Page 23 - Aruba Today
P. 23

                                                                                                               Tuesday 5 April 2016

Will Apple’s FBI tussle take a bite out of the brand? 

MAE ANDERSON                                                                                                                                                         rectly to users. With An-
AP Technology Writer
NEW YORK (AP) — The                                                                                                                                                  droid, any updates have
revelation that the FBI
was able to break into a                                                                                                                                             to wait for phone makers
secured iPhone without
Apple’s help won’t take a                                                                                                                                            and wireless carriers to ap-
bite out of Apple’s brand
reputation, but consumers                                                                                                                                            prove them.
will be looking for security
improvements soon.                                                                                                                                                   And even if the FBI doesn’t
The Apple brand has al-
ready withstood worse.                                                                                                                                               disclose the technique it
In 2014, hackers posted
nude photos of Jenni-                                                                                                                                                used, it may become out-
fer Lawrence and other
celebrities after guess-                                                                                                                                             moded as Apple continues
ing their passwords and
breaking into their Apple                                                                                                                                            updating its security pro-
iCloud accounts. Beyond
security, Apple has faced                                                                                                                                            tections.
complaints that the iPhone
6 Plus bent too easily and                                                                                                                                           Christopher  Lehmann,
that the iPhone 4 lost signal
strength when users held it                                                                                                                                          managing director of
a certain way.
In each case, Apple’s rep-                                                                                                                                           branding firm Landor in
utation recovered — and
the company went on to                                                                                                                                               San Francisco, said iPhone
sell 232 million iPhones last
year. And on Thursday,                                                                                                                                               buyers will understand that
crowds formed at some
stores as the new iPhone SE                                                                                                                                          Apple’s in a business that’s
went on sale, though the
company hasn’t released                                                                                                                                              “always about improve-
YouGov BrandIndex, which                                                                                                                                             ment, evolving and being
tracks brand perceptions,
said that the Apple brand                                                                                                                                            agile about how you ap-
has been trending mod-
estly positively since early                                                                                                                                         proach technology.”
March and that the FBI
dropping the case had no                                                                                                                                             In addition, Apple likely got
effect on that.
And investors haven’t                                                                                                                                                some kudos from consum-

                                                                                                                                                                     ers for standing its ground

                               In this Thursday, March 31, 2016, file photo, Apple employees cheer at the door as they escort                                        against the government.
                               first customers in line for the release and sale start of the new Apple iPhone SE at an Apple shop
                               in Tokyo.                                                                                                                             And Apple benefits from a

                                                                                                                                                   Associated Press  quick resolution. Scott Gal-

                                                                                                                                                                     loway, clinical professor

                               shown much concern: Ap-        it didn’t need Apple’s help      address the problem, but ...                                          of marketing at NYU Stern
                               ple’s stock has increased 4    after all in breaking into an    there has to be news soon,
                               percent since the FBI said     iPhone used by a San Ber-        with Apple saying ‘Here’s                                             School of Business, said Ap-
                               late Monday that it didn’t     nardino killer. It was an old-   how the new iPhone is now
                               need help to break into        er model, but has recent         Fort Knox,” said Allen Ad-                                            ple risked public sentiment
                               the phone. Investors have      iPhone software.                 amson, founder of Brand
                               typically been more wor-       Apple is already expected        Simple Consulting.                                                    turning against the com-
                               ried about whether Apple       to tighten security even         Apple won’t comment
                               can maintain its growth        more with its next iPhone        on specific plans, but says                                           pany as people became
                               as smartphone sales slow       software, likely to be an-       it’s constantly working to
                               down.                          nounced in June and avail-       improve the security of its                                           more informed about the
                               Apple resisted the FBI’s de-   able in September. But can       devices, because it knows
                               mands that it rewrite the      Apple assure its phones are      hackers are always looking                                            case, and particularly if
                               iPhone’s software to over-     unbreakable when the FBI         for new vulnerabilities. Ap-
                               ride safeguards against        won’t reveal what tech-          ple also says it can deliver                                          Apple lost.
                               repeatedly guessing pass-      nique it used?                   software updates quickly
                               codes. But the FBI now says    “They have a window to           because it sends them di-                                             For now, he said, “the line

                                                                                                                                                                     isn’t going to be any shorter

                                                                                                                                                                     for the iPhone because the

                                                                                                                                                                     FBI in concert with a third

                                                                                                                                                                     party figured out a way

                                                                                                                                                                     to hack into one phone. I

                                                                                                                                                                     haven’t heard anybody

                                                                                                                                                                     say ‘That’s it, I’m switching

                                                                                                                                                                     to Samsung.’”___

Toyota forms company to

make technology simpler 

DETROIT (AP) — Toyota is       America’s chief informa-       an insurance company so            In this March 30, 2011 file photo, the Toyota logo is shown at
forming a new data  sci-       tion officer. “I think people  people are insured based         Wilsonville Toyota, in Wilsonville, Ore. 
ence  company in partner-      are really tired of fumbling   on where they travel, Toy-
ship with Microsoft that’s     with multiple devices and      ota said. Also, it will look at                                                                      Associated Press 
designed to free customers     having this disjointed ex-     linking with other vehicles
“from the tyranny of tech-     perience,” Hicks said as       so they can report weather       take steps toward autono-                                             pany will support research
nology.” The company           Toyota announced the           and traffic conditions to        mous driving. Google al-                                              into artificial intelligence
called Toyota Connected        venture on Monday. Like        people driving the same          ready is testing self-driving                                         and robots, as well as ana-
has a goal of simplifying      other automakers, Toyota       route. The move comes as         cars on real streets in Cali-                                         lyze data from vehicle sen-
technology so it’s easier to   Connected will research        automakers prepare for           fornia, Texas and the state                                           sors and cameras so algo-
use, perhaps even getting      connecting cars to each        big changes in transporta-       of Washington.                                                        rithms can be developed
rid of distracting and com-    other and to homes, as well    tion that are coming in the      Toyota says the new com-                                              for self-driving cars.
plicated touch screens         as telematics features that    next several years including
that now are in most cars      learn and anticipate a driv-   steps toward self-driving
and replacing them with        er’s habits. The company,      cars. Tesla Motors, Gener-
heads-up or voice-activat-     like other automakers, will    al Motors, Mercedes-Benz
ed technology, said Zack       explore transmitting a driv-   and others are rolling out
Hicks, the company’s CEO       er’s health data to a doc-     cars that can drive them-
who also is Toyota Motor       tor or driving patterns to     selves on freeways as they
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