Page 472 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 472
Transfer Type: Stand Pivot
Determine the strong side of the patient
Place wheelchair/commode/chair at a 45 angle to the bed
on the strong side of the patient
Place the surface at a lower height if applicable
Engage brakes on wheelchairs or commodes
Have the patient scoot to the edge of the bed
Lift with the patient engaging, DO NOT lift under the axilla
Transfer Type: Sliding Board
Position the wheelchair at a 45 degree angle next to the bed (or other surface).
Lock the wheelchair brakes and move the armrest out of the way on the side
you will be transferring to.
Move the person’s bottom to the front of the seat so the feet are firmly on the
Have the person shift their weight onto the opposite hip, and gently place the
sliding board under the person’s upper thigh/bottom.
Every effort should be made to lift the body so as not to drag skin across the
board surface, in order to avoid painful friction with the skin.
Any assistance required should be provided from in front of the person
performing the transfer.