Page 467 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 467
Assessment of the Patient
Can the patient bear weight?
Can the patient follow commands?
Is the patient cooperative?
Consider the following before doing the transfer:
o Patient’s medical precautions
o Number of people needed for a safe transfer
o Time needed for a safe transfer
o Environmental barriers or opportunities (remove all
clutter, and leave enough room for the two of you to
move freely)
Setup is key!
Have the surfaces you’re transferring to and from as close as you
Have everything you’ll need before and during the transfer within
arms reach.
Demonstrate to the patient what you would like for them to do before
performing the transfer.
Give clear, concise, and short directions before and during the
transfer for the patient.
Never let a patient hold on to your neck when transferring.
Have a client move towards his or her strong side of their body.
• Occasionally, due to environmental constraints, this may not be
• Use of a sliding board may be more appropriate.