Page 151 - ESSAY WRITING - 4 September 2019
P. 151

Exercise 2  Reading about the topic

                    After reading, teachers often want to see what their students think or feel about

                    some  piece  of  writing.  The  following  article  discusses  what  to  consider  in
                    giving response to an article.

                                  Responding to an Article You Have Read

                     Reading  is  a  significant  activity  as  it  involves  a  series  of  intricate  cognitive
              processing in order to derive meanings from a text.  As a student, reading is a part of

              your  educational  journey.  In  some  classes,  your  teacher  might  even  assign  you  daily
              reading exercise. However, it is more likely that you are asked to perform a follow-up

              activity. You will be probably asked to respond to the text you have read. This activity
              aims to aid your effort in expanding your knowledge of the subject matter and to give
              you practice in evaluating ideas in the subject area in a critical manner. There are several
              points that you can consider in giving response or reaction to text article.

                     The first point you can evaluate is the textual aspect which deals with the merit of
              the work, for instance: the importance of its points, its accuracy, completeness, organization,
              and  so  on.  As  sources  of  high-quality  information,  the  articles  may  offer  a  considerable

              amount of benefits to a wide range of fields or to people from different backgrounds; thus,
              good readers should be able to identify them. If the text is accurate, the information it
              contains  is  correct.  Reading  accurate  texts  allow  people  to  avoid  being  misinformed
              whatever  the  purpose  they  have  when  reading  them.  Additionally,  a  well-organized

              article assists the readers to understand the article with ease.
                     The second point to consider is the relevance of the text to the current situation.
              You can reflect on whether the issue in the text is related to problems in our present-day

              world.  When  reading  an  article,  you  should  practice  to  become  a  critical  reader.  That
              being said, you can understand what is discussed in the article and you can also relate it
              to the current situation. It means that you should be able to see the appropriateness of
              the  article  with  real  life  issues  happening  right  now.  In  order  to  be  able  to  make

              connections  between  what  is  discussed  in  the  article  and  the  currently-happening
              situation, you should keep abreast of the news and be fully aware with the most recent
              facts.  Actively  reading  books  and  news  websites  will  help  you  keep  informed  of

              important events happening locally, nationally, and internationally.
                     The next point you should examine from an article is the relevance of the text to
              your subjectivity – how the material is related to your life, experiences, feelings and ideas.
              You can ask yourself these questions; what emotions did the work arouse in you? Did you

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