Page 6 - ATODAY
P. 6
U.S. NEWSMonday 21 March 2016
Tiny Vermont brings food industry to its knees on GMO labels
LISA RATHKE In this Dec. 15, 2007 file photo, a box of General Mills’ Cheerios is seen on a shelf at a Shaw’s dent Vermont retailers are
Associated Press Supermarket in Gloucester, Mass. Associated Press worried how it could af-
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — fect their bottom line. “As
General Mills’ announce- of how Vermont’s looming labeling on products that based in Philadelphia, is a retailer, there’s all sorts of
ment on Friday that it will labeling mandate is a seri- contain genetically modi- considering pulling its prod- ways that this could back-
start labeling products that ous problem for business- fied ingredients, saying ucts from Vermont if the fire on us as a state, and a
contain genetically modi- es,” the association said in it’s not practical to do so law takes effect, said Daryl small independent guy like
fied ingredients to comply a statement. “Food com- for just one state. Camp- Thomas, senior vice presi- myself if I’ve got nothing
with a Vermont law shows panies are being forced bell Soup Co. is also print- dent for sales and market- on my shelves or I’ve got
food companies might be to make decisions on how ing new national labels in ing. “Just the logistics, the limited (supply) and my
throwing in the towel, even to comply and having to preparation for Vermont’s expense are horrendous,” competitors have no prob-
as they hold out hope Con- spend millions of dollars. law, although it opposes he said. “You’d have to lem with the staying pow-
gress will find a national so- One small state’s law is state-by-state labeling re- duplicate that if any state er, we’re done,” said Ray
lution. setting labeling standards quirements. “This shows went along with its own Bouffard, owner of Geor-
Tiny Vermont is the first state for consumers across the that the United States has regulations and then mul- gia Market in Georgia, Ver-
to require such labeling, ef- country.” Nestle supports the capacity to join the tiple it again, again, and mont. The Food and Drug
fective July 1. Its fellow New the mandatory informed 64 other countries that al- again times however many Administration says GMOs,
England states of Maine disclosure of the presence ready requireGMO label- other states chose to have which can include food
and Connecticut have of GMO ingredients in food ing,” Vermont Gov. Peter their own requirements,” he made from seeds that
passed laws that require and beverages and be- Shumlin said Friday. “I urge said. In addition, he said, were engineered in labo-
such labeling if other near- lieves it’s best done by a other companies to follow ensuring the differently la- ratories to have certain
by states put one into ef- uniform national approach, the lead of General Mills beled products are sorted traits, are safe, but label-
fect. The U.S. Senate voted but will abide by state laws and extend this right to and distributed correctly ing advocates say not
48-49 Wednesday against if they come into effect, their customers nationwide would be difficult and enough research has been
a bill that would have according to spokeswom- as well.” Other companies costly, he said. The food done and they have a
blocked such state laws. an Edie Burge. Food giant are weighing their options. industry argues those costs right to know what’s in their
The food industry is holding General Mills Inc. said Fri- Herr Foods Inc., a mid- will be passed to the con- food. They also say the use
out hope that Congress will day it will start nationwide size snack food company sumer, and some indepen- of GMOs has led to big in-
prevent states from requir- creases in herbicide use.
ing such labeling. Some A 2014 Associated Press-
companies say they plan GfK poll found that 66 per-
to follow Vermont’s law, cent of Americans support-
while others are consider- ed labeling of genetically
ing pulling their products modified food. Leaders of
from the small state. The the U.S. Senate Agriculture,
Grocery Manufacturers As- Nutrition and Forestry Com-
sociation has called for a mittee said they are com-
national solution instead of mitted to finding a com-
what it says is a patchwork promise. U.S. Sen. Pat Rob-
of confusing and costly erts, R-Kansas, chairman
state labeling laws. It has of committee, has already
also challenged Vermont’s put forth a compromise
law in federal court, asking that “will ensure consumer
that the law be blocked access to biotech informa-
until the case is resolved. tion and affordable food
That request was denied while protecting farm-
and is on appeal. ers and manufacturers,”
General Mills’ “announce- spokeswoman Sarah Little
ment is the latest example said Friday.