P. 22

A22     SPORTS
               Tuesday 7 November 2017
             Lindgren makes 38 saves, Canadiens beat Blackhawks 2-0

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             saves  and  Martin  Frk  and
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Charlie                                                                                           Anthony  Mantha  each
            Lindgren  made  38  saves                                                                                           had  a  goal  and  an  assist
            in  his  first  career  shutout,                                                                                    in Detroit’s victory over Ed-
            helping  the  Montreal  Ca-                                                                                         monton.Frans  Nielsen  and
            nadiens beat Corey Craw-                                                                                            Gustav Nyquist also scored.
            ford  and  the  Chicago                                                                                             The  Red  Wings  have  won
            Blackhawks 2-0 on Sunday                                                                                            three of four to reach 7-7-1.
            night.                                                                                                              The Oilers dropped to 4-8-
            Lindgren  and  Crawford                                                                                             1. They have yet to win two
            were locked up in a score-                                                                                          games in a row this season.
            less  duel  before  Jonathan                                                                                        FLAMES 5, DEVILS 4, SO
            Drouin  skated  through the                                                                                         CALGARY,  Alberta  (AP)
            slot and shot the puck into                                                                                         —  Micheal  Ferland  had
            the  left  side  of  the  net  at                                                                                   a  goal  and  an  assist  and
            1:54  of  the  third.  Drouin’s                                                                                     Matthew  Tkachuk  scored
            third  goal  of  the  season                                                                                        the shootout winner in Cal-
            stopped Crawford’s score-                                                                                           gary’s  victory  over  New
            less streak at 173 minutes, 9                                                                                       Jersey.Tkachuk,   shooting
            seconds.                                                                                                            third  for  Calgary  with  the
            Defenseman  Joe  Morrow                                                                                             shootout  tied  1-1  and  the
            added his third career goal                                                                                         Flames in a position to win
            at 7:45, helping Montreal to                                                                                        it,  moved  in  slowly  and
            its fourth win in five games.                                                                                       slipped  a  nifty  high  shot
            Morrow blasted a slap shot                                                                                          past  Keith  Kinkaid.Sean
            by  a  screened  Crawford    Montreal Canadiens goalie Charlie Lindgren blocks a shot against the Chicago Blackhawks dur-  Monahan  also  scored  in
                                         ing the second period of an NHL hockey game, Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017, in Chicago.
            for  his  first  goal  since  Oct.                                                                 Associated Press  regulation  and  the  shoot-
            27, 2015, for Boston against                                                                                        out, and Michael Frolik and
            Arizona.                     ended Colorado’s winning  Predators.                      the  second  period,  brief-  Michael Stone had regula-
            Coming  off  consecutive     streak at three games.       Duchene  stealthy  left  the  ly  speaking  with  report-  tion  goals.  Johnny  Gaud-
            shutouts  against  Philadel-  The  wild  night  on  the  ice  ice  when  team  trainers  ers,  before  jumping  into  a   reau had two assists to give
            phia and Minnesota, Craw-    was  nearly  overshadowed  were  helping  injured  Avs  black  SUV  waiting  outside   him 15 on the season.
            ford  finished  with  33  stops   off  of  it  when  Matt  Duch-  forward Blake Comeau off  the Barclays Center.    Taylor  Hall,  Ben  Lovejoy,
            in his first career regulation   ene  was  traded  from  Col-  the ice in the middle of the  RED WINGS 4, OILERS 0  Brian  Gibbons  and  Andy
            loss  against  his  hometown   orado  to  Ottawa  in  deal  first  period.  Duchene  left  EDMONTON,  Alberta  (AP)   Greene  scored  for  New
            team.  He  was  8-0-2  with   that  involved  the  Nashville  the arena in the middle of  —  Petr  Mrazek  made  36   Jersey.q
            a  1.49  goals-against  aver-
            age  in  10  career  games    Turris gives Predators center depth to match anyone in NHL
            against Montreal.
