Page 97 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 97
VNSNY Admission Criteria
The Agency has properly trained,
Patient resides in one of the 5
boroughs, Nassau, Suffolk, and adequately experienced staff available to
Westchester provide the types and/or level of care
Patient requires the skill of required by the patient.
professional services, e.g., nursing Patient/family has a reasonable plan in
and/or rehab therapy in accordance place to assure that essential needs of
with applicable payer guidelines. the patient can be met in an emergency
situation, or in absence of Agency
Patient is under the care of a physician personnel.
who is willing to develop, approve and
regularly review the medical treatment Patient/family agrees to be considerate of
plan. those providing care without prejudice or
The initial patient visit shall be made discrimination.
within 24 hours of receipt of receipt. The home/environment is safe for the
Agency personnel during the time that
Patient/family provides VNSNY Home they are providing needed services.
Care with patient’s health insurance
information. There is a reasonable expectation that the
Patient/family is notified that they must patient can be cared for at home
adequately and safely based upon the
pay the deductibles, co-pays and co- intake assessment.
insurance as required by patient’s
health insurance. Medicare patients must meet
HOMEBOUND criteria.
VNSNY Discharge Criteria
Patients should be discharged from home health services when:
Physician orders patient to be discharged
Patient discontinues/refuses service with physician or nurse
Patient is not compliant with the treatment plan, despite appropriate
provider interventions
Patient/family requests discharge
The treatment objectives and stated functional outcome goals have
been attained or are no longer attainable
The patient is no longer homebound
Other appropriate discharge protocols, e.g., the patient moves or is
transferring to another agency, etc.
Upon discharge, establish a maintenance program, if appropriate.