Page 15 - Aruba Today
P. 15

                                                                                                                 Thursday 17 September

EQ3 Aruba Introduces New lines of Outdoor Furniture,
Blinds and Furniture for Hotels and Condominiums!

ORANJESTAD - The EQ3        The outdoor furniture can   EQ3 Aruba has been dif-         That is why EQ3 has ex-      residential use.
Furniture store, located    be seen at De Palm Island,  ferentiating itself from com-   tended their collection      For more information about
at Schotlandstraat 45,      where they have survived    petitors for years when it      more and offers Contract     EQ3 Aruba and its new di-
right across from Ling &    Aruba’s harsh climate for   comes to originality, flex-     Furniture and high quality   visions in Hospitality or resi-
Sons Supermarket, of-       many years and still going  ibility, affordability and du-  Blinds which are suited for  dential use visit the website
fers a unique collection    strong!                     rability.                       Hotels, condominiums and     at
of modern living in com-
bination with style and
EQ3 Aruba, knows like
no other the quality of
indoor and outdoor fur-
niture demands in the
harsh weather conditions
on our beautiful island.
EQ3 introduces an exclu-
sive new hospitality divi-
sion in outdoor furniture
by partnering with Tele-
scope Casual Outdoor
Furniture. Thus, making
EQ3 the only furniture
store in Aruba that offers
both indoor and outdoor
quality designed furni-
ture! The products are
also suited for Hospital-
ity and Commercial use.
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