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PEOPLE /ARTS                        Tuesday 7 November 2017
            'Mad Men' creator delivers big with first novel

             By ANN LEVIN                reads  like  a  screenplay,  mother  whose  lowlife  boy-                              into  a  building  under  con-
              Associated Press           down to its eccentric capi-  friends like to wake him up                               struction, and I saw a man
             At  134  pages,  Matthew  talization.  Characters  are  in  the  middle  of  the  night                            working  there  stare  at  her
             Weiner's  "Heather,  The  To-  sketched  in  quickly,  with  to use him as "a punching                             with  threatening  intensity.
             tality"  is  best  consumed  in  just the right amount of de-  bag  or  a  parlor  trick."  By                     I  don't  have  any  daugh-
             one bite like those exquisite  tail to delineate a type.  the  time  he's  old  enough                             ters, but what I wrote down
             pastries that line the cases  Mark  and  Karen  Break-   to join a construction crew                               was, 'What if her father saw
             of the French bakery/cafes  stone would appear to be  renovating       the   Break-                                that?'"
             on Manhattan's Upper East  among  society's  winners.  stones' apartment building,                                 "Heather, The Totality" is his
             Side.  The  kind  of  people  He  has  a  job  in  finance,  he's  done  time  for  assault                        answer.  Beyond  its  chilling
             who  patronize  those  tony  earning enough so she can  and  committed  far  worse                                 portrait of America's social
             joints,  especially  for  Sun-  be a Manhattan-style, stay-  crimes.                                               and  economic  divide,  the
             day brunch and often with  at-home  mom.  Although  By  then,  Heather  has  ma-                                   novel  raises  a  number  of
             their  private-schooled  kids  they  don't  have  a  child  tured into a beautiful, ide-                           thorny  questions:  whether
             in tow, take center stage in  until  relatively  late  in  life,  alistic  and  rebellious  teen-                  a  "good"  man  could  be  a
             Weiner's suspenseful debut  when they do, Heather, the  ager;  Bobby  has  become                                  killer. Whether a "bad" man
             novel.                      namesake of the book, be-    obsessed  with  her;  and  violent and morally ambig-     might be transfigured. How
             Best  known  as  the  creator  comes their totality.     mild-mannered  Mark  sens-   uous, comes swiftly.         everyone,  rich  and  poor
             of "Mad Men" and a writer  Meanwhile,  on  the  other  es danger. Needless to say,  Describing     the   inspira-  alike,  is  complicit  in  their
             on  "The  Sopranos,"  Weiner  side  of  the  Hudson  River,  the  two  men  are  headed  tion  for  the  book,  Weiner  fate  and  trapped  in  their
             writes with maximum econ-   Bobby  Klasky  is  growing  for  a  showdown,  and  the  wrote,  "I  walked  past  this  delusions. And how no one
             omy.  The  book  practically  up  with  a  heroin-addicted  ending,  which  is  shocking,  beautiful  schoolgirl  going  ever gets off scot-free.q
            Ben Affleck says he wants to be 'part of the solution'

                                                                      By SAM GOLDING               part of the solution.”       Losique has defended Af-
                                                                       Associated Press            After  condemning  Har-      fleck,  saying  the  actor’s
                                                                      LONDON  (AP)  —  Ben  Af-    vey  Weinstein’s  actions  behavior  was  done  for
                                                                      fleck  says  the  storm  of  last  month,  Affleck  was  the show only and she has
                                                                      sexual harassment allega-    forced to defend his own  described him as a gentle-
                                                                      tions  engulfing  Hollywood  conduct.  He  apologized  man.
                                                                      has led him to examine his  for groping the actress Hi-   Speaking  Sunday,  Affleck
                                                                      own behavior.                larie Burton on camera in  said  two  things  need  to
                                                                      In  an  interview  Sunday  2003 when she was a host  happen, that “more wom-
                                                                      with  The  Associated  Press  on  MTV’s  “Total  Request  en need to be pushed to
                                                                      for the superhero film “Jus-  Live.”                      power”  and  that  sexual
                                                                      tice League,” Affleck said  Another  video  from  2004  harassment  has  to  also
            Actor Ben Affleck poses for photographers at a photo call to   he’s  “looking  at  my  own  showed  Affleck  pulling  be “a men’s issue” where
            promote the film 'Justice League', in London, Saturday, Nov. 4,   behavior  and  addressing  Montreal  TV  host  Anne-  guys  call  out  inappropri-
            2017.                                                     that  and  making  sure  I’m  Marie Losique onto his lap.  ate behavior.q
                                                     Associated Press
             Rose Marie's

            Continued from Pag 29        'Wait  for  your  laugh.'"  She
            "Carl, if you knew I had all  could be tough, especially
            those  talents,  you'd  have  when  it  counted.  Her  ex-
            given  me  a  bigger  part,"  perience on the set of the
            she pointedly teased Rein-   1954 movie "Top Banana" il-
            er  about  her  supporting  lustrates how tiresomely re-
            role on his hit show.        petitive Hollywood is when
            As  he  recalls  in  the  film,  it  comes  to  sexual  harass-
            Rose  Marie  was  in  the  ment.
            shadow  of  breakout  star  "You couldn't get it up if the
            Mary  Tyler  Moore,  a  posi-  flag  went  by,"  Rose  Marie
            tion  that  chafed  on  the  recalls  telling  a  producer
            spotlight-loving  Rose  Marie  who  promised  her  more
            but  which  Reiner  warned  screen  time  in  exchange
            she must accept or quit.     for sex. She rebuffed his ad-
            She stayed, and Van Dyke  vances  and  saw  her  role
            said  he  was  made  better  reduced.  "She  is  a  great
            for  working  alongside  her  role model, with everything   This cover image released by Little, Brown and Company shows "Heather, The Totality," a novel
            and  Morey  Amsterdam,  she's gone through and ex-        by Matthew Weiner.                                                    Associated Press
            Rose    Marie's   longtime  perienced,"  said  Christina
            friend  and  colleague  who  Wise.  "She  didn't  have  the  godfathers. He saw his tal-  devotion  to  her  big-band  gests  in  the  film  that  Rose
            played fellow writer Buddy.  same kind of support wom-    ented  offspring  as  a  reve-  musician  husband,  Bobby  Marie  was  more  focused
            "I  learned  comedy  from  en have today, and it's still  nue source and, according  Guy,  whose  early  death  is  on her career than mother-
            those two," Van Dyke said,  a struggle." The chief heavy  to the film, kept the money  the  reason  a  black  ribbon  hood. But she acknowledg-
            with  Rose  Marie  chiding  in  "Wait  for  Your  Laugh"  is  she earned — millions in to-  routinely is part of her trade-  es the drive to perform that
            him when he jumped in too  Rose Marie's  father, whose  day's dollars — and tried to  mark  bouffant  hairstyle.  has her mom puzzling over
            quickly  after  delivering  a  connections brought mob-   block her from marrying.     Georgiana Guy Rodrigues,  how she could do her night-
            punch line. "She would say,  sters into her life as friendly  The film honors Rose Marie's  the couple's daughter, sug-  club act sitting down.q
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