P. 29
PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 12 July 2018
Good Charlotte to headline benefit concert for 5 slain
By MESFIN FEKADU Ramos, who had a grudge
Associated Press against the newspaper,
NEW YORK (AP) — The city blasted his way into the
of Annapolis will hold a Annapolis newsroom on
benefit concert featuring June 28, killing John McNa-
Maryland-based rockers mara, Wendi Winters, Rob
Good Charlotte to honor Hiaasen, Rebecca Smith
the five Capital Gazette and Gerald Fischman. Ra-
employees killed in an at- mos remains jailed on five
tack in their newsroom. counts of first-degree mur-
Mayor Gavin Buckley said der.
Wednesday the event Good Charlotte, which in-
dubbed "Annapolis Rising: cludes twin brothers Joel
A Benefit for The Capital and Benji Madden, said
Gazette and Free Press" will in an interview they are
take place July 28 and will proud to return to their
include performances, as roots to pay tribute to the
well as guest speakers from community.
the journalism community. "I feel everything starts at
Information on tickets will home, it starts in your com-
be available at a later munity and this is the place
date. Proceeds will benefit in Maryland that we come
a fund established for the from. This is the place we
victims and survivors, as go back to. We feel very,
well as journalism scholar- very deeply connected to In this Tuesday, July 10, 2018, photo, Benji Madden and his twin brother Joel Madden of the band
ships. Annapolis and it's a very Good Charlotte pose for a portrait, in Burbank, Calif. Associated Press
Police say gunman Jarrod important place to us.q
Years of dues led Carolina
Story to stellar debut
Associated Press
Carolina Story, "Lay Your Head Down" (Black River Ameri-
Ben Roberts comes from Arkansas, his wife Emily is from
South Dakota, and they met in Memphis a decade ago.
But Nashville was always their destiny.
The couple's debut album, "Lay Your Head Down," pul-
sates with achy, heartfelt sentiment, delivered in tender
harmony against a warmly pastoral background.
For nearly 10 years, the duo said yes to every gig request,
performing in nursing homes, churches and bars. The re-
sponse was encouraging, but success was not immedi-
Still, talent this big is hard to keep down. Several odd jobs
and two babies later, it landed them a record deal.
On the opening title cut, a mournful train whistle of a har-
monica lays the groundwork for Ben plaintive tenor.q
This cover image released by Black River shows "Lay Your
Head Down," by Carolina Story.
Associated Press