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SPORTSTuesday 5 April 2016

                                                                                       NHL Capsules 

Kane hat trick leads Blackhawks past Bruins 6-4 

The Associated Press           Chicago Blackhawks right wing Patrick Kane (88) celebrates his goal against the Boston Bruins                            Niemi stopped 22 shots as
CHICAGO (AP) — Patrick         during the first period of an NHL hockey game Sunday, April 3, 2016, in Chicago.                                         Dallas’ four-game winning
Kane had three goals and                                                                                                                                streak ended. The Stars
an assist as the Chicago                                                                                               Associated Press                 lead St. Louis by two points
Blackhawks raced to a six-                                                                                                                              for the Central Division title
goal lead in the second        PITTSBURGH (AP) — Sidney                                ahead of the third-place        — Nate Thompson and              and home-ice advantage
period before hanging on       Crosby, Beau Bennett and                                New York Rangers in the         Ryan Kesler each scored          in the Western Conference
for a 6-4 win over the Bos-    Patric Hornqvist scored to                              Metropolitan Division.          a short-handed goal, John        playoffs.
ton Bruins on Sunday.          help Pittsburgh build an                                Pittsburgh, in the playoffs     Gibson made 25 saves and         BLUES 5, AVALANCHE 1
Kane’s scoring spree gave      early lead, and the surging                             for the 10th consecutive        Anaheim defeated Dallas          DENVER (AP) — David
him 100 points for the first   Penguins equaled their lon-                             season, reached 100 points      to return to the top of the      Backes started the scoring
time in his nine-year NHL      gest winning streak of the                              for the 10th time in team his-  Pacific Division.                in a three-goal first period,
career. The win was career     season at six games with a                              tory. Matt Murray stopped       Ryan Getzlaf added an            Anders Nilsson made 19
No. 800 for Chicago coach      victory over Philadelphia.                              28 shots for the Penguins.      empty-net goal as the            saves in relief of an injured
Joel Quenneville.              Crosby scored his 33rd goal                             Wayne Simmonds matched          Ducks moved one point            Jake Allen, and St. Louis
Kane, the NHL’s leading        and Pittsburgh jumped out                               a career high with his 29th     ahead of the Los Angeles         beat Colorado as the Ava-
scorer, was clicking with      to a 3-0 advantage mid-                                 goal, and Jakub Voracek         Kings. Both teams have four      lanche moved to the brink
linemates Artemi Panarin       way through the second                                  also scored for the Flyers,     games remaining, includ-         of postseason elimination.
and Artem Anisimov during      period. Carl Hagelin added                              who remained one point          ing the fifth and final Free-    Magnus Paajarvi, Colton
the club’s fourth win in five  his 12th and Eric Fehr scored                           ahead of Boston for the fi-     way Faceoff of the season        Parayko and Alex Pi-
games. Panarin had a goal      twice in the third period for                           nal playoff spot in the East-   between the rivals Thurs-        etrangelo also scored for
and three assists, while Ani-  the Penguins, who won for                               ern Conference.                 day night at Los Angeles.        the Blues, who are chasing
simov added a goal and         the 12 time in 13 games.                                DUCKS 3, STARS 1                Radek Faksa scored with          Dallas for the Central Divi-
two assists.                   They moved five points                                  ANAHEIM, California (AP)        1:29 remaining and Antti         sion title and trying to stay
Jonathan Toews also                                                                                                                                     ahead of Chicago. Troy
scored for the Blackhawks,                                                                                                                              Brouwer added an empty-
who won’t finish lower than                                                                                                                             netter with 2:55 remaining.
third in the Central Division                                                                                                                           Matt Duchene scored late
and will avoid a wild-card                                                                                                                              for the Avalanche, who
playoff seeding.                                                                                                                                        maintained their slim play-
Kane’s second career                                                                                                                                    off hopes with Minnesota’s
regular-season hat trick —                                                                                                                              loss to Winnipeg. They trail
both this season — lifted                                                                                                                               the Wild by five points for
him to 43 goals, the most                                                                                                                               the final Western Confer-
for a Chicago player since                                                                                                                              ence berth.
Tony Amonte hit that mark                                                                                                                               JETS 5, WILD 1
in 1999-2000.                                                                                                                                           WINNIPEG, Manitoba (AP)
He’s the first Blackhawk to                                                                                                                             — Mark Scheifele scored
reach 100 points since Jer-                                                                                                                             his team-leading 27th goal
emy Roenick had 107 in                                                                                                                                  and Winnipeg beat Minne-
1993-94.                                                                                                                                                sota, giving Jets fans some-
Patrice Bergeron had two                                                                                                                                thing to cheer about in the
goals and an assist for the                                                                                                                             club’s last home game of
Bruins, who remained one                                                                                                                                the season.
point behind Detroit and                                                                                                                                Minnesota dropped its third
Philadelphia for a playoff                                                                                                                              straight and squandered a
spot.                                                                                                                                                   chance to clinch a playoff
PENGUINS 6, FLYERS 2                                                                                                                                    spot.q

                                                                                       Boxer Blackwell wakes from
                                                                                       induced coma, speaking to family 

                                                                                       LONDON (AP) — British box-      March 26 against Chris Eu-       Hennessy Sports said.
                                                                                       er Nick Blackwell woke from     bank Jnr.
                                                                                       his induced coma a week         The bout had been                Blackwell woke from the
                                                                                       after collapsing following      stopped in the 10th round
                                                                                       a fight and he is speaking      after the ringside doctor        coma on Saturday at St.
                                                                                       from his hospital bed, pro-     advised the referee that
                                                                                       moters said Monday.             Blackwell was unable to          Mary’s Hospital in London
                                                                                       Hennessy  Sportspublished       see through his left eye.
                                                                                       a picture of Blackwell look-    Minutes later, Blackwell fell    after sedatives were grad-
                                                                                       ing into the camera with his    to the floor in the ring and
                                                                                       left fist seemingly clenched,   was taken to hospital.           ually reduced.
                                                                                       surrounded by his brother       Medics have now conclud-
                                                                                       and a friend.                   ed that the bleeding “out-       “(Blackwell)       acknowl-
                                                                                       Blackwell collapsed soon        side the brain on the skull ...
                                                                                       after the end of the British    was minor enough for there       edged the voices of loved
                                                                                       middleweight title fight on     to be no need to operate,”
                                                                                                                                                        ones and, by Sunday, was

                                                                                                                                                        starting to talk,” HennessyS-

                                                                                                                                                        ports  said. “It was the out-

This is a Nov. 1, 2012 file photo of British boxer Nick Blackwell.                                                                                      come everyone had been
Blackwell lies in an induced coma in a hospital in London Mon-
day March 28, 2016 following a brutal middleweight title fight                                                                                          hoping and praying for;
against Chris Eubank jnr.
                                                                                                                                                        Nick had won his toughest
                                                                    Associated Press 
                                                                                                                                                        fight yet. ... He’s a fighter.

                                                                                                                                                        He’s a warrior.”q
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