before seen at    said after the round it was
Spaniard that he opened        over Nicklaus, the defend-    years earlier by Lloyd Man-    Augusta National.            not “humanly possible”
with rounds of 66-69-68,       ing champion. Floyd then      grum). That put him five       Woods shot a 66 in the       for Woods to lose. When
and then made three bird-      shot a 70 in the third round  shots ahead of Player and      second round to take a       someone pointed out that
ies on the front nine Sun-     as Nicklaus fell back with a  eight shots clear of Palmer.   three-shot lead over Colin   Nick Faldo rallied from six
day to build a 10-shot lead.   73. One year after the high   In the final round, Nicklaus   Montgomerie going into       down to beat Greg Nor-
All he needed to do was        drama of Nicklaus, Johnny     shot a 69 and beat his two     the weekend. Smashing his    man by five shots the pre-
shoot par on the back nine     Miller and Tom Weiskopf,      biggest rivals by nine shots.  driver so far he only had a  vious year, Montgomerie
to become the only player      there was no drama at all     Nicklaus shot 271, shatter-    wedge into some par 5s,      replied, “Faldo is not lying
in  Masters  history with all  on the back nine. Floyd       ing Ben Hogan’s record by      Woods followed with a 65     second. And Greg Norman
four rounds in the 60s and     played the final 14 holes     three shots. That’s what led   for a nine-shot lead.        is not Tiger Woods.”
to break Jack Nicklaus’ re-    without a bogey, closed       co-founder Bobby Jones to
cord for largest margin of     with a 70 and won by eight    say of Nicklaus, “He plays a
victory.                       shots over Ben Crenshaw.      game with which I am not
Ballesteros made bogey         Floyd shot 271 to tie Nick-   familiar.”
on No. 10. He hit into Rae’s   laus’ 72-hole record at       1. TIGER WOODS: In his
creek on No. 12 and made       the Masters.                  first  Masters  as a profes-
double bogey. He hit into a    2. JACK NICKLAUS: The “Big    sional, Tiger Woods played
tributary of Rae’s creek on    Three” were in their glory    the opening nine holes
the 13th and made bogey.       in 1965. Nicklaus, Arnold     in 40. It hardly looked like
Ballesteros steadied himself   Palmer and Gary Player        a  Masters  for the ages,
with a birdie on the 15th      had won 12 of the last 22     even when Woods turned
and closed with three pars     majors, and one of the        it around with a 30 on the
for a 72 to win by six shots.  three had won a major         back nine to shoot 70. The
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