Page 472 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 472


                             Transfer Type: Stand Pivot

                              Determine the strong side of the patient

                              Place wheelchair/commode/chair at a 45 angle to the bed

                               on the strong side of the patient

                              Place the surface at a lower height if applicable

                              Engage brakes on wheelchairs or commodes

                              Have the patient scoot to the edge of the bed

                              Lift with the patient engaging, DO NOT lift under the axilla


                             Transfer Type: Sliding Board

                               Position the wheelchair at a 45 degree angle next to the bed (or other surface).

                               Lock the wheelchair brakes and move the armrest out of the way on the side
                                you will be transferring to.
                               Move the person’s bottom to the front of the seat so the feet are firmly on the
                               Have the person shift their weight onto the opposite hip, and gently place the
                                sliding board under the person’s upper thigh/bottom.
                               Every effort should be made to lift the body so as not to drag skin across the
                                board surface, in order to avoid painful friction with the skin.
                               Any assistance required should be provided from in front of the person
                                performing the transfer.


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