P. 21
SPORTS Tuesday 7 November 2017
Coach says NFL’s Texans have
discussed signing Kaepernick
By KRISTIE RIEKEN owners colluded against
AP Sports Writer him because of the pro-
HOUSTON (AP) — Houston tests, which are aimed at
Texans coach Bill O’Brien police brutality against Af-
says he and general man- rican-Americans and other
ager Rick Smith have social justice issues.
discussed signing Colin O’Brien was pressed sever-
Kaepernick following the al times on Monday about
season-ending injury to whether the Texans would
quarterback Deshaun Wat- sign Kaepernick if it were
son. his decision.
When asked about Kaepe- He avoided answering
rnick on Monday, a day af- the question directly, say-
ter Tom Savage struggled ing that his job is simply to
in a 20-14 loss to the India- “coach the football team.”
napolis Colts, O’Brien said: After that he was asked if
“We talk about the roster he believes signing Kaepe-
and what’s out there every rnick would make that job
day Rick and I.” easier.
O’Brien was then pressed “Uh, that’s an interesting
on whether they have spe- question,” he said before
cifically discussed about pausing for a couple of
adding Kaepernick. seconds. In this Dec. 11, 2016, file photo, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick (7) passes
against the New York Jets during the first half of an NFL football game in Santa Clara, Calif.
“Oh yeah, everybody gets “I would tell you that I like
discussed,” he said. “Is that the guys that we have and team owner Bob McNair swers to get its offense back college, but avoided any
a problem? Isn’t that the we’re going to continue to said, “We can’t have the on track and try to make comparisons between him
way most teams do it. coach them and try to do inmates running the pris- a push for a third straight and the quarterbacks on
People seem shocked by a better job of coaching on,” during a meeting of playoff berth. The Texans’ Houston’s roster.
that.” them.” NFL owners about players record fell to 3-5 with the “Colin Kaepernick’s a good
Kaepernick, the former San The Texans have not been who protest by kneeling. loss to Indianapolis. football player, hasn’t
Francisco 49ers quarter- very active in anthem pro- No member of the team They are two games be- played football in a while,”
back, began the national tests, but the majority of the kneeled on Sunday before hind Tennessee and Jack- O’Brien said.
anthem protest movement team kneeled during the Houston’s annual salute- sonville, who are tied for “But these things are
by kneeling last season. He anthem before a game to-service game to honor first place in the AFC South. discussed daily and
remains unsigned and has on Oct. 29 at Seattle af- members of the military. O’Brien said he’s studied they’ll continue to be
filed a complaint that NFL ter a report revealed that Houston is looking for an- Kaepernick since he was in discussed.”q
Rangers exercise option on Perez, decline Napoli, Barnette
By STEPHEN HAWKINS Cashner, the Texas native with 29 home runs. Barnette back, and is still Rangers. He was a first-
AP Sports Writer who was 11-11 with a 3.40 Napoli started 116 games, talking to him. round pick by the Chicago
ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — ERA in 28 starts in his only 90 at first base and 26 as The GM said the Rang- Cubs out of nearby TCU in
The Texas Rangers declined season with the Rangers, the designated hitter. He ers “haven’t necessarily 2008.
their 2018 club options for and center fielder Carlos didn’t play after Sept. 14 closed the door on Nap ei- While the Rangers will stay
slugger Mike Napoli and Gomez. because of a stress reac- ther.” But Daniels said the in touch with Cashner,
reliever Tony Barnette on When Napoli signed last tion in his lower right leg. initial focus this offseason is Daniels said the pitcher is
Monday, and won’t make spring to return for his third Texas had a $4 million club on pitching, and that cor- hoping to get a multiyear
a $17.4 million qualifying stint with the Rangers, he option on Barnette, who will ner bats aren’t a top prior- deal. The GM wasn’t sure
offer to free agent pitcher got $8.5 million for this year get a $250,000 buyout. He ity for position players at this if Cashner would have ac-
Andrew Cashner. with an $11 million club op- was 2-1 with a 5.49 ERA in point. cepted the qualifying offer,
Texas did exercise its $6 tion for 2018. He will instead 50 appearances this year. Cashner last November but said it was an econom-
million club option for 13- get a $2.5 million buyout af- Daniels said the team still agreed to a $10 million, ic decision by the team not
game winner Martin Perez, ter hitting a career-low .193 has an interest in bringing one-year deal to join the to extend one.q
a 26-year-old left-hander,
while Napoli and Barnette
became free agents.
Perez, who would have
gotten a $2.45 million buy-
out if his option hadn’t
been picked up, had team
highs with 32 starts and
185 innings pitched. He
became the first Rangers
pitcher to make at least 30
starts in consecutive sea-
sons since Matt Harrison in
General manager Jon
Daniels said the Rangers
wouldn’t make qualify-
ing offers on any of their
free agents. That includes