Page 8 - ATODAY
P. 8

                                                                                                                  Monday 21 March 2016

Russia: Black boxes from plane

crash site are badly damaged

VLADIMIR KONDRASHOV             dead. The city is 950 kilo-    border.                          Russian Investigative Committee employees, center, and police
Associated Press                meters (600 miles) south of    Self-proclaimed rebel au-        officers investigate the wreckage of a crashed plane at the
ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russia           Moscow near the Ukrainian      thorities in Donetsk said Sun-   Rostov-on-Don airport, about 950 kilometers (600 miles) south
(AP) — Aviation experts on      border.                        day that two residents had       of Moscow, Russia, Sunday, March 20, 2016. Associated Press
Sunday began examining          Closed-circuit TV footage      been killed in the crash,
the black boxes from the        showed the plane going         while the Komsomolskaya
FlyDubai flight that crashed    down at a steep angle and      Pravda daily reported that
amid high winds at an air-      exploding. The powerful        a family of three from the
port in southern Russia, kill-  explosion left a big crater    rebel-controlled town of
ing all 62 aboard.              in the runway.                 Sverdlovsk in Ukraine was
FlyDubai’s Boeing 737-800       The airport remained           among the victims.
from Dubai nosedived and        closed, but workers on
exploded in a giant fireball    Sunday afternoon were re-      Iran says U.S. continues animosity despite nuclear deal
before dawn Saturday af-        pairing the damage to the
ter trying to land for a sec-   runway, and plans are to       In this picture released by an   of Mashhad. He said of the      ing problems. The return of
ond time in strong winds in     reopen on Monday morn-         official website of the office   U.S., “From one hand they       Iran’s capital from abroad
the Russian city of Rostov-     ing, the airport said in a     of the Iranian supreme leader    send a New Year message         has faced problems. When
on-Don. FlyDubai con-           statement.                     on Sunday, March 20, 2016,       and on the other hand they      we investigated, it was
firmed all 62 people on the     FlyDubai’s chief execu-        Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali     have kept economic sanc-        found out that they fear
plane were killed. Most of      tive, Ghaith al-Ghaith, said   Khamenei delivers a message      tions,” against Iran. “This is  from the U.S.”
the passengers were Rus-        on Sunday the plane had        for the Iranian New Year, Iran.  enmity.”                        He also said there is no
sian.                           enough fuel to maintain        Associated Press                 Khamenei has final say on       guarantee that the next
Several planes had trouble      its holding pattern, which                                      all state matters in Iran. He   U.S. administration will
landing at the airport at       reportedly went on for two     TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s       said many international         honor all the commitments
the time of the crash.          hours. He expressed con-       Supreme Leader said Sun-         companies continue to           made by Obama’s admin-
The Inter-State Aviation        fidence in Russian authori-    day that Washington has          avoid working with Iran out     istration.
Committee said in a state-      ties and said the carrier      continued its animosity          fear of the U.S.                Khamenei dismissed the
ment that the plane’s data      intends to resume flights to   toward Tehran, despite a         Obama on Saturday, in           recent controversy over
and voice recorders had         the airport once it reopens.   friendly message by Presi-       his annual video message        Iran’s continued testing of
been heavily damaged in         He reiterated that the         dent Barack Obama mark-          marking the Persian New         ballistic missiles. Earlier this
the crash.                      Rostov-on-Don airport was      ing Persian New Year.            Year, said a landmark nu-       month, the country’s Revo-
But Sergei Zaiko, deputy        open Saturday despite the      State TV broadcast Aya-          clear deal Iran reached         lutionary Guard test-fired
chairman of the commit-         high winds and was “good       tollah Ali Khamenei’s New        with world powers last year     two missiles emblazoned
tee, was quoted by Russian      enough to operate” at the      Year’s speech on Sunday          makes it possible for Iran to   with the phrase “Israel must
news agencies late Sunday       time of the crash, and that    live from the northern city      rejoin the global economy,      be wiped out” in Hebrew.
as saying that the quality of   it was up to Russian authori-                                   increase trade and invest-      After the launches, United
material on the data re-        ties to make that determi-                                      ment, and create jobs and       Nations Secretary-General
corder was high.                nation.                                                         opportunities for Iranians to   Ban Ki-moon called on Iran
The black boxes were be-        Some of the crash vic-                                          sell their goods around the     to “act with moderation,”
ing viewed in Moscow by         tims were from rebel-held                                       world.                          and the U.S. ambassador to
experts from Russia, the        areas in eastern Ukraine                                        “The United States is severe-   the United Nations called
United Arab Emirates and        where fighting between                                          ly working not to allow the     them, “provocative and
France, the aviation com-       Russian-backed separatists                                      deal’s results to become        destabilizing.” U.S. Secre-
mission said. The American-     and Ukrainian government                                        beneficial for the Islamic      tary of State John Kerry has
made Boeing plane had           troops has killed more than                                     Republic,” said Khamenei.       said the recent tests could
French-made engines.            9,100 people in nearly two                                      He said despite the deal        trigger additional sanc-
At Rostov-on-Don, hun-          years. The war has turned                                       “They have threatened us        tions.
dreds of people flocked         the region’s main airport of                                    through other sanctions.”       “What an outcry they raised
Sunday to the airport, the      Donetsk into a wasteland,                                       He said the U.S. has not ful-   over our missile issue saying,
region’s largest, to lay        and many locals have                                            filled all of its commitments   why did you test fire? Why
flowers and leave candles       been using the airport in                                       under the deal. “Banking        did you launch the military
and toys in memory of the       Rostov-on-Don, across the                                       transactions are still fac-     exercise,” Khamenei said.
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