Page 20 - Aruba Today
P. 20


   SPORTSTuesday 5 April 2016

Royals hold off Mets 4-3 in opening rematch of World Series 

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP)     the raising of the champi-        Kansas City Royals center fielder Lorenzo Cain (6) collides into the wall while chasing a fly ball
— The reigning champion        onship banner in left field       hit by New York Mets’ Michael Conforto during the sixth inning of a baseball game at Kauffman
Kansas City Royals picked      at Kauffman Stadium.              Stadium in Kansas City, Mo., Sunday, April 3, 2016. Conforto doubled on the play. 
up where they left off in      “It was just strange, the
November, beating Matt         pregame ceremony. I think                                                                                                                             Associated Press
Harvey and the New York        I would have enjoyed it
Mets 4-3 on Sunday in the      more if we played another         his first opening day start,    over eight-plus innings. Ro-   season, a two-run shot
first opening-day rematch      team,” Royals manager             helping the Toronto Blue        berto Osuna got three outs     for Toronto. Edwin Encar-
of a World Series in Major     Ned Yost said. “For them to       Jays begin defense of their     for a save. Archer struck      nacion had two hits and
League Baseball history.       relive that, it’s a little awk-   first American League East      out a Rays opening-day re-     drove in two runs after not
With runners at the corners    ward.”                            title in 22 years by beating    cord 12 in five innings.       batting in a major league
in the ninth inning, All-Star  PIRATES 4, CARDINALS 1            Tampa Bay. Stroman al-          Troy Tulowitzki hit the first  exhibition all spring training
closer Wade Davis struck       PITTSBURGH (AP) — Fran-           lowed three runs and six hits   home run of the 2016 MLB       because of injuries.
out David Wright and Yoe-      cisco Liriano tied a Pirates
nis Cespedes to preserve       opening day record by
the win.                       striking out 10 and singled
Edinson Volquez (1-0), who     home the first run of the
started the decisive Game      new MLB season, sending
5 at Citi Field in New York    Pittsburgh past St. Louis.
last fall, allowed two hits    It was 39 degrees Fahren-
and three walks over six       heit (4 Celsius) when Liriano
scoreless innings, his night   threw the first pitch of the
curtailed by an inflated       year. He allowed just three
pitch count rather than        hits and walked five in six
anything the Mets did.         shutout innings. His RBI hit
It wasn’t until Joakim Soria   in the second came off
came on in the eighth that     Cardinals ace Adam Wain-
New York rallied, scoring      wright.
three times on Lucas Du-       David Freese, the 2011
da’s two-run single and Neil   World Series Most Valuable
Walker’s RBI groundout.        Player for the Cardinals,
Harvey (0-1) allowed four      had two hits against his for-
runs — three earned — on       mer club in his debut with
eight hits and two walks in 5  Pittsburgh.
2-3 innings for the Mets.      Wainwright gave up three
The Mets spent nearly an       runs in six innings in his first
hour before the first pitch    regular season start since
reliving last year’s World     tearing his Achilles last April.
Series defeat through a        BLUE JAYS 5, RAYS 3
steady stream of high-         ST. PETERSBURG, Florida
lights on the stadium video    (AP) — Marcus Stroman
screen, then had to watch      outpitched Chris Archer in

Cubans on opening day
MLB rosters rise to 23

NEW YORK (AP) — Twen-          est since 2013’s of 28.2;         (eight each). South Ko-
ty-three Cubans were on        the high of 29.2 was set          rea’s previous high was
opening day major league       in 2005.                          five.
rosters following a series of  The Dominican Repub-              Canada had six, Pana-
high-profile defections, an    lic led with 82, followed         ma four, Colombia and
increase of five over last     by Venezuela with 63              Curacao three each,
year and the most since        and Cuba. Puerto Rico             and Brazil and Taiwan
the commissioner’s office      was next with 17, its most        two apiece.
began releasing data in        since 2011, and was fol-          Seattle had the most
1995.                          lowed by Mexico (12),             players born outside
Major League Baseball          Japan and South Korea             the 50 states with 13.
said Monday that 238 of
864 players on opening         New York Mets left fielder Yoenis Cespedes (52),
day rosters, disabled lists    of Cuba, drops a fly ball hit by Kansas City Roy-
and the restricted list were   als’ Mike Moustakas during the first inning of a
born outside the 50 states,    baseball game at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas
with the percentage rising     City, Mo., Sunday, April 3, 2016.
to 27.5 percent from 26.5
percent.                                                                      Associated Press 
The percentage is the high-
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