P. 32

                     Thursday 12 July 2018

            Coffee and conservation: Mozambique tries both on a mountain

            By CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA                                                                                              tries,  international  institu-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tions and other entities. The
            MOUNT GORONGOSA, Mo-                                                                                                annual budget is expected
            zambique  (AP)  —  At  Mo-                                                                                          to  expand  to  between  $1
            zambique's  Mount  Goron-                                                                                           million and $2 million.
            gosa  —  where  farmers                                                                                             The  rainforest  of  Mount
            are  being  encouraged  to                                                                                          Gorongosa, whose  highest
            grow  coffee  in  the  shade                                                                                        peak is 1,863 meters (6,112
            of hardwood trees, both to                                                                                          feet),  is  home  to  pygmy
            improve  their  own  lot  and                                                                                       chameleons and other rare
            to restore the forest — there                                                                                       species.
            is a point beyond which vis-                                                                                        The  mountain,  a  source  of
            itors are told not to go.                                                                                           traditional creation stories, is
            The  problem:  Base  camps                                                                                          under severe pressure from
            of Mozambique's main op-                                                                                            the  rampant,  corruption-
            position  force  sit  on  the                                                                                       fueled deforestation across
            cloud-shrouded  mountain,                                                                                           Mozambique  that  supplies
            a  redoubt  that  was  the                                                                                          a  foreign  market,  primarily
            scene  of  military  incursions                                                                                     China.  Scientists  estimate
            and civilian flight in the last                                                                                     that  it  has  lost  about  40
            few years.                                                                                                          percent  of  its  original  for-
            There  were  times  when                                                                                            est since 1970, though they
            managers  of  the  coffee-                                                                                          are  designing  a  reforesta-
            and-conservation  project    In this photo provided by Jen Guyton, a worker, with a bag of fertiliser on his back, passes cof-  tion program that respects
            couldn't go anywhere near    fee plants with green cherries, at Mount Gorongosa, in Mozambique.                     open grasslands found nat-
            the  mountain  because  of                                                                         Associated Press  urally in the area and that
            the conflict, or had to walk  The  threat  of  drought  and  the  poor  people  around  Randinho  Faduco,  a  cof-  contain plant species such
            up because the opposition  climate  change  also  loom  the  park's  edges  must  be-  fee farmer who is benefiting  as the protea shrub, with its
            had blocked the road with  over  a  project  driven  by  come  stakeholders  in  their  from  a  truce  between  the  distinctive large flower.
            logs to prevent the military  the  idea  that  human  de-  natural   heritage   rather  Renamo  (the  Portuguese  Mozambique isn't a coffee
            bringing up equipment.       velopment  and  ecologi-     than  remain  spectators  to  acronym  for  Mozambican  producer on a par with Afri-
            With  a  lull  in  tension,  they  cal restoration must work in  the occasional tourist influx,  National Resistance) oppo-  can industry giants such as
            are  pushing  ahead  with  concert if there is any hope  as was the case under the  sition  group  and  the  ruling  Ethiopia and Uganda, and
            plans to plant more coffee  for both to succeed.          Portuguese  colonial  rulers  Frelimo  (Mozambique  Lib-  production goals at Goron-
            and  trees  on  a  mountain  "We've  had  huge  troubles  who left in 1975.            eration Front) party.        gosa are relatively modest.
            that  captures  rainfall  and  working here," said Quentin  Scientists settled on coffee  A  post-colonial  civil  war  About  40  hectares  (100
            supplies the rivers sustaining  Haarhoff, a veteran farmer  as  an  alternative  tool  in  a  between  the  two  adver-  acres)  of  arabica  coffee
            people  and  wildlife  living  of  coffee  around  Africa  broader restoration plan for  saries  killed  up  to  one  mil-  plants  are  in  the  ground;
            around its base.             who  doesn't  let  hard  reali-  the mountain because the  lion  people  and  ended  in  farmers  plan  to  plant  an-
            It is among the more com-    ties sap his optimism.       90  hardwood  trees  plant-  1992, though disputes over  other  100  hectares  (250
            plex  conservation  efforts  Haarhoff  acts  for  a  non-  ed  for  every  hectare  (2.5  power  flared  into  violence  acres)  this  year  and  a  to-
            in southern Africa, a bid to  profit  group  founded  by  acres)  of  coffee  provide  as recently as 2016.         tal of about 1,000 hectares
            convince farmers to aban-    American      philanthropist  shade that the crop needs  Designed to help hundreds  (2,470 acres) over the next
            don      old-slash-and-burn  Greg  Carr  that  is  collabo-  to thrive.                of  families  on  and  around  decade,  all  in  areas  that
            methods  of  farming  and  rating  with  Mozambique's  A  sustainable  mosaic  of  Mount Gorongosa, the cof-        are  being  farmed  or  were
            commit to the longer-term  government to rehabilitate  cultivation and natural for-    fee project is supported by  farmed in the past.
            yield of coffee on the same  Gorongosa  National  Park,  est is envisioned, and farm-  Carr's  foundation,  the  Nor-  The first harvest comes four
            plots,  while  maintaining  a  rich  ecosystem  whose  ers are encouraged to cul-      wegian  government  and  years  after  planting,  and
            government  support  for  a  animals  are  recovering  af-  tivate bananas, pineapples  the Global Environment Fa-  each hectare yields 2 to 3
            project in an area that har-  ter  war  and  poaching.  To  and other crops amid cof-  cility, a group of 183 coun-  tons of coffee beans.q
            bors  an  opposition  militia.  do that, the thinking goes,  fee  plantations,  providing
                                                                      fertilizer for the coffee from
                                                                      falling foliage.
                                                                      "The  bulk  of  the  nutrition
                                                                      of the coffee plant comes
                                                                      from  a  very,  very  shallow
                                                                      layer of soil which we never
                                                                      want to disturb," said Haar-
                                                                      hoff,  a  white  farmer  from
                                                                      Zimbabwe who lost his cof-
                                                                      fee plantation during often
                                                                      violent  land  seizures  there
                                                                      nearly two decades ago.
                                                                      "What  we're  doing  essen-
                                                                      tially here by growing these
                                                                      other crops is restoring the
                                                                      natural  hydrology  of  the
                                                                      soil  here.  It's  turning  into  a   In this photo provided by Jen Guyton a worker, passes young
            In this photo provided by Jen Guyton, workers fertilise coffee   sponge," he said.     coffee plants in a plant nursery, on Mount Gorongosa, in Mo-
            plants, on Mount Gorongosa, in Mozambique.                "Now things are easier and   zambique.
                                                     Associated Press  calmer.                                                              Associated Press
                                                                      We  can  cultivate,"  said
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