Page 13 - Aruba Today
P. 13

                                                                                                                                                                        Thursday 17 September

    PANDORA Paseo Herencia Store Unveils “Evolution” Concept

NOORD - On Thursday,
September 10th, PANDO-
RA Aruba unveiled their
newly remodeled concept
store. The new concept
store, known as “EVOLU-
TION” was first launched in
March 2015. Pandora Aru-
ba is honored that they are
the second location in the

Caribbean to have the op-

portunity to transform into

this new design. This new

beautiful concept is much

more customer friendly

and permits the Pandora

Specialists to walk around

with the customer and in-

teract more freely, shop-

ping side by side together.

Also with the reveal of the

new store comes the re-

lease of the new Autumn

Collection. There are a

large variety of new col-

lections and updates on

already existing collec-

tions! There are in total 52                                 of a $100. Imagine walk-
                                                             ing out with the necklace
new charms, various new                                      and/or earrings of your
                                                             choice and receiving the
necklaces,  pendants,                                        matching charm for free to
                                                             complete your new look.
bracelets and rings have      famous and very popular        This time around you can
                              official Aruba Logo Charm      purchase any Pandora
been added to the existing    is now available in 2 new      jewelry and receive a free
                              versions, the silver dan-      charm. Pre-sales started on
collection. Making it one of  gle with colored enamel        September 10till 16, reserve
                              Aruba logo and the white       yours today!
their must have collection    Murano with the colored        For more information, visit:
                              Aruba logo. These will be      https://www.facebook.
to date.                      available very soon.           com/PandoraAruba and
                              Come visit the new Pando-
Exclusively for Pandora       ra Concept Store at Paseo      pandorapaseoas we share
                              Herencia! Next week we         more updates and show us
Aruba we have the privi-      are offering the “Charm        your creative ways of styl-
                              Event” starting September      ing your PANDORA jewelry!
lege to announce that the     17 till the 20th, you will be  #ArtOfYouq
                              eligible to receive 1 free
                              charm up to a value of
                              $65 with every purchase
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