Page 14 - Aruba Today
P. 14


LOCALThursday 17 September

September Special:

Perfect Pizzas and Ice Cold Beers at Tomato Charlie’s!
PALM BEACH - Wondering

where  to get a  Chicago

style thin crust pizza? 

A place with authentic Ital-

ian dishes, salads, pasta,

and frozen specialty drinks

with a fun, friendly,  open-

air atmosphere and casual


Well look no further! 

Tomato  Charlie’s is

here! Located in the heart

of the high rise hotel area

on Palm Beach,  in front

of the Brickell Bay Beach

Club & Spa.                    ents with many enticing         their spinach and artichoke ous selection of appetizers, from the menu or just want
The chef creates Italian       options to choose from.         dip followed by  a main pizza, pasta and salads  as to sit  outside on terrace
dishes using fresh ingredi-    You may want  start with        course of delicious chicken well as chicken,  beef and and enjoy their signature

                                                               marsala and compliment it seafood, it will surely satisfy sangria with an appetizer,

                                                               with a glass of wine.          your appetite.                  Tomato Charlie’s is the

                                                               Or maybe you’re in the   The  bar offers a wide va- place to be.

                                                               mood for their mouth  wa- riety of beer, cocktails and Open from 7:00am until

                                                               tering BBQ  chicken pizza wine or you may want to try 12:00 Midnight.

                                                               and ice cold pitcher of one of the tempting frozen Telephone 586-0999.

                                                               draft beer.                    smoothies which they cre- Take- out availabl.

                                                               No matter what your ated at your request, with SEPTEMBER  SPECIAL:    Order

                                                               craving Tomato Charlie’s or without alcohol.                   a large pizza and receive a

                                                               menu is designed to cater   So whether you’re in the FREE PITCHER of DRAFT BEER

                                                               many palates, with a gener- mood for something tasty (Dine –in orders only). q

Renewed Recruitment Website VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne

ORANJESTAD - Law firm          VanEps Kunneman Van-            aspects of living and work-    sion in the tropics through     Partner Mayesi Hammoud,
VanEps Kunneman Van-           Doorne, is so special. The      ing on the various islands of  the blog that is published      responsible for HR, says:
Doorne has revised its spe-    dynamic website provides        the Dutch Caribbean, such      on the website. Finally, the    “We are always looking for
cial recruitment website.      a variety of impressions, just  as the social life and the     website provides various        the best lawyers. We want
The website informs stu-       like the Caribbean itself. For  typical characteristics of     options to get to know the      to offer this critical target
dents, starters and profes-    instance, 15 colleagues of      the legal profession in this   firm personally, such as a      group the same compre-
sionals about the career op-   VanEps Kunneman Van-            region. Visitors can also ex-  Skype consultation hour         hensive approach and flex-
tions with the firm. VanEps    Doorne share their vision on    perience the legal profes-     with the recruiter and an       ibility that we also provide
Kunneman VanDoorne                                                                            overview of all recruitment     to our clients. This requires
aims its recruitment policy                                                                   activities in an event calen-   more than simply a sum-
at (future) lawyers from the                                                                  dar. Of course, all vacan-      mary of vacancies on our
Caribbean or those who                                                                        cies are published on the       firm’s normal website. With
have affinity with the Carib-                                                                 website.                        the recruitment website,
bean part of the Kingdom.                                                                     There is also a website ver-    and by sharing extensive
The information provided                                                                      sion for support staff, in ad-  information on social me-
and the look and feel of                                                                      dition to the two versions for  dia, potential future col-
the website -                                                                         starting and experienced        leagues can already get to                                                                         lawyers. This way, specific     know us, get an impression
– reflect this. The website                                                                   information is provided per     based on which they can
shows in words and visually                                                                   target group. The website       decide to apply for a job,
why the legal profession in                                                                   is part of a new recruit-       and they can ask specific
the Dutch Caribbean re-                                                                       ment campaign of VanEps         questions during the appli-
gion, and specifically with                                                                   Kunneman VanDoorne.             cation procedure.”q
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