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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 12 July 2018
            Show tells backstory of icons like Rushmore, Lady Liberty

            By BETH J. HARPAZ                                                                                                   by giving "America a gift of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    this  great  French  figure  of
            Did you know that the origi-                                                                                        liberty."
            nal symbolism of the Statue                                                                                         The  statue  is  often  roman-
            of  Liberty  had  nothing  to                                                                                       ticized as a symbol of wel-
            do  with  welcoming  immi-                                                                                          come for immigrants, partly
            grants?                                                                                                             due  to  its  location  within
            And  that  Mount  Rushmore                                                                                          sight  of  Ellis  Island,  where
            was  basically  built  as  a                                                                                        millions  of  immigrants  ar-
            scheme  to  get  road-trip-                                                                                         riving  in  the  U.S.  were  pro-
            pers to make the trip out to                                                                                        cessed.
            South Dakota?                                                                                                       They could see Lady Liberty
            You'll  hear  the  inside  story                                                                                    as their ships pulled into the
            on  these  icons  and  others                                                                                       harbor. But Ellis Island didn't
            from Geoffrey Baer, host of                                                                                         open  until  1892,  six  years
            the PBS television series "10                                                                                       after  the  statue  was  dedi-
            That Changed America," in                                                                                           cated in 1886.
            three  new  episodes  airing                                                                                        "So it wasn't until later that
            this summer. In addition to                                                                                         the statue took on this ad-
            famous  monuments,  other                                                                                           ditional  new  meaning  as
            episodes  focus  on  streets                                                                                        a kind of beacon to immi-
            that  changed  America  —                                                                                           grants," Baer said.
            like  New  York's  Broadway                                                                                         LINCOLN MEMORIAL
            — and on modern marvels      In this Dec. 9, 2016, file photo, the faces of the presidents that make up the Mount Rushmore   Abraham  Lincoln  signed
            like the Hoover Dam.         monument are shown near Keystone, S.D.                                                 the  Emancipation  Procla-
            Baer  is  based  in  Chicago,                                                                      Associated Press  mation  declaring  "all  per-
            where  he  works  for  the  lo-  some  excerpts  from  the  Baer  said.  So  he  decided  gift  from  France  to  Amer-  sons  held  as  slaves"  to  be
            cal public television station  podcast, edited for brevity  to  "create  the  world's  big-  ica,  but  what  was  the  free.  But  almost  nothing
            WTTW  and  also  gives  tours  and clarity.               gest  roadside  attraction."  meaning of the gift?        at  the  Lincoln  Memorial  in
            for  the  Chicago  Architec-  MOUNT RUSHMORE              Originally the carvings were  Baer  says  America  was  Washington, D.C., mentions
            ture Foundation.             When  cars  were  a  new  going  to  depict  heroes  of  seen  in  the  late  19th  cen-  slavery.
            He  spoke  about  the  show  form  of  transportation,  "a  the  American  West,  but  tury  as  a  "beacon  of  de-  That's because the intend-
            and the backstory of some  state official in South Dako-  that  wasn't  deemed  a  big  mocracy  and  freedom"  in  ed message of the Lincoln
            of  the  monuments  fea-     ta  really  didn't  think  in  the  enough  draw,  so  the  con-  an  era  when  French  de-  Memorial  was  "that  the
            tured in the episode airing  early  days  of  the  road  trip  cept was changed to presi-  mocracy  was  eroding.  So  Civil War was really brother
            July 17 in an interview with  that  scenery  was  going  to  dents.                    the French used the statue  against  brother  and  now
            AP Travel's weekly podcast  be enough" to lure people  STATUE OF LIBERTY               as a way of sending "a mes-  we've  reconciled,"  Baer
            "Get Outta Here !" Here are  to  drive  all  the  way  there,  The Statue of Liberty was a  sage" to their own country  said. q

            'A Terrible Country' is a wonderful novel

            By ANN LEVIN                 ting  on  the  wrong  side  of  why  I  liked  the  fact  that
            Associated Press             the oligarchs. While Andrei  they  all  looked  alike,  but  I
            "A Terrible Country: a Nov-  is initially put out by Dima's  did."
            el" (Viking), by Keith Gessen  request,  he  isn't  unhappy  But  basically  Andrei  is  a
            With the United States in an  to leave New York. His girl-  good  guy  who  feels  guilty
            uproar about Russian med-    friend  has  just  dumped  when  he  gets  impatient
            dling  in  its  election,  it's  a  him,  and  he's  hoping  the  with  his  grandmother  and
            good  time  to  brush  up  on  change  of  scenery  might  offers up incisive, politically
            the  country's  former  Cold  jump-start  his  stalled  aca-  charged  commentary  on
            War enemy. Here to help is  demic career.                 the sweeping changes un-
            Russian-born  emigre  Keith  But unbeknownst to Andrei,  der way in Putin's Russia.
            Gessen,  whose  hilarious,  Baba  Seva  has  dementia  The  other  unforgettable
            heartbreaking second nov-    and is hard of hearing. And  character is Andrei's grand-
            el, "A Terrible Country," may  since  Dima  has  already  mother,  an  indomitable
            be  one  of  the  best  books  sublet his apartment across  force  of  nature.  Gessen's
            you'll read this year.       the hall, Andrei has to move  portrait  of  her  is  tender,
            The  novel  is  narrated  by  into their old bedroom. Oh,  and  readers  will  be  hard-
            33-year-old  Andrei,  who,  the humiliation!              pressed to find a more nu-
            like  the  author,  is  a  Soviet  One of the pleasures of the  anced  and  poignant  de-
            Jew who came to the Unit-    novel is listening to Andrei's  piction of what it means to
            ed  States  at  age  6,  and  it  hyper-intelligent,  wry  and  lose your memory.
            recounts the year he spent  ironic  voice.  At  times  he  Indeed,  Baba  Seva  is  the
            in  Moscow  taking  care  of  can be petty and arrogant,  one  who  lends  the  novel
            his aging grandmother.       self-righteous and ingratiat-  its  title.  Early  on,  she  can't
            He  moved  back  on  the  ing, not to mention slightly  remember  who  Andrei  is
            eve  of  the  2008  financial  clueless  about  women.  or  why  he's  in  Moscow.
            meltdown  at  the  behest  Here  he  is,  noticing  all  the  When  he  reminds  her,  she
            of his businessman brother,  gorgeous blond women in  gets upset. "This is a terrible   This cover image released by Viking shows "A Terrible
            Dima, who had to flee the  black  pencil  skirts  on  Mos-  country,"  she  says  to  him.   Country," a novel by Keith Gessen.
            country suddenly after get-  cow's streets. "I don't know  "My (daughter) took you.q                                            Associated Press
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