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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 5 april 2018

            Trump signs order sending National Guard to U.S.-Mexico border

            By JILL COLVIN               complishment  to  point  to  were  largely  supportive  of
             Associated Press            when he had few.             the move. The office of Cal-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  As-     Federal  law  prohibits  the  ifornia Gov. Jerry Brown, a
            serting  the  situation  had  use  of  active-duty  service  Democrat who has sparred
            reached  "a  point  of  crisis,"  members  for  law  enforce-  with  Trump  on  immigration
            President Donald Trump on  ment inside the U.S., unless  issues,  said  any  federal  re-
            Wednesday signed a proc-     specifically  authorized  by  quest  would  be  promptly
            lamation  ordering  the  de-  Congress. But over the past  reviewed   to   determine
            ployment  of  the  National  12  years,  presidents  have  how  the  state  could  best
            Guard  to  the  U.S.-Mexico  twice  sent  National  Guard  offer its assistance.
            border to fight illegal immi-  troops to the border to bol-  But  in  Mexico,  senators
            gration.                     ster security and assist with  urged  President  Enrique
            "The  lawlessness  that  con-  surveillance and other sup-  Pena  Nieto  to  temporar-
            tinues  at  our  southern  bor-  port.                    ily  suspend  cooperation
            der  is  fundamentally  in-  Nielsen said the effort would  with  the  U.S.  on  immigra-  Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen speaks during
            compatible with the safety,  be  similar  to  a  2006  op-  tion  and  security  issues.  In   the daily press briefing at the White House, Wednesday, April 4,
            security,  and  sovereignty  eration  in  which  President  a  nonbinding  statement   2018, in Washington.
            of  the  American  people,"  George W. Bush deployed  approved          unanimously                                             Associated Press
            Trump wrote in a memo au-    troops to help U.S. Customs  Wednesday,  the  senators
            thorizing the move, adding  and Border Protection per-    asked  Mexico's  govern-     serve."                      "We're  going  to  be  doing
            that his administration had  sonnel  with  non-law  en-   ment  to  freeze  joint  efforts   Trump  first  revealed  Tues-  things militarily. Until we can
            "no choice but to act.       forcement duties while ad-   "in the fight against transna-  day that he'd been discuss-  have a wall and proper se-
            "The announcement came  ditional border agents were  tional organized crime" un-       ing  the  idea  of  using  the  curity,  we're  going  to  be
            hours after Trump pledged  hired and trained. President  til Trump starts acting "with   military  at  the  border  with  guarding  our  border  with
            "strong  action  today"  on  Barack  Obama  also  sent  the civility and respect that   Defense Secretary Jim Mat-  the military," Trump said.
            immigration and a day af-    about  1,200  troops  in  2010  the  people  of  Mexico  de-  tis.                     q
            ter he said he announced  to  beef  up  efforts  against
            he wanted to use the mili-   drug smuggling and illegal
            tary to secure the southern  immigration.
            border  until  his  long-prom-  Nielsen  said  her  depart-
            ised,  stalled  border  wall  is  ment had developed a list
            erected.                     of locations where it would
            Homeland  Security  Secre-   like  assistance  on  things
            tary Kirstjen Nielsen said she  like  aerial  surveillance  and
            had been in discussions with  other support, and was dis-
            the governors of the south-  cussing  with  the  governors
            west border states and has  how to facilitate the plans.
            been working with them to  She  declined  to  say  how
            develop  agreements  that  many  personnel  would  be
            will  oversee  where  and  needed  or  how  much  the
            how many Guardsmen will  operation  would  cost,  but
            be deployed                  she  insisted,  "It  will  be  as
            She suggested some troops  many as is needed to fill the
            could  begin  arriving  as  gaps that we have today."
            soon  as  Wednesday  night,  One  congressional  aide
            though  other  administra-   said that lawmakers antici-
            tion officials cautioned that  pate 300 to 1,200 troops will
            details  on  troop  levels,  lo-  be deployed and that the
            cations and timing were still  cost was expected to be at
            being worked out.            least $60 million to $120 mil-
            Trump  has  been  frustrated  lion a year.
            by  slow  action  on  build-  The Pentagon would prob-
            ing  his  "big,  beautiful  wall"  ably  need  authorization
            along  the  Mexican  border  from Congress for any fund-
            —  the  signature  promise  ing beyond a few months,
            of his campaign — as well  said  the  aide,  who  wasn't
            as  a  recent  uptick  in  ille-  authorized to speak public-
            gal border crossings, which  ly  and  spoke  on  condition
            had  plunged  during  the  of anonymity.
            early  months  of  his  presi-  Governors  of  the  four  U.S.
            dency, giving Trump an ac-   states  bordering  Mexico
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