P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 7 November 2017
            Harden scores career-high

            56 points, Rockets rout Jazz

            By The Associated Press      with the Raptors.            Porzingis  added  eight  re-
            HOUSTON  (AP)  —  James  Marcin Gortat had 11 points      bounds  and  six  blocked
            Harden  scored  a  career-   and 12 rebounds, and Mar-    shots in his seventh 30-point
            high 56  points  and  added  kieff Morris and Kelly Oubre   performance    in   nine
            13 assists in just 35 minutes  Jr.  each  scored  10  points   games this season.
            to lead the Houston Rock-    for the Wizards. Wall sat out   Rookie Frank Ntilikina made
            ets  to  a  137-110  victory  because of a sprained left   the  tiebreaking  3-pointer
            over the Utah Jazz on Sun-   shoulder  sustained  Friday   with 1:34 remaining as the
            day night.                   in  a  130-122  loss  to  Cleve-  Knicks won for the fifth time
            Harden  finished  19  of  25  land.  He  is  expected  to   in  six  games  after  an  0-3
            from  the  field  after  miss-  return  for  Tuesday’s  home   start. He had 10 points and
            ing his last three attempts.  game against Dallas.        seven assists off the bench.
            The MVP runner-up was  7  Toronto lost its starting point   Thaddeus Young scored 18
            for 7 from beyond the arc  guard when Kyle Lowry was      points  and  Victor  Oladipo
            until he missed a step-back  ejected with 8:08 remaining   had 17 for the Pacers, who
            3-pointer  midway  through  in the second quarter after   led 84-65 with under 2 min-
            the  fourth  quarter  as  the  picking  up  two  technical   utes remaining in the third
            shot clock was about to ex-  fouls in quick succession for   quarter.
            pire.                        arguing. Lowry finished with   LAKERS 107, GRIZZLIES 102
            Even when the Jazz could  two  points  in  12  minutes.   LOS ANGELES (AP) — Brook
            deny  Harden  his  shot,  he  DeMar DeRozan scored 26     Lopez  scored  21  points,
            passed  it  off  for  someone  points and Norman Powell   Brandon Ingram added 20
            else  to  score.  Eric  Gordon  had  19  as  Toronto  lost  for   and Los Angeles blew most
            scored  20  points,  Trevor  the first time in three home   of  a  22-point  lead  before
            Ariza  had  14  and  Nene  games this season.             hanging  on  for  their  third
            scored 13 off the bench.     TRAIL  BLAZERS  103,  THUN-  victory in four games.
            Harden  received  a  stand-  DER 99                       Rookie Kyle Kuzma had 13
            ing  ovation  from  the  Toy-  PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Da-  points and 12 rebounds in
            ota  Center  crowd,  which  mian  Lillard  had  36  points   his second career start for
            rained down “MVP! MVP!”  and 13 assists, Jusuf Nurkic     the Lakers.
            chants  at  multiple  points  added 25 points and Port-    They beat Memphis at Sta-
            during  the  game.  He  had  land  held  off  Oklahoma    ples  Center  for  the  fourth
            22  points  in  both  the  first  City.Lillard, scoring at least   straight  time  despite  the   Utah  Jazz  center  Rudy  Gobert  (27)  tangles  up  with  Houston
            and  third  quarters,  30  at  30 points in his fourth con-  Grizzlies’ furious late rally.  Rockets guard James Harden (13) in the first half of an NBA bas-
            halftime and sat for the fi-  secutive  game,  scored  on   Tyreke  Evans  scored  26   ketball game Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017, in Houston.
            nal 7:32 of the blowout.     a  driving  layup  with  29.5   points  and  Mike  Conley                                          Associated Press
            Donovan Mitchell led Utah  seconds to give the Blazers    added  11  of  his  23  in  the   Teague had 18 points and  the top spot in the Western
            with 17 points.              a 98-94 lead that the Thun-  fourth quarter for the Griz-  12  assists  and  Minnesota  Conference.  The  last  time
            HAWKS 117, CAVALIERS 115     der  were  unable  to  over-  zlies,  who  trailed  by  15   beat  Charlotte  for  its  fifth  Minnesota won five games
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Dennis  come.Nurkic  hit  11  of  15   points  with  5:18  to  play   straight victory.         in  a  row  was  Jan.  2-10,
            Schroeder scored 28 points  shots  and  grabbed  eight    before  rallying.  Memphis   Andrew  Wiggins  led  Min-   2009.Cody Zeller led Char-
            and  injury-riddled  Atlanta  rebounds.  C.J.  McCollum   trimmed  the  Lakers’  lead   nesota with 20 points, and  lotte with 16 points.
