P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 7 November 2017
            Mob, fame, loss: Film details Rose Marie's surprising life

             By LYNN ELBER               wife. It's qualified for Acad-  voicing  a  character  on
              AP Television Writer       emy  Award  consideration  the animated "The Garfield
             LOS ANGELES (AP) — Rose  and  is  screening  in  New  Show."
             Marie's place in show busi-  York, Los Angeles and else-  "Wait for Your Laugh" takes
             ness history is anchored by  where to draw attention for  a respectful but playful ap-
             her  performance  as  smart  a nomination.               proach to Rose Marie's life,
             aleck  comedy  writer  Sally  Born  Rose  Marie  Mazetta  deftly  integrating  witty  re-
             on  "The  Dick  Van  Dyke  in  New  York  City,  she  was  enactments  shot  on  film
             Show"  and  a  "Hollywood  the  apple  of  Al  Capone's  with  each  decade's  ap-
             Squares" quipster.          eye, opened the Flamingo  propriate  camera  to  bring
             That is simply criminal, as a  in  upstart  Las  Vegas  for  her story to life.
             new  documentary  makes  another  gangster,  Bugsy  Her         memorabilia    and
             clear.  Before  she  became  Siegel, and was a working  personal    footage    from
             a TV second banana, Baby  wife and mom whose per-        throughout  her  life  proved
             Rose  Marie  was  a  big-   formance  addiction  and  a  bonanza,  said  Jason
             voiced  singing  phenom-    feistiness remain unabated  Wise.
             enon who at age 4 began  at age 94.                      "Any  time  she  mentions,
             conquering  radio,  stage  "I loved to work for an au-   say,  a  theater,  there's  a
             and  records  and  blos-    dience and I loved to hold  telegram from Milton Berle
             somed  into  a  glamorous  them  in  the  palm  of  my  saying 'excited to see you'"
             nightclub performer.Her re-  hand — which I do," a still-  there, Wise said, visually en-
             markable  life  is  recounted  confident  Rose  Marie  says  riching the memory.
             with  her  help  in  "Wait  for  in the film.            At  a  recent  screening,
             Your Laugh," a film with the  Throughout  her  decades-  Rose Marie held court from
             verve, charisma and inven-  long career, she refused to  a wheelchair, frail but spir-
             tiveness  to  match  its  sub-  be left behind as entertain-  ited  in  a  follow-up  discus-
             ject.                       ment's  focus  expanded  to  sion. She was joined by Van
             "The  greatest  asset  we  include movies and televi-    Dyke;  the  1960s  sitcom's
             have is you don't know the  sion,  with  the  driven  Rose  co-star and its creator, Carl
             story,"  said  director  Jason  Marie adapting her talents  Reiner,  and  "Hollywood    In this April 1, 2002 file photo, actress and comedian Rose Ma-
             Wise,  who  produced  the  as  required.  Her  last  job  Squares"  host  Peter  Mar-  rie talks to the press as she arrives for a ceremony honoring
                                                                                                   comedian Milton Berle in Los Angeles.
             film with Christina Wise, his  was  just  a  few  years  ago,  shall.  Continued on Pag 31                                    Associated Press
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