P. 30

                     Thursday 12 July 2018
            In 'Skyscraper,' the Rock towers over action tropes

            By JAKE COYLE                                                                                                       for  "The  Pearl,"  a  state-of-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the-art  skyscraper  promot-
            NEW YORK (AP) — I like to                                                                                           ed  as  three  times  the  size
            imagine what King Kong, as                                                                                          of  the  Empire  State  Build-
            a popcorn-chomping mov-                                                                                             ing.  With  a  swirling  turbine
            iegoer, might make of "Sky-                                                                                         midway  up  and  a  tennis
            scraper," the latest summer                                                                                         ball-like  sphere  at  the  top,
            actioner  staring  Dwayne                                                                                           it  looks  a  little  like  a  giant
            Johnson. Would he, watch-                                                                                           World Cup trophy.
            ing  a  goliath  ascend  the                                                                                        The building is the pride of
            exterior  of  a  high-rise  with                                                                                    billionaire  developer  Zhao
            helicopters and klieg lights                                                                                        Long  Ji  (Chin  Han),  who
            swirling,  woundedly  mum-                                                                                          has  filled  it  with  extrava-
            ble, "Hey, that's my gig."                                                                                          gant attractions, like a kind
            But  in  Rawson  Marshall                                                                                           of digital hall-of-mirrors that
            Thurber's  thriller,  there  is                                                                                     will  inevitably  serve  as  the
            Johnson  steadily  —  and                                                                                           setting  for  a  "Lady  From
            without  too  much  trou-                                                                                           Shanghai"-like   shootout.
            ble,  really  —  swinging  up                                                                                       He presides over it from the
            a  100-story-high  crane  to                                                                                        penthouse,  more  than  100
            then  leap  across  a  mam-                                                                                         floors  above  anyone  else
            moth chasm and land in an                                                                                           in  the  unfinished  high  rise.
            open window on the burn-     This image released by Universal Pictures shows Neve Campbell, left, and Dwayne Johnson in a   The  Singaporean  star  Han
            ing  220-story  tower  where   scene from "Skyscraper."                                                             is  one  of  the  many  Asian
            his  wife  and  twin  kids  are                                                                    Associated Press  actors  who  populate  the
            trapped.  It  goes  without                                                                                         film,  clearly  fashioned  to
            saying that if you're the sort  sensible  and  realistic  res-  meets-East  "Die  Hard,"  but  "I put my sword down," says  appeal  as  much  to  Chi-
            to scoff at a tale's implausi-  cue  methods.  They  go  for  without  the  gritty  flair  of  Sawyer,  who  has  a  pros-  nese filmgoers as American
            bility, "Skyscraper" may not  the  dumb  fun,  the  crazy  John  McTiernan's  film,  nor  thetic leg from the incident   ones, though their roles are
            be  the  movie  you're  look-  stunts  and,  above  all,  the  anything  like  the  villainous  a welcome touch in a mov-  largely  peripheral.Sawyer's
            ing  for.  Experts  in  fields  in-  Kong-sized appeal of John-  heights  of  Alan  Rickman's  ie  world  where  disabilities  family  is  installed  on  floor
            cluding physics, thermody-   son,  the  towering  movie  Hans Gruber. Johnson's pro-   are seldom represented.      96, a precarious spot when,
            namics  and  screenwriting  star whose on-screen pow-     tagonist,  too,  is  a  polished  Along with his former com-  just below them, a band of
            should proceed cautiously.  ers  easily  exceed  those  of  family  man,  the  inverse  of  bat surgeon wife (the nice-  terrorists led by Kores Botha
            But  then  again,  few  go  to  any  other  action  star  to-  Bruce  Willis'  unshaven  di-  to-see-again  Neve  Camp-  (a  ho-hum  Roland  Moller)
            a  movie  starring  the  Rock  day, superhero or not.     vorcee.                      bell,  whose  part  exceeds  sets  a  floor  on  fire,  blazing
            and a tall building (they do  The  Hong  Kong-set  "Sky-  Johnson  plays  Will  Sawyer,  the  stereotypical  spouse  a  crimson  line  across  the
            have  great  chemistry)  for  scraper"  is  a  kind  of  West-  a former military man who,  role)  and  their  two  kids  night  skyline.  ("Skyscraper"
                                                                      after  a  haunting  hostage  (McKenna  Roberts,  Noah  is  lensed  by  Robert  Elswit
                                                                      encounter, has  become  a  Cottrell), Sawyer is in Hong  and it regularly looks better
                                                                      security systems consultant.  Kong to ready the security  than you'd expect it to.)q

                                                                       Original Winnie-the-Pooh map breaks

                                                                       auction record

                                                                       Associated Press
                                                                       LONDON (AP) — The origi-
                                                                       nal  hand-drawn  map  of
                                                                       Winnie-the-Pooh's    Hun-
                                                                       dred  Acre  Woods  has
                                                                       sold at auction for 430,000
                                                                       pounds  ($571,000),  a  re-
                                                                       cord  price  for  a  book  il-
                                                                       lustration.  E.H.  Shepard's
                                                                       drawing sold at Sotheby's
                                                                       in London on Tuesday for
                                                                       almost three-times its pre-
                                                                       sale estimate.
                                                                       Shepard's   1926    sketch
                                                                       features  beloved  char-
                                                                       acters   including   Pooh   In this photo dated May 31, 2018, Philip W. Errington holds the
                                                                       and  Christopher  Robin,    original map of Winnie-the-Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood by E
                                                                       and  landmarks  including   H Shepard.                             Associated Press
                                                                       "Bee  Tree"  and  "Eeyore's
                                                                       Gloomy Place."              of very little brain" and his  pounds.
                                                                       It was last sold in 1970 for  woodland friends.         The  map  and  four  other
                                                                       1,700 pounds.               In  2014,  an  ink  drawing  Shepard  Winnie-the-Pooh
                                                                       Shepard's       illustrations  of the characters playing  illustrations sold for a total
                                                                       helped cement the popu-     the game poohsticks sold  of 917,500 pounds at Tues-
                                                                       larity of A.A. Milne's "bear  for  a  then-record  314,500  day's auction.q
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