P. 1
Financial Sector
Supervision Report
July 10, 2018
T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044
Page 13
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Trump picks Kavanaugh for court, setting up fight with Dems
By CATHERINE LUCEY, ZEKE strict abortion, expand gun
MILLER and MARK SHER- rights and roll back key
MAN parts of Obamacare.
Associated Press “There is no one in America
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- more qualified for this posi-
dent Donald Trump chose tion and no one more de-
Brett Kavanaugh, a politi- serving,” said Trump, who
cally connected conserva- called Kavanaugh “one of
tive judge, for the Supreme the sharpest legal minds of
Court Monday, setting up a our time.”
ferocious confirmation bat- With Kavanaugh, Trump
tle with Democrats as he is replacing a swing vote
seeks to shift the nation’s on the nine-member court
highest court further to the with a staunch conser-
right. vative. Kavanaugh, who
A favorite of the Republi- serves on the Court of Ap-
can legal establishment in peals for the D.C. Circuit, is
Washington, Kavanaugh, expected to be less recep-
53, is a former law clerk tive to abortion and gay
for retiring Justice Anthony rights than Kennedy was.
Kennedy. Like Trump’s first He also has taken an ex-
nominee last year, Justice pansive view of executive
Neil Gorsuch, Kavanaugh power and has favored
would be a young addition limits on investigating the
who could help remake the president. Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee stands in the East
court for decades to come Room of the White House, Monday, July 9, 2018, in Washington.
with rulings that could re- Continued on Page 3 Associated Press