Page 16 - Aruba Today
P. 16


LOCALTuesday 5 April 2016

ECLAC’S Executive Secretary Reiterates the Organization’s Technical Support to the Work of CELAC

-At a meeting of Foreign Af-    ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena.                                  the United Nations’ mem-       worst export performance
fairs Ministers, Alicia Bárce-                                                     (Carlos Vera/ECLAC Photo)  ber states.                    in decades, low produc-
na presented an economic                                                                                      Bárcena also paid homage       tivity and competitiveness,
and social overview of the      in Santo Domingo, where       its relationships with other                    to Magali Pineda, architect    high structural heterogene-
region and its prospects in     she reiterated ECLAC’s full   regional integration orga-                      of the Dominican Repub-        ity, poor innovation, insuffi-
light of the 2030 Agenda.       disposition to continue giv-  nizations. Participants also                    lic’s feminist movement, a     cient fiscal space, and en-
She emphasized the need         ing technical support to      debated political matters                       sociologist, professor and     vironmental vulnerability,
to give the economy a big       CELAC’s work consistently     of regional interest, such as                   researcher, who died last      among other shortcomings.
environmental push with         throughout this year.         the relationship with the Eu-                   Tuesday, March 29. “She        “That is why we should pro-
new technology and in-          The event was inaugurated     ropean Union, Russia, India,                    leaves a huge legacy; her      mote a progressive struc-
vestment paradigms, within      by Andrés Navarro Gar-        Turkey, Japan and other                         contribution to equality,      tural change that increases
a horizon of equality and       cía, the Minister of Foreign  Asian countries, and ties                       sexual and reproductive        the incorporation of knowl-
sustainability.                 Affairs of the Dominican      with multilateral institutions.                 rights, the rights over one’s  edge in production, guar-
                                Republic, which currently     As a special guest, Alicia                      own body, the elimination      antees social inclusion and
ORANJESTAD/SANTO DO-            holds the bloc’s Pro Tem-     Bárcena made a presenta-                        of violence, women’s ac-       combats the negative ef-
MINGO - “In Latin America       pore Presidency.              tion before the authorities                     cess to politics, to promot-   fects of climate change,”
and the Caribbean we            The meeting was attended      on the economic and so-                         ing and guaranteeing the       said the senior United Na-
need a big environmental        by Foreign Affairs Ministers  cial situation of Latin Ameri-                  access of girls and women      tions official.
push for the equality and       and CELAC’s National Co-      ca and the Caribbean and                        to information and commu-      Bárcena explained that this
sustainability of develop-      ordinators from 30 of the     its prospects, in light of the                  nication technologies, and     proposal by ECLAC—which
ment in the framework of        region’s countries, who       2030 Agenda for Sustain-                        to closing the digital gen-    aims to foster a new devel-
the 2030 Agenda, to face        gathered to analyze the       able Development, ap-                           der gap,” she expressed.       opment pattern centered
a complex global context,”      future of the group and       proved last September by                        In her speech, Bárcena re-     on the 2030 Agenda—will
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC’s Ex-                                                                                   called that the world econ-    be presented by the or-
ecutive Secretary, said dur-                                                                                  omy faces a widespread         ganization to its member
ing a high-level meeting in                                                                                   deceleration process, with     states at the Commission’s
the Dominican Republic.                                                                                       a decoupling between the       next session, to be held
The most senior authority of                                                                                  financial sector and the       on May 23-27 in Mexico,
the Economic Commission                                                                                       real economy and a strong      and will be included in the
for Latin America and the                                                                                     rise in inequality (for exam-  document entitled Horizons
Caribbean (ECLAC) was                                                                                         ple, just 62 individuals have  2030: Equality at the Cen-
one of the main speakers at                                                                                   the equivalent wealth of       ter of Sustainable Develop-
the X Meeting of Ministers of                                                                                 3.6 billion people). She said  ment.
Foreign Affairs of the Com-                                                                                   that our region has stalled    More information at www.
munity of Latin American                                                                                      in its economic and social
States (CELAC), held Friday                                                                                   progress and shows the
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