            beat Cleveland to end an  made  six  3-pointers  and      to 103-100 with 42 seconds   Karl-Anthony  Towns,  Jim-   CELTICS 104, MAGIC 88
            eight-game losing streak.    scored  22  points  for  the   left  on  Dillon  Brooks’  free   my  Butler,  Gorgui  Dieng  ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Jay-
            Missing five players, Atlanta  Blazers, who hit 50 percent   throws after a flagrant foul   and  Jamal  Crawford  all  len Brown scored 18 points
            won for the first time since  from the floor (37 of 74).  by Lopez.                    reached  double  figures  in  and  Al  Horford  added  14
            topping  Dallas  in  the  sea-  Paul  George  topped  the   TIMBERWOLVES  112,  HOR-   scoring.The  Timberwolves  points and 10 rebounds to
            son opener.                  Thunder  with  27  points.   NETS 94                      moved  to  7-3,  just  a  half-  spark  Boston  to  a  victory
            Cleveland’s  Kevin  Love  Russell  Westbrook  had  25     MINNEAPOLIS  (AP)  —  Jeff   game  behind  Houston  for  over Orlando.q
            was taken to a hospital with  points and nine assists.
                                         much  of  the  second  half  Goerges tops Vandeweghe
            an illness, Cavaliers coach  Oklahoma     City   played
            Tyronn Lue said without dis-
            closing  the  problem.  Love  without  Carmelo  Anthony.
            left in the third quarter.   He  was  ejected  from  the   to win WTA Elite Trophy
            Coming off his 57-point per-  game  with  4:26  left  in  the
            formance  Friday  night  at  third  quarter  following  a   ZHUHAI, China (AP) — Julia  Goerges  qualified  late  for  bit  disappointed  by  how
            Washington, LeBron James  flagrant foul. Driving to the   Goerges  defeated  CoCo  the 12-player field in Zhuhai  flat I came out for a final.”
            had 26 points and 13 assists  basket,  Anthony  elbowed   Vandeweghe  7-5,  6-1  in  by winning the Kremlin Cup  Goerges  will  move  up  to
            for Cleveland.               the chin of Nurkic, who col-  the  WTA  Elite  Trophy  final  in Moscow two weeks ago.  a  career  high  of  14  in  the
            The Cavaliers have lost five  lapsed and lay on the floor   on Sunday.                 She has won nine matches  year-end WTA rankings.
            of seven.                    for more than a minute.      Goerges  fell  behind  5-2  in  in a row.Vandeweghe, who  The  tournament  in  Zhuhai
            WIZARDS 107, RAPTORS 96      KNICKS 108, PACERS 101       the  first  set  before  rallying  entered  the  tournament  features  the  leading  play-
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Brad-      NEW YORK (AP) — Kristaps     to  win  10  of  the  next  11  seeded  second,  dropped  ers  on  the  women’s  tour
            ley  Beal  scored  38  points,  Porzingis  scored  a  career-  games as she cruised to her  five service games against  who  didn’t  qualify  for  the
            Otto Porter Jr. had 19 and  high  40  points,  carrying   second straight WTA title.   Goerges.                     WTA  Finals  in  Singapore
            Washington overcame the  the  New  York  Knicks  back     “I  can’t  imagine  a  better  “I felt a little flat today but  last  week.  The  12-player
            absence  of  All-Star  point  from  a  19-point  deficit  to   ending  to  this  season,  two  Julia  played  really  well,”  draw was divided into four
            guard  John  Wall  to  beat  a  108-101  victory  over  the   titles in two weeks and this  said  Vandeweghe.  “She  groups  of  three,  with  the
            Toronto,  winning  for  the  Indiana  Pacers  on  Sunday   is  the  biggest  one,”  said  finished by having a great  winner  of  each  group  ad-
            second time in 11 meetings  night.                        Goerges.                     two  weeks.  I’m  just  a  little  vancing to the semifinals.q
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