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P. 4


U.S. NEWSMonday 21 March 2016

Trump’s immigration stance resonates at tense rallies 

RYAN VANVELZER                 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks dur-                            moved one or more, he         ple like Donald Trump.”
JACQUES BILLEAUD               ing a campaign rally Saturday, March 19, 2016, in Fountain Hills,                     said: “We want to do it with  Late Saturday he held his
Associated Press               Ariz.                                                                                 love,” then added bitingly,   fourth Arizona rally in the
TUCSON, Arizona (AP) —                                                                                               “Get ‘em outta here.”         past five days, this time
Donald Trump’s campaign                                                                            Associated Press  In Tucson, one protester      just outside of downtown
in Arizona is centered on                                                                                            carried a sign with an im-    Phoenix. Sanders is hoping
his hard line against illegal  delegates needed to se-         3 million residents. Mitt Rom-                        age of a Confederate flag     for a win in Tuesday’s Ari-
immigration, a stand that      cure the nomination at the      ney, the 2012 Republican                              over an image of Trump;       zona primary to propel him
supporters embraced in a       party’s national conven-        presidential nominee and                              another wore a Ku Klux        through the next month
series of tense rallies ahead  tion in July. They are hoping   the Mormon faith’s most                               Klan-style white sheet.. A    when several states more
of Tuesday’s presidential      for a contested convention      visible member, said he                               man in the crowd attacked     favorable for him are due
primary in the border state.   in which delegates would        intends to vote for Cruz in                           the protester with the Con-   to vote.Sanders is looking
“Illegal immigration is gon-   be free to turn from Trump      the caucuses, but stopped                             federate sign, kicking and    to rebound from his defeat
na stop,” Trump said Sat-      if he fails to win a major-     short of endorsing the Texas                          punching him before be-       last Tuesday in five state
urday night in Tucson. “It’s   ity on the first ballot. Trump  senator, an uncompromis-                              ing arrested. The protesters  contests to Hillary Clinton,
dangerous,” he said. “Ter-     has won 678 delegates in        ing conservative.                                     were led out by security.     which gave the former
rible.”                        contests held thus far, ac-     However, Utah’s delegates                             “It was a tough thing to      secretary of state a nearly
Both in Phoenix and Tuc-       cording to a count by The       will be distributed propor-                           watch,” Trump said Sunday     insurmountable lead of
son, Trump was introduced      Associated Press. Cruz is       tionally based on the per-                            on ABC’s “This Week,” add-    more than 300 pledged
by former Arizona Gov. Jan     in second place with 423        centage of votes — unless                             ing, “But why would a pro-    delegates.
Brewer, who pushed tough       delegates, and Kasich is in     a candidate gets more                                 tester walk into a room with  Clinton planned rallies in
immigration laws in office,    third with 143.                 than 50 percent, which                                a Ku Klux Klan outfit on?”    Arizona on Monday.
and Joe Arpaio, the Mari-      His rivals hope to offset a     would give that person all                            Trump made clear, though,     Earlier Saturday, tempers
copa County sheriff who        likely Trump win in Arizona     40 delegates.                                         “We don’t condone vio-        flared at Trump’s large
made his name by chas-         on Tuesday with a strong        In Arizona, Trump treated                             lence.”                       gathering in Phoenix, but
ing down people who are        showing in the Utah cau-        the latest protests with a                            The chairman of the Re-       without the violence that
in the country illegally. The  cuses. Limited polling shows    mix of pacifist rhetoric and                          publican National Com-        marred his event in Chica-
county includes Phoenix        Cruz leading in the state       a mocking tone. “We love                              mittee, Reince Priebus, told  go a week before that end-
and nearly two-thirds of       where Mormons account           our protesters, don’t we?”                            ABC television that “as far   ed up being cancelled.
Arizona’s population.          for two-thirds of the state’s   he asked. As security re-                             as everyone getting in-       For hours, about two doz-
Protesters showed up at ev-                                                                                          volved in the crowds, leave   en protesters parked their
ery event. In Phoenix, they                                                                                          it to the professionals” in   cars in the middle of the
blocked the main road into                                                                                           law enforcement.              main road to the event,
his outdoor rally for several                                                                                        As the rally attendees later  unfurling banners reading
hours before it started. In                                                                                          streamed out of the hall,     “Dump Trump” and “Must
Tucson, they interrupted                                                                                             protesters hurled two water   Stop Trump,” and chanting
him and some were tossed                                                                                             bottles at them and called    “Trump is hate.” Traffic was
from the event.                                                                                                      them racists.                 backed up for miles, with
Police said Sunday that                                                                                              Arizona Democrats also        drivers honking in fury.
about half a dozen people                                                                                            vote on Tuesday, and          The road was eventually
were arrested at the Ari-                                                                                            contender Bernie Sanders      cleared and protesters
zona rallies, including two                                                                                          campaigned Saturday at        marched down the high-
on misdemeanor charges                                                                                               the U.S.-Mexico border in     way to the rally site, weav-
of assault. It was not clear                                                                                         Nogales.                      ing between Trump sup-
how many were protesters                                                                                             Standing in front of a tall,  porters who booed and
or Trump supporters.                                                                                                 steel fence that divides the  jeered them.
Trump was campaigning                                                                                                two countries, the Vermont    Trump supporter Geroy
in Arizona ahead of Tues-                                                                                            senator promised to keep      Morgan, 62, made it to the
day’s primary in which the                                                                                           immigrant families together   rally but was furious at the
winner will take all 58 del-                                                                                         by taking more steps than     demonstrators, some of
egates at stake.                                                                                                     President Barack Obama        whom still stood around af-
Trump’s main rivals, Texas                                                                                           has done to protect many      ter the event ended.
Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio                                                                                               from deportation. Sanders     “We come here, the silent
Gov. John Kasich, are des-                                                                                           called Arpaio a bully and     majority, to express our
perately trying to prevent                                                                                           he bemoaned the “divi-        opinions,” Morgan said.
the real estate mogul from                                                                                           sive, bigoted and xeno-       “They don’t have any per-
accumulating the 1,237                                                                                               phobic comments of peo-       mits or rights.”q
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