Page 467 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 467


                               Assessment of the Patient

                                Can the patient bear weight?

                                Can the patient follow commands?

                                Is the patient cooperative?
                                Consider the following before doing the transfer:

                                  o Patient’s medical precautions
                                  o Number of people needed for a safe transfer
                                  o Time needed for a safe transfer

                                  o Environmental barriers or opportunities (remove all
                                    clutter, and leave enough room for the two of you to
                                    move freely)



                                                       Setup is key!

                               Have the surfaces you’re transferring to and from as close as you
                               Have everything you’ll need before and during the transfer within
                                 arms reach.
                               Demonstrate to the patient what you would like for them to do before
                                 performing the transfer.
                               Give clear, concise, and short directions before and during the
                                 transfer for the patient.
                               Never let a patient hold on to your neck when transferring.
                               Have a client move towards his or her strong side of their body.
                                  • Occasionally, due to environmental constraints, this may not be
                                  • Use of a sliding board may be more appropriate.


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