P. 18

               Tuesday 7 November 2017
            Yankees’ Cashman was concerned with Girardi’s ‘connectivity’

            By RONALD BLUM                                                                         I  felt  we  had  new  op-   Series.
             AP Baseball Writer                                                                    portunities  to  re-engage  “Is  there  a  shelf  life  to
            NEW YORK (AP) — Yankees                                                                and  reconnect  and  have  somebody’s abilities in one
            general  manager  Brian                                                                channels  maybe  open  a  particular  market  or  not?
            Cashman decided it “was                                                                little  bit  easier,”  Cashman  I  guess  that  might  be  the
            time for a new voice and a                                                             said.  “When  I  saw  that  question that’s really more
            fresh  voice”  in  New  York’s                                                         that  wasn’t  happening  to  on the table than anything
            clubhouse  after  conclud-                                                             the level of I think that was  else,” Cashman said.
            ing Joe Girardi was not the                                                            necessary as we move for-    Cashman  would  not  say
            right  manager  for  a  team                                                           ward, that’s when the rec-   whether  a  pennant  or
            that has reoriented toward                                                             ommendation  came  by  World  Series  win  this  year
            youth.                                                                                 myself to Hal Steinbrenner.”  would  have  changed  the
            New York announced Oct.                                                                A  catcher  with  the  Yan-  decision.
            26  that  Girardi  would  not                                                          kees from 1996-99 who won  “It’s a tough to put a hypo-
            be  offered  a  new  con-     In this Oct. 3, 2017, file photo, New York Yankees manager Joe   three  titles,  Girardi  man-  thetical in there,” he said.q
            tract, ending a 10-year run   Girardi, left, and general manager Joe Girardi chat on the field   aged  the  Florida  Marlins
            that ended when the Yan-     before the team’s American League wild-card playoff baseball   in  2006.  He  replaced  Joe
            kees  lost  Game  7  of  the   game against the Minnesota Twins, in New York.          Torre as Yankees manager
            AL  Championship  Series     have a timetable for a de-   experiences that I was able   before  the  2008  season
            to  Houston,  the  eventual   cision  on  a  replacement  to validate, whether it’s di-  and  went  910-710,  lead-
            World Series champion.       and plans to interview can-  rectly  or  indirectly  about   ing  New  York  to  the  2009
            “The  issue  and  the  con-  didates  from  both  inside  the  connectivity  and  the   World Series title and three
            cerns  were,”  Cashman       and  outside  the  organiza-  communication  level  with   first-place finishes in the AL
            said,  “ability  to  fully  en-  tion.                    the  players  in  that  club-  East.
            gage, communicate, con-      Cashman said he informed  house,”      Cashman     said   Girardi  was  at  the  end  of
            nect with the playing per-   owner  Hal  Steinbrenner  Monday  in  his  first  com-    his  four-year  contract.  The
            sonnel.  And  in  saying  that   of  his  Girardi  analysis  on  ments about the decision.  retooled Yankees went 91-
            there  might  be  a  tough   Oct.  23,  two  days  after  New  York  began  its  transi-  71 this season, their best re-
            hurdle  for  someone  that’s   New York’s season ended.  tion  in  August  2016  when   cord since 2012, defeated
            been in that particular po-  Cashman  met  Girardi  the  it  released  Alex  Rodriguez   Minnesota  in  the  AL  wild-
            sition as a manager for 10   next day.                    and  traded  several  veter-  card game and overcame
            years.”                      “I  made  that  recommen-    ans for prospects.           2-0  deficit  to  beat  Cleve-
            The  GM  said  he  doesn’t   dation  based  on  ...  some  “Once  that  cleared  out,   land in a five-game Division
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