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         SPORTSTuesday 5 April 2016

Ko wins ANA, taking advantage
of Jutanugarn’s late collapse 


AP Sports Writer


(AP) — Lydia Ko got the

help she needed to win the

ANA Inspiration.

Taking advantage of Ariya

Jutanugarn’s late collapse

and caddie Jason Ham-

ilton’s advice, Ko found                                                                                                Novak Djokovic, of Serbia, celebrates after defeating Kei Nishi-
                                                                                                                        kori, of Japan, 6-3, 6-3, during the men’s singles final match at
herself splashing around in                                                                                             the Miami Open tennis tournament, Sunday, April 3, 2016, in Key
                                                                                                                        Biscayne, Fla.
Poppie’s Pond late Sunday
                                                                                                                        Associated Press
afternoon at Mission Hills.

“This is an unbelievable

moment,” Ko said before

taking the traditional vic-

tory leap into the pond.                                                                                                Champion Djokovic
                                                                                                                        says Miami Open will
When Jutanugarn — play-                                                                                                 stay in Key Biscayne

ing in the group behind —

blew a two-stroke lead with

bogeys on the par-4 16th

and par-3 17th, the top-

ranked Ko had the open-

ing she needed on the par-

5 18th.                                                                                                                 BY STEVEN WINE                 Eugene Stearns, an attor-
                                                                                                                        AP SPORTS WRITER               ney for the Miami Open,
That’s when Hamilton                                                                                                    KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP)        didn’t return phone calls
                                                                                                                        -- Novak Djokovic says the     seeking comment.
stepped in.                                                                                                             Miami Open will remain         Next year’s site was never
                                                                                                                        in Key Biscayne for a long     in much doubt, with the
“I think I’m lucky that Jason                                                                                           time, and South Florida        starting date of March 20 in
                                                                                                                        tennis fans hope he’s right.   Key Biscayne announced
kind of talked me out of not                                                                                            Tournament officials were      months ago. But there’s
                                                                                                                        mum about the future of        been speculation about
going for the green in two,”                                                                                            the event, which has been      eventual alternative loca-
                                                                                                                        in question since an ap-       tions, ranging from Orlando
said Ko, facing a 3-wood                                                                                                peals court decision last      to South America to China.
                                                                                                                        year that prevents the Mi-     Orlando mayor Buddy Dyer
shot over water from a                                                                                                  ami Open from upgrad-          visited the tournament last
                                                                                                                        ing its complex. Following     week.
downhill lie if she went for it.                                                                                        that ruling, a lawyer for the  The Key Biscayne site is
                                                                                                                        tournament said relocation     owned by Miami-Dade
“I knew if I mis-hit it, it was   Lydia Ko, of New Zealand, poses with the trophy after winning                         was all but certain.           County. Tournament of-
                                  the LPGA Tour ANA Inspiration golf tournament at Mission Hills                        Djokovic won a record-ty-      ficials have long said up-
going to go straight in the       Country Club, Sunday, April 3, 2016, in Rancho Mirage, Calif.                         ing sixth Key Biscayne title   grades are essential if the
                                                                                                                        Sunday, and addressed          event is to remain among
water. ‘He said, ‘Hey, we                                                                             Associated Press  the issue during the trophy    the most prestigious in ten-
                                                                                                                        ceremony.                      nis, and some top play-
can still make birdie going                                                                                             “I don’t know how much         ers say the facilities have
                                                                                                                        you follow the stories about   slipped behind Indian Wells
the conventional way.’ I          cially being my first time      week in Carlsbad.                                     the tournament moving,”        and other events.
                                  leading,” Jutanugarn said       Ko birdied the two front-                             he said. “I assure you it’s    “It’s obvious that something
decided to hit an 8-iron out      Until Sunday, best known for    nine par 3s in her bogey-                             going to stay here for a       needs to happen,” Rafael
                                  blowing a two-stroke lead       free round, making a 22-                              long time. So see you next     Nadal said. “All the tourna-
and hit a sand wedge.”            with a closing triple bogey     foot putt on the fifth and a                          year.”                         ments are making improve-
                                  in the 2013 LPGA Thailand,      40-footer on the eighth. She                          He reinforced the message      ments on facilities, and it’s
And what a sand wedge             Jutanugarn made four            had three key par saves on                            during his postmatch news      true this tournament didn’t
                                  birdies in a five-hole stretch  the back nine, the first with                         conference.                    make that happen for a
it was, an 88-yarder that         in the middle of the round      a 15-foot putt after criss-                           “From some reliable sourc-     while.”
                                  to move into position for a     crossing the par-5 11th. She                          es I know the tournament       The cost of upgrades isn’t
gently released to a foot         breakthrough victory that       ran in an 18-footer on the                            will stay here for many        the issue. The Miami Open
                                  slipped away. She finished      par-4 13th, and a 10-footer                           years to come,” he said.       planned to pay for $50 mil-
for a tap-in birdie.              with a 71. “I got a lot of ex-  on 17.                                                “I don’t think we need to      lion in improvements.
                                  perience from this week,”       “At the end of the day,                               have a conversation about      If tennis left, it could be part
“Every shot is special in its     Jutanugarn said.                they were all important,”                             moving this tournament         of a double-whammy for
                                  Ko won the Evian Cham-          Ko said. “If I had missed my                          anywhere else.”                South Florida. The future of
own way, like every win is        pionship in September in        par putt on 11, who knows                             Tournament director Adam       the PGA event at Doral is
                                  France to become the            what would have hap-                                  Barrett didn’t respond to      in doubt because General
special,” Ko said. “But just      youngest female major           pened. If I had missed my                             repeated requests for an       Motors’ sponsorship agree-
                                  champion and became             par putt on 13, I might have                          interview during the event.    ment ended last month.
playing the 72nd hole, bird-      the youngest two-time ma-       been a few more shots be-
                                  jor winner Sunday. She has      hind. If I missed my putt on
ieing the last hole, that’s       12 LPGA Tour victories, the     17, I might not have bird-
                                  first two as an amateur and     ied.”
always a good feeling. For        five last season when she       Hull birdied the 18th for a
                                  was the tour’s player of the    69 and her best finish in a
that shot to mean so much         year.                           major.
                                  “For these amazing things       “I know I can play well un-
that I would win the event,       to be happening it is un-       der pressure now when I
                                  believable, but it also mo-     have to get it going,” the
that makes it extra special.”     tivates me to work harder,”     20-year-old English player
                                  said Ko, the winner last        said.
The 18-year-old New Zea-

lander closed with a 3-un-

der 69 to finish at 12 under,

a stroke ahead of play-

ing partner In Gee Chun

and Charley Hull, and two

ahead of Jutanugarn.

Jutanugarn            bogeyed

the final three holes. The

20-year-old Thai player

three-putted 16, failed to

get up-and-down from a

bunker on 17 and hooked

her drive into the water on


“I really get nervous, espe-
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