            With  Carey  Price  sidelined   By STEPHEN WHYNO          some  new  strategies  on
            by a minor lower-body inju-   AP Hockey Writer            how  we  can  play  against
            ry and Al Montoya coming     As impressive as it was that  them if we are healthy and
            off a 19-save performance    the   Nashville   Predators  have  all  of  these  center
            in  Saturday  night’s  5-4   reached  the  Stanley  Cup  ice  men  to  play  against
            overtime win at Winnipeg,    Final  last  spring  without  them.”The  Predators  now
            Lindgren made his first ap-  their top two centers, it was  boast a 1-2 punch of Ryan
            pearance of the season for   still  a  glaring  need.Losing  Johansen  and  Turris,  who
            the Canadiens.               to  Sidney  Crosby,  Evgeni  came  from  the  Senators
              The  Lakeville,  Minnesota,   Malkin  and  the  Pittsburgh  in  a  pair  of  trades  that  in-
            native   responded    with   Penguins last June showed  cluded  Colorado  shipping
            Montreal’s  first  shutout  of   the  Predators  the  shallow-  Matt  Duchene  to  Ottawa.
            the season while improving   est  part  of  their  lineup.Not  Bonino, Colton Sissons and
            to  4-0  in  four  career  NHL   anymore. After signing for-  Calle  Jarnkrok  are  all  op-
            starts.                      mer  Penguins  center  Nick  tions, too, so Poile can halt
            ISLANDERS  6,  AVALANCHE     Bonino in the offseason and  his  seemingly  perpetual    This  March  28,  2017  photo  shows  Ottawa  Senators’  Kyle  Turris
            4                            acquiring Kyle Turris on Sun-  search for help at center.  in action during an NHL hockey game against the Philadelphia
            NEW YORK (AP) — Mathew       day  night,  Nashville  now  With  Bonino  still  recover-  Flyers in Philadelphia.                Associated Press
            Barzal  had  a  franchise-   has  depth  down  the  mid-  ing  from  a  foot  injury  he
            rookie  record  five  assists   dle  to  hang  with  anyone  suffered  in  the  Cup  Final,   has  320  points  in  544  NHL  said  the  Predators  were
            and  Nick  Leddy  and  Jor-  in  the  NHL,  including  the  there’s  time  to  see  how  it   games. “I feel like that’s a  comfortable  signing  Turris
            dan  Eberle  each  scored    Penguins.“With  the  acqui-  all  fits  together.  But  Turris,   big part of my game is try-  to  a  six-year  deal  —  even
            twice  to  help  New  York   sition  of  Kyle  Turris,  we  are  whom the Predators signed   ing  to  help  create  oppor-  though his camp asked for
            beat Colorado.               now as skilled and as deep  to a $36 million, six-year ex-  tunities  offensively  for  my  eight — because he will be
            Johnny Boychuk and Scott     at  the  center  position  as  tension that keeps him un-  linemates and myself.”Turris  34 by the end of the con-
            Mayfield  also  scored  for   we ever have been,” gen-    der contract through 2023-   and  Senators  GM  Pierre  tract and is in good shape.
            the  Islanders  and  Thomas   eral  manager  David  Poile  24,  can  be  a  matchup    Dorion  exchanged  verbal  What Turris gives the Preda-
            Greiss made 31 saves.        said  Monday  in  Nashville.  nightmare no matter where   jabs  about  not  getting  a  tors now is a playmaker in
            Nathan MacKinnon, Gabri-     “In  terms  of  playing  the  he plays in the lineup.“I like   deal  done  to  stay  in  Ot-  his  prime  to  complement
            el  Landeskog,  Alexander    game  and  matchups,  us-    being  strong  defensively   tawa, but it was clear that  wingers  like  Filip  Forsberg
            Kerfoot  scored  for  Colo-  ing Pittsburgh as an exam-   and helping out in my own    relationship  wasn’t  going  and  Viktor  Arvidsson  as
            rado.                        ple, the Malkin-Crosby duo,  end, but I love playing of-  to  continue  behind  the  35-year-old goaltender Pe-
            New York won for the sixth   now  we’ve  got  way  more  fense  and  contributing  of-  28-year-old’s    potential  kka Rinne is still on top of his
            time  in  eight  games  and   flexibility  and  can  create  fensively,”  said  Turris,  who   free  agency  July  1.  Poile  game. q
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