Page 76 - Rehab 2020
P. 76

At VNSNY Home Care, the PT or ST can perform the Start of Care (SOC) visit when there is no nurse
               ordered on the case. They perform all the responsibilities and processes associated with a case opening.
               This visit has a service code of PT00 or ST00. Note: An S.T. can only perform a SOC if there is no
               PT need.

               PT/ ST Start of Care (SOC)

               Responsibilities during SOC include:

                       * Assess if patient meets admission criteria

                       * Complete appropriate opening forms

                       * Complete SOC visit documentation (OASIS, Pathways, etc.)

                       * Obtain MD orders for additional services

                       * Screen for RN needs

                       * Call Order Processing System (OPS) for placement of HHA, if applicable.

               Criteria for Admission
               VNSNY Criteria for admission:

                       * Resides in VNSNY service area
                       * Patient safety

                       * Can the patient self-direct their care?

                       * Can the patient summon help?

                       * Can the patient be left alone safely?

                       * If not, must have caregiver sign Mutual Care Agreement

                       * Under the care of a MD willing to participate in POC
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