P. 24

Tuesday 7 November 2017 TECHNOLOGY

             Trump-free Twitter: Outage highlights service's importance

            By MATT O'BRIEN                                                                                                     Facebook  and  Google,
             AP Technology Writer                                                                                               faced  grilling  from  Con-
            President  Donald  Trump's                                                                                          gress  this  week  over  politi-
            Twitter   account    disap-                                                                                         cal abuse of their services,
            peared  for  just  11  minutes                                                                                      including  Russian  efforts  to
            this  week,  far  shorter  than                                                                                     interfere in last year's presi-
            past outages that have af-                                                                                          dential  elections.  Twitter
            fected  users  of  the  social                                                                                      also  faced  outcry  when  it
            media service.                                                                                                      temporarily suspended ac-
            But   as   Trump's   critics                                                                                        tress  Rose  McGowan's  ac-
            cheered  his  brief  moment                                                                                         count while she was speak-
            of forced silence and Twit-                                                                                         ing  out  against  Harvey
            ter  struggled  to  explain                                                                                         Weinstein.
            who  was  responsible  for                                                                                          That's  why  when  Trump's
            deactivating  his  account,                                                                                         account  went  dark  Thurs-
            the  outage  underscored                                                                                            day,  some  observers  as-
            how  important  Twitter  has                                                                                        sumed  it  was  a  formal  re-
            been  to  his  presidency  —                                                                                        buke. His critics celebrated.
            and  how  easy  it  is  to  pull                                                                                    Some  suggested  the  lull
            the plug.                                                                                                           was too brief.
            "My  Twitter  account  was                                                                                          "Dear  Twitter  employee
            taken down for 11 minutes                                                                                           who  shut  down  Trump's
            by  a  rogue  employee,"                                                                                            Twitter: You made America
            Trump  wrote  from  his  re-                                                                                        feel  better  for  11  minutes,"
            stored  account  early  Fri-  President Donald Trump speaks with reporters before departing the White House for a trip to   wrote U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu, a
            day,  making  light  of  the   Asia, Friday, Nov. 3, 2017, in Washington.                                           California  Democrat  who
            brief Thursday evening dis-                                                                       Associated Press  offered to buy the uniden-
            ruption  that  vexed  many  dark.                         primary  means  of  com-     Jaffer  said  that  "love  it  or  tified  worker  a  Pizza  Hut
            of his 41 million followers. "I  Twitter wouldn't say if it was   municating  with  the  mass-  hate  it,  the  account  has  pizza.
            guess the word must finally  a contractor and declined    es  since  even  before  he  become     an    important  Trump  supporters  warned
            be getting out-and having  further  explanation,  raising   launched  his  presidential  source  of  news  and  infor-  of censorship.
            an impact."                  questions  not  only  about   campaign.                   mation  about  the  govern-  Just days earlier, the com-
            Twitter blamed a customer  its  own  security  measures   He  has  resisted  pleas  from  ment"  and  Trump's  tweets  pany  had  shut  down  the
            support worker on his or her  but  on  Trump's  heavy  reli-  family  and  friends  to  set  "often shed light on official  personal account of a close
            last day on the job for de-  ance  on  a  single  platform   aside  his  mobile  device  decisions  and  policies  —  Trump ally, Roger Stone, af-
            activating Trump's account  to broadcast his views.       and to act more presiden-    and even when they don't,  ter a profanity-laced tirade
            on the way out.              "It's not surprising that even   tial. Trump says the service  they shed light on the tem-  insulting journalists.
            The  San  Francisco-based  the  brief  shutdown  of  the   allows  him  to  get  his  mes-  perament,  character,  and  Stone responded by calling
            company  added  Friday  president's        Twitter   ac-  sage out to supporters with-  motives of the person most  the company the "totalitar-
            that  it  is  still  investigating  count  has  provoked  de-  out the filter of the media,  responsible for them."  ian  corporate  thought  po-
            and    has   "implemented  bate,"  said  Jameel  Jaffer,   but it's also allowed him to  Trump  uses  Instagram  and  lice."
            safeguards  to  prevent  this  executive  director  of  Co-  circumvent his own staff.  Facebook sparingly, usually  Twitter has said it won't ban
            from happening again."       lumbia  University's  Knight   Twitter  enables  Trump  to  to amplify items he has al-  Trump, even though his crit-
            The  New  York  Times  re-   First  Amendment  Institute,   unveil  himself,  constantly,  ready tweeted.           ics  say  he  has  violated  its
            ported  Friday,  citing  two  which  has  filed  a  federal   to  the  American  people.  He  controls  the  @realdon-  rules  against  harassment
            unnamed  sources,  that  it  lawsuit challenging Trump's   "It  provides  agenda  con-  aldtrump account on Twit-   and intimidation.
            was an outside contractor,  practice of blocking Twitter   trol," said Kathleen Hall Ja-  ter, while aides control the  Just  an  hour  after  musing
            not a Twitter staff member,  users who criticize him.     mieson,  a  communication  other accounts.                about his temporary Twitter
            who made the account go  Twitter  has  been  Trump's      professor  at  the  University  Twitter  has  struggled  in  re-  deactivation,  Trump  was
                                                                      of Pennsylvania.             cent  months  in  how  it  en-  again  disparaging  Demo-
                                                                      "Every reporter scrutinizes it.  forces,  and  explains,  its  cratic  U.S.  Sen.  Elizabeth
                                                                      The framing capacity is ex-  procedures  for  managing  Warren  as  "Pocahontas"
                                                                      traordinarily high.          accounts  that  violate  its  because  she  has  men-
                                                                      He  can  switch  the  news  code of conduct.              tioned  having  American
                                                                      agenda by tweeting some-     While  Twitter's  customer  Indian heritage.
                                                                      thing controversial."        service   workers   cannot  Free  speech  advocates
                                                                      Trump's Twitter missives fre-  post on someone else's ac-  have  said  that  it's  better
                                                                      quently  catch  even  senior  count, they have the ability  to keep Trump on the plat-
                                                                      aides  off  guard,  such  as  to  suspend  or  remove  ac-  form , and it should not be
                                                                      when he ratcheted up the  counts, or delete individual  up to private companies to
                                                                      rhetoric on North Korea this  tweets, over violations.    decide  whether  the  presi-
                                                                      summer.                      The  company,  along  with  dent has a voice there.q
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