P. 5
U.S. NEWS Thursday 5 april 2018
MLK honored as thousands march to 'keep the dream going'
Associated Press
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — With
thoughts on the past and
eyes to the future, thou-
sands marched and sang
civil rights songs Wednes-
day to honor the Rev.
Martin Luther King Jr., the
"apostle of nonviolence"
silenced by an assassin 50
years ago.
At events ranging from a
jubilant concert to a sol-
emn wreath-laying, ad-
mirers across the country
took time to both reflect on
King's legacy and discuss
how his example can apply
to racial and economic di-
vides still plaguing society.
Among the largest gather- People hold signs resembling the signs carried by striking sanitation workers in 1968 as they join in events commemorating the 50th
ings was a march through anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, in Memphis, Tenn.
the Mississippi River city
where the civil rights leader
was shot dead on a motel erything happened the ty, racism and war. "There's on in 1998. event brought a symbol of
balcony in 1968. Memphis way that it happened be- something wrong in our na- Marking the anniversary transformation: The daugh-
police estimated a crowd cause I can't imagine the tion where a minimum of 48 of the assassination, Presi- ter of King's one-time nem-
of about 10,000. world that we live in without million people are living in dent Donald Trump issued esis, segregationist Gov.
The Rev. James Lawson, the contributions of Martin poverty. That's unaccept- a proclamation in honor of George C. Wallace, paid
who invited King to Mem- Luther King Jr. and Coretta able. We must do better. the slain leader, saying: "In tribute to the slain civil rights
phis 50 years ago to assist Scott King and the sacrifice America should be embar- remembrance of his pro- leader.
with a strike by underpaid that they made," she said. rassed about having peo- found and inspirational vir- Shirley Mason was a young
sanitation workers, helped Before the Memphis march, ple living in poverty." tues, we look to do as Dr. woman living in Detroit
lead the march and said the rapper Common and In the evening, ringing bells King did while this world when King was killed. Now
more progress is needed to- pop singer Sheila E had the marked the moment King was privileged enough to 70, she said she came to
ward King's goal of equality crowd dancing and bob- was gunned down at age still have him." Memphis not only to honor
for all. bing their heads. Then, as 39. Members of King's fam- The president has been the King's legacy but to call for
"I'm still anxious and frustrat- the march began, people ily pulled a rope together target of veiled criticism his work to be continued.
ed," said Lawson, his black locked arms or held signs to ring a bell 39 times at by some speakers at King "(King) went through the
hair turned gray. "The task is as they chanted and sang the pool surrounding the commemorations in recent struggle and gave up his
unfinished." songs such as "We Shall Atlanta crypt of King and days as they complained life," she said. "Why not get
Speaking in King's home- Overcome." his wife. The family then of fraught race relations out ourselves and do some
town of Atlanta, the Rev. "We know what he worked laid a wreath of multicol- and other divisions since he sacrificing?"q
Bernice King recalled her hard for, we know what he ored flowers in front of the was elected.
father as a great orator died for, so we just want crypt. The crowd gathered Observances marking
whose message of peace- to keep the dream going," outside Memphis' old Lor- King's death were planned
ful protest was still vital de- said Dixie Spencer, who raine Motel fell silent as the coast-to-coast. In New
cades later. came to the march from bell began to ring there. York, the Dance Theatre
"We decided to start this nearby Hardeman Coun- A red and white wreath of Harlem planned an
day remembering the ty, where she's an NAACP was placed on the balco- evening performance in
apostle of nonviolence," leader. "We just want to ny where King had been his honor. Another march
she said during a ceremo- make sure that we don't standing when he was shot. was scheduled in Yakima,
ny to award a prize named lose the gains that we have Small-time criminal James Washington.
for her father. made." Earl Ray pleaded guilty to In Montgomery, Alabama,
As painful as losing her Martin Luther King III ad- the killing and quickly re- where King first gained
father was, she said she dressed marchers at the canted, claiming he was notice leading a boycott
wouldn't change history. end of their route, focusing set up. The conviction against segregated city
"Actually, I'm glad that ev- on the triple evils of pover- stood, and Ray died in pris- buses, a commemorative