P. 30

               Tuesday 7 November 2017
                                                                      Debate over Ken Burns Civil

                                                                      War doc continues over decades

                                                                      By HILLEL ITALIE             still  going  on.  It's  still  to  be  "Ken  Burns  always  looks
                                                                      AP National Writer           fought  and  regrettably  it  for  varied  voices  and  he
                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — From the  can still be lost."             always  looks  for  charac-
                                                                      time it aired nearly 30 years  As much as any book or film  ters, and Shelby Foote was
                                                                      ago,  Ken  Burns'  Civil  War  in recent years, Burns' series  certainly a character," Hol-
                                                                      documentary  has  been  a  has  shaped  how  Ameri-       zer  says.  "The  most  amaz-
                                                                      popular sensation and sub-   cans  perceive  the  war.  ing  thing  he  said  was  that
                                                                      ject of debate.              Holzer  says  "The  Civil  War"  the  two  great  geniuses  of
                                                                      The 11-hour, nine-part series  has a couple of important  the  war  were  Lincoln  and
                                                                      premiered  in  September  and  productive  legacies  (Confederate  Gen.)  Na-
             In this July 28, 2017 file photo, Ken Burns poses for a portrait   1990  and  became  one  of  — it brought slavery to the  than Bedford Forrest. Foote
            during the 2017 Television Critics Association Summer Press   PBS'  most  widely  seen  ed-  center of the Civil War de-  somehow  compared  the
            Tour in Beverly Hills, Calif.                             ucational  programs,  with  bate,  erasing  some  of  the  great  emancipator  with  a
                                                                      some  40  million  taking  in  damage caused by "Gone  man  who  owned  slaves,
                                                                      at least part of the original  With  the  Wind"  and  other  murdered   blacks   and
                                                                      broadcast.  "The  Civil  War"  narratives of the past, and  joined  the  Ku  Klux  Klan.  "
                                                                      was the rare documentary  helped create an enduring  The  documentary  inspired
                                                                      to  inspire  a  skit  on  "Satur-  popular  following  for  Civil  enough  discussion  to  be-
                                                                      day Night Live" and helped  War stories. But he says "The  come  a  book,  "Ken  Burns'
                                                                      make  Burns,  in  his  mid-30s  Civil  War"  was  "somewhat  The Civil War: Historians Re-
                                                                      at the time, the rare docu-  romanticized," notably in its  spond," a 1995 publication
                                                                      mentary  maker  recogniz-    treatment  of  Gen.  Robert  featuring  contributions  by
                                                                      able to the general public.  E.  Lee  and  other  Confed-  such leading scholars as C.
                                                                      During  its  initial  run,  then-  erate  leaders.  "Since  the  Vann  Woodward  and  Eric
                                                                      President   George    H.W.  film  and  book  appeared  Foner  and  responses  from
                                                                      Bush  and  Gen.  Norman  there's  been  a  lot  very  Burns and Ward.
                                                                      Schwarzkopf,  who  would  good  work  done  on  Rob-      The  commentary  ranges
                                                                      soon  command  the  U.S.-    ert  E.  Lee,"  says  historian  from praise by Woodward,
                                                                      led Gulf War, were among  Geoffrey  Ward,  who  has  a  Pulitzer  Prize  winner  and
                                                                      those who watched it. Ear-   collaborated with Burns on  consultant  for  the  film,  for
                                                                      lier this week, White House  "The Civil War" and numer-   Burns  thoroughness  and
                                                                      Press Secretary Sarah Huck-  ous  other  projects.  "Had  I  dedication,  to  negative
                                                                      abee Sanders cited the film  the benefit of it all I'm sure  critiques by Foner and oth-
                                                                      in defense of Chief of Staff  we  would  have  painted  a  ers. Catherine Clinton, who
                                                                      John F. Kelly, who had said  harsher but more accurate  has  worked  on  numerous
                                                                      the  Civil  War  could  have  portrait of Lee."           books  about  the  South,
                                                                      been  avoided  with  more  Sanders'  comments  do  re-    faulted  the  "wholesale  ne-
                                                                      compromise.                  flect what Foote said in the  glect  of  women."  Slavery
                                                                      "I  don't  know  that  I'm  go-  film:  Scholars  argue  about  historian  Leon  Litwack  al-
                                                                      ing  to  get  into  debating  the  documentary  in  part  leged that the film "revives
                                                                      the Civil War, but I do know  because  Burns  included  the  pernicious  notion"  that
                                                                      that  many  historians,  in-  commentators  with  very  the  "war  need  not  hap-
                                                                      cluding  Shelby  Foote  in  different    interpretations.  pened at all." Foner, an au-
                                                                      Ken Burns' famous Civil War  Fields'  perspective  —  that  thority  on  Reconstruction,
                                                                      documentary, agree that a  slavery was the cause, that  criticized  Burns  for  making
                                                                      failure  to  compromise  was  the  conflict  was  neces-  "no attempt to convey the
                                                                      a  cause  of  the  Civil  War,"  sary and unavoidable and  state of the nation at war's
                                                                      Sanders  said.  "There  are  a  that  initial  hopes  for  black  end  in  1865."  "The  word
                                                                      lot  of  historians  that  think  equality  were  fiercely  re-  'Reconstruction'  is  never
                                                                      that."                       sisted  in  the  South  and  re-  mentioned, and what little
                                                                      And a lot of historians who  main unmet — is common  information  there  is  about
                                                                      don't.                       among  historians  now.  But  the era is random and mis-
                                                                      "There's  no  one  who  thinks  far  more  time  in  "The  Civil  leading,"  Foner  wrote.  In
                                                                      intransigence  was  shared  War" is given to Foote, who  the  book,  Ward  acknowl-
                                                                      equally," says historian Har-  died  in  2005.  Foote  was  edged  mistakes,  including
                                                                      old Holzer. "Kelly accepted  a  popular  Southern  histo-  the wrong date for Lincoln's
                                                                      the old line idea that peo-  rian  and  raconteur  who  assassination (he had con-
                                                                      ple were just arguing about  scorned  slave  holders  and  fused the date in April with
                                                                      tariffs and states' rights."  abolitionists,  and  in  Burns'  the  day  of  Franklin  Roos-
                                                                      Burns  himself  challenged  film  contended  that  the  evelt  died  in  1945).  But  he
                                                                      Sanders'  interpretation  on  war  happened  "because  disputed the comments of
                                                                      Twitter. He wrote that "Many  we  failed  to  do  the  thing  Foner and others and not-
                                                                      factors  contributed  to  the  we really have a genius for,  ed  that  he  and  Burns  had
                                                                      Civil  War.  One  caused  it:  which is compromise."      done  their  best  within  the
                                                                      slavery." He noted that the  Ward  praised  Foote  as  boundaries  of  the  medi-
                                                                      documentary  ends  with  a  "master  storyteller"  but  um,  writing  that  "Television
                                                                      commentary from Barbara  added  that  "his  views  on  is  better  at  narrative  than
                                                                      Fields, a revered scholar of  its  causes  were  his  own."  analysis,  better  at  evoking
                                                                      slavery  and  the  Civil  War,  The cause of the war, Ward  emotions than at expound-
                                                                      who  says  "the  Civil  War  is  added, was slavery.      ing complex ideas."q
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