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                                                                                                                              Tuesday 5 April 2016

                                                                 NBA Capsules 

Warriors rebound from rare home loss

The Associated Press             games.                          Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry lands on fans while chasing the ball during the first half of
OAKLAND, California (AP)         CAVALIERS 112, HORNETS          an NBA basketball game against the Portland Trail Blazers, Sunday, April 3, 2016, in Oakland,
— Stephen Curry scored           103                             Calif. 
39 points and the Golden         CLEVELAND (AP) — LeBron
State Warriors bounced           James scored 31 points, J.R.                                                                                                                        Associated Press 
back from their first regular-   Smith matched a season
season home loss in more         high with 27 and the Cleve-     MAVERICKS 88, TIMBER-          Rubio had nine points and         with a win over the Phoenix
than 14 months by beat-          land Cavaliers knocked          WOLVES 78                      five assists, but left with four  Suns.
ing the Portland Trail Blazers   down 16 3-pointers while        MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Wes-        minutes to play after taking      Rodney Hood added 18
136-111 on Sunday night to       playing without an injured      ley Matthews hit six 3-point-  a shot to the face.               points, Derrick Favors had
tie the mark for the second-     Kyrie Irving in a win over the  ers and scored 19 points       PELICANS 106, NETS 87             17, Trey Lyles 13 and Rudy
most wins in a season.           Charlotte Hornets.              and the Dallas Mavericks       NEW YORK (AP) — Tim Fra-          Gobert 12 for the Jazz, who
Draymond Green added             James added 12 assists          topped the Minnesota Tim-      zier had career highs with        scored 26 points off 22 Suns
22 points, 10 rebounds and       and eight rebounds and          berwolves.                     19 points and 13 assists,         turnovers and committed
10 assists for his 13th triple-  Kevin Love added 25 points      J.J. Barea scored 21 points    Luke Babbitt added 21             only 10 turnovers them-
double, and Klay Thomp-          for the Cavs, who held off      and the Mavericks (39-38)      points and the New Orleans        selves.
son scored 21 for the War-       a comeback in the fourth        made 14 of 40 3-pointers       Pelicans beat the Brooklyn        Mirza Teletovic led the Suns
riors, who matched the           quarter to open a 3½-           to overcome 38.6 percent       Nets.                             with 24 points, and Tyson
1996-97 Chicago Bulls and        game lead over idle Toron-      shooting for their fourth      Alexis Ajinca added 16 for        Chandler added a season-
1971-72 Los Angeles Lakers       to for the top playoff seed     straight victory. They forced  the Pelicans as the Nets lost     high 21 to go with 18 re-
with 69 wins. Golden State       in the Eastern Conference.      18 turnovers and held their    their fifth straight game.        bounds. Phoenix has lost six
needs to win four of its final   Smith made six 3-pointers       opponent under 100 points      Sean Kilpatrick led the Nets      straight.
five games to break the re-      and Love had five.              for the fourth straight game   with 15 points. Henry Sims        MAGIC 119, GRIZZLIES 107
cord of 72 victories set by      Kemba Walker scored 29          as they push for one of the    and Markel Brown each             ORLANDO, Florida (AP) —
Chicago in 1995-96.              points — 21 in the second       final playoff spots in the     had 12 for the Nets.              Nikola Vucevic scored 25
That chase was dealt a set-      half — and Marvin Wil-          Western Conference.            JAZZ 101, SUNS 86                 points off the bench, Victor
back Friday when Boston          liams added 22 for the Hor-     Andrew Wiggins scored 30       PHOENIX (AP) — Gordon             Oladipo and Evan Fournier
snapped Golden State’s re-       nets, who got within 96-92      points and Karl-Anthony        Hayward led five Utah play-       added 22 points each and
cord 54-game regular-sea-        in the fourth before Smith      Towns had 11 points, 21        ers in double figures with 22     the Orlando Magic topped
son home winning streak.         and Love answered with          rebounds and nine assists      points, and the Jazz boost-       the struggling Memphis
Damian Lillard scored 38         3-pointers.                     for the Timberwolves. Ricky    ed their playoff chances          Grizzlies.
points to lead the Trail Blaz-   ROCKETS 118, THUNDER 110
ers, who had their four-         HOUSTON (AP) — James
game winning streak bro-         Harden had 41 points with
ken.                             nine assists to help the
CLIPPERS 114, WIZARDS 109        Houston Rockets improve
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Chris         their playoff chances with
Paul had 27 points and 12        a win over the Oklahoma
rebounds and Blake Grif-         City Thunder.
fin scored six points in his     With 30 seconds left, Hard-
return from a three-month        en stole a pass from Kevin
absence to help the Los          Durant and found Patrick
Angeles Clippers beat the        Beverley for a transition
Washington Wizards.              dunk to give Houston an
Griffin shot 2 of 7 and con-     eight-point lead and the
tributed five rebounds and       Rockets held on for an im-
two assists while playing        portant victory.
24 minutes after missing 45      Durant had 33 points and
games because of quad-           eight rebounds for the
riceps and hand injuries.        Thunder, who led by six ear-
The team went 30-15 and          ly in the fourth until Harden
clinched a playoff spot dur-     hit back-to-back 3s to tie
ing his absence.                 the game at 93. Oklahoma
Marcin Gortat scored 21          City lost for just the sec-
points and Markieff Morris       ond time in the past three
added 18 for the Wizards,        weeks and had won nine
who never led in losing          of its previous 10 entering
for the fifth time in seven      Sunday.
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