Page 154 - ESSAY WRITING - 4 September 2019
P. 154

          Brainstorming and Outlining

                          WRITING TASK

                    In this unit, you will write a five-paragraph reaction essay in response to the
                    article on page 148.

          Exercise 1  Brainstorming ideas

                    A.  Match the aspects with the correct responses.
                      A.  Relevance to the writer’s subjectivity

                      B.  Relevance to the present-day world
                     C.  Implications for the readers
                     D.  Textual Aspects

                     ____  I  think  that  the  author’s  idea  that  meaning  is  the  most  important  force  in
                            human beings helps explain some of the disorder and discontent in the world
                            today. Many people are unhappy because they are caught in jobs where they

                            have no responsibility and creativity; their work lacks meaning.

                     ____  It seems to me that the article helps me realize that what I have been thinking

                            about how to discipline younger children is wrong. I used to think that giving
                            punishment  is  the  only  way  to  correct  children’s  behavior;  however,  I  can
                            learn from the text that rewards should also be given to motivate children to
                            change how they behave.

                     ____  I feel that the ideas are not well organized in the article. In the first paragraph,
                            it seems that the supporting sentences do not elaborate the topic sentence,

                            meaning that the paragraph lacks coherence.

                     ____  I  agree  with  the  author  saying  that  ―music  can  bring  us  to  tears  or  to  our

                            feet.‖ Music has always been a big part of my life. When I am feeling blue, I
                            always listen to sad songs until I cry. Sometimes it motivates me to create a
                            song with meaningful lyrics that can reflect to what I feel.

              152  Reaction Essay
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