P. 2

                   Thursday 5 april 2018
             AP source: Mueller says Trump not criminal target currently

            By CHAD DAY                                                                                                         conversations between our
            Associated Press                                                                                                    legal team and the Office
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Spe-                                                                                              of  Special  Counsel."  White
            cial  counsel  Robert  Muel-                                                                                        House lawyer Ty Cobb de-
            ler's  team  of  prosecutors                                                                                        clined to comment.
            has    informed   President                                                                                         The  Justice  Department
            Donald  Trump's  attorneys                                                                                          typically  treats  people  in-
            that  the  president  is  not                                                                                       volved  in  investigations  as
            currently   considered   a                                                                                          witnesses,  subjects  or  tar-
            criminal target in the Russia                                                                                       gets.  Mueller's  determina-
            investigation, according to                                                                                         tion that Trump is a subject
            a  person  familiar  with  the                                                                                      suggests  he's  more  pivotal
            conversation.                                                                                                       to the investigation than a
            The  person,  who  was  not                                                                                         mere  witness,  a  designa-
            authorized  to  speak  pub-                                                                                         tion  for  someone  who  has
            licly  about  private  conver-                                                                                      observed events of interest
            sations and spoke on con-                                                                                           to agents and prosecutors.
            dition  of  anonymity,  told                                                                                        "The  government  will  say
            The  Associated  Press  on                                                                                          you're a subject trending to
            Wednesday that the presi-                                                                                           witness or you're a subject
            dent is considered a subject                                                                                        trending  toward  target,"
            of Mueller's probe — not a                                                                                          said  Sharon  McCarthy,  a
            target. A subject is typically                                                                                      former  federal  prosecutor
            someone  whose  conduct                                                                                             in Manhattan.
            is  of  interest  to  investiga-  President Donald Trump speaks at a news conference with leaders of Baltic states in the East Room   Although  targets  tend  to
                                         of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, April 3, 2018.
            tors but prosecutors are not                                                                       Associated Press   be  people  the  govern-
            certain  they've  gathered                                                                                          ment is gathering evidence
                                                                                                   enough  evidence  to  bring  against  with  the  goal  of
                                                                                                   charges.                     prosecuting, subjects have
                                                                                                   The   designation    could  a  much  looser,  broader
                                                                                                   change    at   any   time,  definition.
                                                                                                   though.  The  development  “A subject means we’re still
                                                                                                   was  first  reported  Tuesday  looking at you,” McCarthy
                                                                                                   by The Washington Post.      said. “You’re a person of in-
                                                                                                   Trump's  designation  as  a  terest in this investigation.”
                                                                                                   subject  came  up  as  pros-  Still, the import of the desig-
                                                                                                   ecutors and the president's  nation  wasn’t  immediately
                                                                                                   legal  team  negotiate  the  clear.
                                                                                                   terms  of  an  interview  with  It is not known, for instance,
                                                                                                   him.                         if  Mueller’s  office  has  con-
                                                                                                   The  president  has  said  he  cluded  that,  at  the  mo-
                                                                                                   wants  to  speak  with  Muel-  ment,  there  is  insufficient
                                                                                                   ler's  team,  but  his  lawyers  evidence   to   consider
                                                                                                   have  not  publicly  commit-  Trump  a  target.  It  is  also
                                                                                                   ted  to  allowing  him  to  be  possible  that  prosecutors
                                                                                                   questioned.                  agree  they  are  bound  by
                                                                                                   On    Wednesday,     White  a Justice Department legal
                                                                                                   House  press  secretary  Sar-  opinion that contends that
                                                                                                   ah  Huckabee  Sanders  de-   a  sitting  president  cannot
                                                                                                   clined  to  say  whether  the  be indicted.
                                                                                                   president remains willing to  A grand jury is the way in-
                                                                                                   be questioned. In response  dictments  are  issued.  Yet
                                                                                                   to  a  question  about  the  the  White  House  witnesses
                                                                                                   president  being  a  subject,  with  the  most  direct  infor-
                                                                                                   not  a  target,  of  the  inves-  mation  about  Trump’s  ac-
                                                                                                   tigation,   Sanders   reiter-  tions  in  the  White  House
                                                                                                   ated  the  president's  claim  have spoken privately with
                                                                                                   that  his  campaign  didn't  Mueller’s  team  instead  of
                                                                                                   collude  with  Russia  during  being  summoned  before
                                                                                                   the 2016 presidential cam-   the  grand  jury,  a  possible
                                                                                                   paign.                       indication  that  their  state-
                                                                                                   "We know what we did and  ments  are  being  used  for
                                                                                                   what we didn't do, so none  the purposes of assembling
                                                                                                   of this comes as much of a  a report rather than pursu-
                                                                                                   surprise,"  Sanders  said.  She  ing criminal charges.
                                                                                                   referred further questions to  Mueller’s  team  has  sig-
                                                                                                   Trump's attorneys.           naled that they’re interest-
                                                                                                   Trump  attorney  Jay  Seku-  ed in discussing several key
                                                                                                   low declined to confirm or  episodes  in  the  early  parts
                                                                                                   discuss  the  conversations  of the Trump administration
                                                                                                   with Mueller, saying: "We do  as they probe possible ob-
                                                                                                   not  discuss  real  or  alleged  struction of justice.q
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