Page 5 - ATODAY
P. 5

                                                                                                                                  Monday 21 March 2016

Judge dismisses bulk
of criminal charges
against FedEx Corp. 

SUDHIN THANAWALA                  — which the government          In this Jan. 5, 2016 file photo, a FedEx truck drives in front of the
Associated Press                  could have used to check
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A            its work in drafting the toll-  San Francisco skyline.   Associated Press
federal judge dismissed the       ing agreement that un-
bulk of criminal charges          derpins this novel prosecu-     Prosecutors have accused its job of enforcing the law,
against FedEx Corp. in a          tion,” Breyer said. “But the
case alleging it knowingly        government did not check        FedEx of conspiring with and we will demonstrate
shipped illegal prescription      its work.”
drugs.                            Prosecutors have also           online pharmacies to ship this at trial.” It’s not uncom-
Senior U.S. District Court        charged a second FedEx
Judge Charles Breyer said         subsidiary, and that case       powerful sleep aids, seda- mon in a major prosecu-
Friday the government             appears to be unaffected
named the wrong defen-            by Breyer’s decision. Addi-     tives, painkillers and other tion with multiple counts
dant in an agreement that         tionally, FedEx Corp. and
gave it more time to file         FedEx Corporate Services,       drugs to customers it knew to lose some of them, and
charges. As a result, the         Inc. still face charges of
charges were filed past the       money laundering and            lacked valid prescriptions. the conspiracy count still
statute of limitations.           a count of conspiring to
Breyer denied the govern-         distribute controlled sub-      FedEx spokeswoman Me- allows the government to
ment’s request to substi-         stances.
tute the correct defendant        An email to prosecutors         lissa Charbonneau said in prove bad conduct by Fe-
and tossed out more than          on Saturday was not im-
a dozen of the 18 counts          mediately returned. They        a statement on Saturday dEx Corp., said Rory Little, a
against parent company            argued that FedEx had a
FedEx Corp. and subsid-           duty to correct the mistake,    that none of its entities is former federal prosecutor
iary, FedEx Corporate Ser-        and suggested its attorneys
vices, Inc.                       engaged in gamesman-            guilty of “anything more who now teaches at the
“FedEx’s corporate struc-         ship by only revealing the
ture is clearly described         error after the statute of      than attempting to assist University of California Hast-
on numerous public web-           limitations lapsed, accord-
sites — including         ing to Breyer’s ruling.         the government in doing ings College of the Law.

Skyslide airlifted to downtown
Los Angeles skyscraper

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The            put an open-air observa-
latest Los Angeles thrill ride    tion deck and bar on the
has arrived — a glass slide       tower’s top floors. The slide
that will jut from a skyscrap-    ends at the observation
er 1,000 feet above the           deck.
ground.                           On a clear day, the tower
A helicopter on Saturday          provides panoramic views
brought the Skyslide to the       that extend to Catalina Is-
69th floor of the downtown        land 22 miles off the Pacific
U.S. Bank Tower. At 72 sto-       Coast and over the Santa
ries, it is the tallest building  Monica Mountains to the
west of the Mississippi.          city’s sprawling San Fer-
When it opens on June 25,         nando Valley.
the transparent, 45-foot-         The slide will cost $8 and
long slide will carry visi-       admission to the observa-
tors from floors 70 to 69 as      tion deck will be $25. Tick-
they peer down through 1          ets are being sold online.
¼-inch-thick glass.               The attraction arrives in the
“The Skyslide boasts a safe,      midst of efforts reinvigorate
thrilling experience unlike       downtown. Recent years
any other in the world,”          have seen newly fashion-
said a statement from             able apartments, a spruce-
Lucy Rumantir, head of            up park, new upscale ho-
U.S. operations for building      tels, The Broad museum,
owner OUE Limited of Sin-         the LA Live entertainment
gapore. “Guests of all ages       district and trendy bars and
will have the opportunity         restaurants.
to transform their view of        Skyslide also continues a
Los Angeles as they glide         trend of creating attrac-
down, gazing at unparal-          tions designed for people
leled views of the city.”         who seem eager to laugh
Skyslide is part of a $50 mil-    in the face of acrophobia.
lion renovation that will also
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